WDW Theme Park Dress Code for Guests


New Member
At times I laughed so hard at this post...couldn't help but to comment. (These are just my opinions)

1. I don't care what you wear on your feet. My feet are ugly (hubby tells me all the time LOL) and I will wear sandals if they are comfortable.

2. As long as your privates are covered I don't care how you dress. If everyone dressed properly who would I have to laugh at?

3. As for profanity I have a "mouth like a truck driver" but not around kids (yes they have heard me swear at times but understand that it isn't something they say). I have been at a line up in McDonalds where there were teens in front of me cussing. I let it go for a while then discretely and politely asked them if they could watch what they say as there are kids around. They apologized and I told them no problem.

I don't mind the odd slip of a word but there are limits and while some people they have the freedom of speech to cuss I have the right to ask them not to.


Active Member
masterv said:
LOL I'm a pretty big guy and I would like to see someone try and "knock me on my back." And just to let you know, when I told them to mind their own business they turned and walked away. I'm not a bully but I don't take anything from people either.

Again, my point was simply it's not MY job to watch your kids. I don't really care if I'm out in public. You have the choice to walk away if you don't like my topic of conversation. I shouldn't feel obligated to walk on glass around stuck up people who feel the need to police any behaviour they deem inappropriate. If I say the word "a$$" out in public and you don't agree you have the right to tell me I shouldn't say that word. But I also have the right to tell you to beat it! I live in a country where freedom of speech is a right!

I agree , you do sound like a bully. Isn't that just a superb attitude for a teacher!
I also do not take any crap from others but I DO HAVE RESPECT FOR OTHERS!
It may not be your job to watch my kids but, it is your job to watch your mouth in front of my kids and as for me turning and walking away. I would too , after I put my foot in your a$$!


Active Member
Nemmy said:
I have a couple funny stories. In school, I cut myself open on the teacher's chair, and I muttered the f-word. This kid, Jacob, says, "What did you say?" And I said, "Nothing." He says, "Oh."

I believe that I should be able to curse in public. There's freedom of speech, and I don't curse that much, anyway. Sure, you might read my WDW TR and think otherwise, but I was just having fun. I only really curse when I hurt myself. Let me go through the procedure: "Ow, $hit, son of a b*tch!" If some guy comes up to me and tells me not to say "damn" in front of his 12 year old (it's happened, before), I might get just a LITTLE vulgar. "Shut the f*ck up. Your f*cking kid is 12, and he has every f*cking right to hear cuss words. In my school, kids were saying f*ck when I was 8, and in 2nd grade. Just go f*ck off and mind your own f*cking business. If your kid can't listen to the word damn, then he shouldn't be in public. He's gonna hear it a LOT more, f@ggot." Okay, more than a LITTLE vulgar, but that's the only time.

Kids should be able to hear words like damn, crap, and @ss when they reach the age of 9 or 10. They aren't babies anymore, and know how to control themselves with words. It's completely understandable to say a bad word after you get hurt. In fact, my teacher let us use all curse words, as long as we didn't insult anybody. So, we could add the f-word to an answer to spice it up a bit.

There's no reason at all why a 12 year old shouldn't hear the word damn...
Is there something very seriously wrong with you?


New Member
phlydude said:
I hate it when people stick their feet on the dash or out the window of their jeep.

I love to stick my feet out of the car window....I dont know why...I guess it makes me feel free....:lol: .If you see a cute black girl with pretty light pink toes dangling out the window...make sure you say hi.


New Member
GaryT977 said:
I just wish they'd ban sandals. Who wants to see peoples nasty, stinky feet?
wow dude that is the only shoes i wear ur not stoping me from wereing my favorite stuff , flip flops i can't stand though

Tim G

Well-Known Member
I love to stick my feet out of the car window....I dont know why...I guess it makes me feel free....:lol: .If you see a cute black girl with pretty light pink toes dangling out the window...make sure you say hi.
Uhmm... there something about your name... it sounds smelly... :D


New Member
mousebymarriage said:
Is there something very seriously wrong with you?

lol, I don't really like how he said it... but I agree that curse words shouldn't be as big of a deal as they are. They are only words, and most of the aren't really much worse than other more acceptable words. Same thing with the human body, why is nudity such an evil(well, not evil but you know what I mean) thing in our culture? Everyone has one set of.. stuff.. or the other. It seems stupid to me.


Well-Known Member
sam_elphick said:
No Clothing at disney world (which i think is a good idea.):kiss:

aaargh!mosta my wardrobe has that on it!!!lol!

neway I personally don't understand the problem with swearing I hate when it is overused and for the sake of it but I mean if it slips out it slips out!I'm 17 and when I was in primary skool me and my friends thought it was the cool thing to swear but we eventually grew outa that but I mean if the odd word slips out then so be it.

And who made bad words bad?I mean its only a word!

and also I'm completely not understandin how damn is rated as a swear word?I mean why?? it's jus summit u say wen summit goes wrong!!!!lighten up guys!!!


New Member
Wishmaster said:
lol, I don't really like how he said it... but I agree that curse words shouldn't be as big of a deal as they are. They are only words, and most of the aren't really much worse than other more acceptable words. Same thing with the human body, why is nudity such an evil(well, not evil but you know what I mean) thing in our culture? Everyone has one set of.. stuff.. or the other. It seems stupid to me.

I can see your point, but all I have to say (and this goes for everyone), if you don't like Disney's rules...just don't go!!!!!


New Member
TO: those of you who insist on being distasteful

I have 2 children. They have every right to go to a family establishment (which WDW is BTW) and not expect to hear vulger language. I wouldn't expect to hear it at Chuck-e-Cheese or the McDonald's play area either.

That is great that prison talk is the only way some of you know how to comunicate. There are more words out there that can get your point across with out making you look as trashy as cussing does. READ A BOOK! Start with DR. Suess or something that isn't over your head.

If you wear shirts that have explicatives to a family oriented place such as WDW then you need to go back to your trailer and find something else to wear. If you cannot afford anything else then you shouldn't be spending money on WDW.

Do you need attention that badly? Does going to a place filled with families and children and acting like an imbacile make you feel like a big person exercising freedom of speech? You need to read some history books (way down the road when you have mastered DR. Suess) and then you may know what "freedom of speech" means.

If freedom to speak your mind is that important to you and the only thing that flies out of your head is a nasty word then you need to get checked for tourettes syndrome.

It is very obvious Mom and Dad didn't do a good job instilling values and common decency.


New Member
jojowentbyby said:
If you wear shirts that have explicatives to a family oriented place such as WDW then you need to go back to your trailer and find something else to wear.
FYI: THE French Connection UK shirts are a British Brand, and we don't have trailer trash here. You'd need to say "go back to your council house" (disclaimer, not all residents of these houses are trash).

Genuine shirts of the nature are very expensive, so they will either be stolen or market stall copies. If they are genuine then they can definitely afford something less offensive.

As for offensive language: Whilst the logic of it is quite amusing - people won't say the Eff word but they will say "Kill", "stab", "maim","murder" and other far worse activities, I do agree that there is a time and a place for everything. Use cuss words as a safety valve to vent in appropriate company. But if you are unable to communicate everyday trivialities without swearing then you have no verbal safety valve left, which just leaves physical violence. Maybe this is why society is getting more violent?


New Member
jojowentbyby said:
TO: those of you who insist on being distasteful

I have 2 children. They have every right to go to a family establishment (which WDW is BTW) and not expect to hear vulger language. I wouldn't expect to hear it at Chuck-e-Cheese or the McDonald's play area either.

That is great that prison talk is the only way some of you know how to comunicate. There are more words out there that can get your point across with out making you look as trashy as cussing does. READ A BOOK! Start with DR. Suess or something that isn't over your head.

Do you need attention that badly? Does going to a place filled with families and children and acting like an imbacile make you feel like a big person exercising freedom of speech? You need to read some history books (way down the road when you have mastered DR. Suess) and then you may know what "freedom of speech" means.

If freedom to speak your mind is that important to you and the only thing that flies out of your head is a nasty word then you need to get checked for tourettes syndrome.

I agree. It also annoys me when people use the freedom of speech excuse!!!!!!!!! Swearing is trashy.


New Member
GaryT977 said:
I just wish they'd ban sandals. Who wants to see peoples nasty, stinky feet?

Okay, I just started reading this thread, so sorry for the slow uptake...

But I always wear sneakers in the parks. Frankly, my sandals are too nice and expensive to wear somewhere that it could rain and get them nasty (sorry, my sandals are some of the best quality I've ever worn, and they're imported from Israel).
In regards to feet, I hate my feet. Being a dancer for 10 years squashes your feet and makes them nasty. At least one toe on either foot is curled partly under another. Darn pointe shoes...


New Member
phlydude said:
I see Morton's Toe!!!

Anyone else have a 2nd toe longer than the big one??

Studies show that 1/3 of the world's population has this condition.

This condition my friends is why I don't wear sandals in WDW (having that nub stick out is not good!!)

Morton's Syndrome, not Toe (yay sports medicine classes). I don't really understand why they call it a syndrome, anyhow. It's one of those things where it doesn't bother you- it just IS. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

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