WDW Theme Park Dress Code for Guests


New Member
imagineer99 said:
If you're offended by the , shirts, don't walk through a college campus anytime soon...:lol:

The brand is everywhere.
I'm sorry but I hate censorship. If you see someone wear something you find offensive just look away. We shouldn't have to walk around always thinking, "Gee am I going to offend someone?" Censorship has gone way out of hand lately because of this being a political year. And I agree imagineer99, if you find that offensive don't ever go to a college campus or the mall or... mmmm.. come to think of it... ANYWHERE.


Well-Known Member
Don't ban sandals, my girlfriend loves to wear hers but decided not to because they would've hurt her feet at WDW. I see a lot of people wearing them, and I know there are comfortable pairs, so why get rid of them? Plus, some people out there have foot fetishes and like seeing cute little feet. I know quite a few people that like sandals.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Clothing which, by nature, exposes excessive portions of the skin that may be viewed as inappropriate for a family environment, e.g. string bikini tops, bikini bottoms,
And people who look like this... :D :D :D


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masterv said:
I'm sorry but I hate censorship. If you see someone wear something you find offensive just look away.

The person who brought this up did so with children in mind. I don't know if you have kids or not but I know when I was a kid, it wasn't so easy for my parents to get me to look away from ANYTHING. :lol: In fact, I do believe it was in invitation for me to stare harder!


New Member
Erika said:
The person who brought this up did so with children in mind. I don't know if you have kids or not but I know when I was a kid, it wasn't so easy for my parents to get me to look away from ANYTHING. :lol: In fact, I do believe it was in invitation for me to stare harder!
But it's not the publics responsibility to protect your child from something you deem "inappropriate." So you can either deal with it or blind fold your kid when out in public. :D


Well-Known Member
masterv said:
But it's not the publics responsibility to protect your child from something you deem "inappropriate." So you can either deal with it or blind fold your kid when out in public. :D

But there are things considered acceptable and not acceptable for certain situations. Bathing suits are mean for swimming/beach/pool not for theme parks. Swear words on clothing are not acceptable anymore than swearing in public is, you can be fined for swearing in public.

WDW is a family place and should be treated as such. If someone wants to go do an adult only vacation, got to Club Med. If I hear someone swearing when kids are around I let it slide but if they continue, I give them a "you know kids are present" to give them a chance to stop. If not, well, I start trouble. What can I say, If someone can't use common sense they do not deserve to be there.


New Member
mrtoad said:
WDW is a family place and should be treated as such. If someone wants to go do an adult only vacation, got to Club Med. If I hear someone swearing when kids are around I let it slide but if they continue, I give them a "you know kids are present" to give them a chance to stop. If not, well, I start trouble. What can I say, If someone can't use common sense they do not deserve to be there.
I don't make it a point to cuss around kids but don't feel a need to always watch my words either. I've actually had a person tell me that I was cussing (I used the word a$$) and to stop and I told them to mind their own business. I wasn't talking to them. If they don't like my language move! I'm not trying to start a fight but I just get sick of people who think we should censor everything. Kids hear worse things at school.


Well-Known Member
masterv said:
I don't make it a point to cuss around kids but don't feel a need to always watch my words either. I've actually had a person tell me that I was cussing (I used the word a$$) and to stop and I told them to mind their own business. I wasn't talking to them. If they don't like my language move! I'm not trying to start a fight but I just get sick of people who think we should censor everything. Kids hear worse things at school.

Just becuase kids hear worse things at school does not make it right.

When you told that person to mind there own business what did they do? If it were me I would have the urge to knock you on your back (but my wife being the sensible one would stop me. If it were a place like WDW, I would give you another warning and if it continued, I would ask to have you removed.

People need to learn to respect the people around them, especially when kids are present. When you are in public it is no longer private and you don't have the right to tell someone to mind there own business. Don't get me wrong, I swear quite a bit but not in front of children. It is not right to do that.


New Member
mrtoad said:
People need to learn to respect the people around them, especially when kids are present. When you are in public it is no longer private and you don't have the right to tell someone to mind there own business.

Well said, MrToad. You are so right.


New Member
mrtoad said:
When you told that person to mind there own business what did they do? If it were me I would have the urge to knock you on your back (but my wife being the sensible one would stop me.
LOL I'm a pretty big guy and I would like to see someone try and "knock me on my back." And just to let you know, when I told them to mind their own business they turned and walked away. I'm not a bully but I don't take anything from people either.

Again, my point was simply it's not MY job to watch your kids. I don't really care if I'm out in public. You have the choice to walk away if you don't like my topic of conversation. I shouldn't feel obligated to walk on glass around stuck up people who feel the need to police any behaviour they deem inappropriate. If I say the word "a$$" out in public and you don't agree you have the right to tell me I shouldn't say that word. But I also have the right to tell you to beat it! I live in a country where freedom of speech is a right!


masterv said:
Again, my point was simply it's not MY job to watch your kids. ... I live in a country where freedom of speech is a right!

Your profile says you're a teacher (a very respectable profession, BTW)... I don't know what age you teach but are you allowed complete freedom of speech there? (And I guess it turns out that it IS your job to watch our kids, lucky you!) :p ;)

I just feel that there is a time and a place for everything, and when I am in a place which caters to children, I try to act accordingly. Sometimes respecting those around me feels more important than taking advantage of my personal rights. I'm not one to do something just because I can. I'm sure I still manage to offend plenty of people anyway :lol:


Well-Known Member
masterv said:
LOL I'm a pretty big guy and I would like to see someone try and "knock me on my back." And just to let you know, when I told them to mind their own business they turned and walked away. I'm not a bully but I don't take anything from people either.

Again, my point was simply it's not MY job to watch your kids. I don't really care if I'm out in public. You have the choice to walk away if you don't like my topic of conversation. I shouldn't feel obligated to walk on glass around stuck up people who feel the need to police any behaviour they deem inappropriate. If I say the word "a$$" out in public and you don't agree you have the right to tell me I shouldn't say that word. But I also have the right to tell you to beat it! I live in a country where freedom of speech is a right!

First, size isn't everything so that doesn't fly. I've seen plenty of big people eat dirt at the hand of smaller ones. You should watch out with that attitude as you may get yourself embarrassed publicly (which I personally would find very funny :lol: ).

Second, with that statement you DO sound like a bully.

Third, you should care if you are in public and who you might offend (did you not get taught right from wrong in Juvenal detention).

Forth, when you are in a line at a family Theme Park and have been standing in line for an attraction for 15 minutes and some punk (yeah that's right, punk) in front of you starts swearing. You should not have to walk away. The arrogant punk should shut their trap and respect those on line around them.

Fifth, freedom of speech does not mean you can curse in public. In fact there are plenty of things you can't say in public that are not swears. You can't walk into a bank and say this is a stick up even if you kidding around. You will be arrested. You can't walk into an airport and say I have a bomb in my suitcase and be kidding around. You will be arrested. AND you can't swear in public. If someone complains, you can be fined and arrested. No you won't do jail time but you will pay a fine.

Everyone slips now and then, that is fine. But if you do and someone reminds you, do the right thing... :)


New Member
masterv said:
LOL I'm a pretty big guy and I would like to see someone try and "knock me on my back."
It appears that you are someone who wants to pick a fight - which is a bully tactic

masterv said:
I don't really care if I'm out in public. You have the choice to walk away if you don't like my topic of conversation. I shouldn't feel obligated to walk on glass around stuck up people who feel the need to police any behaviour they deem inappropriate.
Care and consideration are not crimes. Nobody here is suggesting you should suck up to everyone (I for one hate political correctness and will call a spade a spade) but certain basic guidelines of decency exist in our society. Strong language out of place is one of these things (though I will grant you that wigging-out over the word a$$ strikes me as a bit oversensitive).

masterv said:
I live in a country where freedom of speech is a right!
Freedom of speech does not give one freedom to be abusive when they feel like it. Everything in it's place - taking a dump in a bathroom is fine and dandy, but dropping your pants in the middle of Mainstreet USA and telling offended passers by to shove off would be a little innapropriate. Just because the filth comes out of someone's mouth rather than a different orifice does not make it any less offensive.


barnum42 said:
Freedom of speech does not give one freedom to be abusive when they feel like it. Everything in it's place - taking a dump in a bathroom is fine and dandy, but dropping your pants in the middle of Mainstreet USA and telling offended passers by to shove off would be a little innapropriate. Just because the filth comes out of someone's mouth rather than a different orifice does not make it any less offensive.

LOL!!! Such a way with words. Anyway, I thought freedom of speech was about allowing us to speak out against the government, not engage in vocal free-for-alls in front of little kids.


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
LOL!!! Such a way with words. Anyway, I thought freedom of speech was about allowing us to speak out against the government, not engage in vocal free-for-alls in front of little kids.

Hear Here! :lookaroun ;)

Now what I wanna know is why must we fight so hard to swear? I'll admit it flies from my mouth every once in a while, but typically when I hear somebody who can't control the curse words flying out of their mouths I tend to think of them as, shall we say, less than intelligent people who need to expand their vocabulary.

(and we'll all hush about my love of Kid Rock!) :lol: :p

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
typically when I hear somebody who can't control the curse words flying out of their mouths I tend to think of them as, shall we say, less than intelligent people who need to expand their vocabulary.

That's exactly my feelings!

IMHO, swearing is just the manifestation of a poor vocabulary and limited intelligence.

I find it VERY interesting to watch movies on TV because 9 times out of 10, the word they have substitited for one of "George Carlin's Big 7" is far more fitting (and usually funnier).


New Member
Yellow Shoes said:
I find it VERY interesting to watch movies on TV because 9 times out of 10, the word they have substitited for one of "George Carlin's Big 7" is far more fitting (and usually funnier).
The two that are funniner (not always intentional) are "muddy funster" and "forget you".

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