Ummmm yeah, probably not 10mb. For example, this one:
is 388kb full size. Unless there is a super secret full size version I'm unaware of. I would guess the bandwidth bill is around $200/month. A site with this much traffic easily makes that I would think daily. As far as Steve's last name, it took me five seconds to look up his last name and address on Google and then another 15 seconds to be looking directly at his house on Google Maps.
Well you told me!
And now, you've come across as super-creepy, almost stalker-ish.
That said, you obviously aren't who I thought you were - I degrade my opinion, now I'm convinced you are just a kid trying to play ball. Because the "lifestyle blogger" I was thinking of wouldn't have such a lack of reading comprehension so as to miss the point entirely:
Steves name is not a
secret. But I have been here ten years, and I have no idea. He doesn't plaster it around, he doesn't promote it. I didn't say no one
knew it, I said it's just not blaring at you in big letters in some effort to make it a 'brand' like virtually every other site's wannabe-"star" does.
You miss (or choose not to understand, in either case, it's on you) the whole picture. But I'll be a nice guy and assume you aren't totally a troll and you actually believe some of what you are saying, and explain it to you very simply:
Most other Disney "lifestyle bloggers" and sites are built around cults of personalities, and generally have a figure who's central reason for doing it all is to be "famous" among Disney geeks (though more likely than not usually end up infamous once the shine wears off), to make money shilling books they are forced to self-publish, sell other products/services either of their own (which at least is entrepreneurial) or someone else's (to get free swag or other consideration), or to get free stuff for Disney. What do all those themes have in common? They end up being about self-promotion above all else. (Though I do have to say I quite enjoy MousePlanet, though I don't use their boards they are the only Disney site that regularly posts great content that isn't available here or elsewhere first, and also do great service with their weekly updates which are indispensable. They are a
rare exception.)
This site always has the best pictures, the best videos, and even you admit - often have them first. Oh, such a crime! A crime to be so good at something, because of team work and the fact that they have built up such a stellar reputation, and keep themselves out of the mud slinging (note: Steve hasn't said a word, and I doubt he will say many if he does at all - he has no interest in inter-site politics) that the most knowledgeable and consistently reliable people people outside (and some
inside) the Disney company come to discuss and share information about the topic we are all here for.
Frankly, I thank you for allowing us to stand up and say these things, and give credit where it is due. I always like to congratulate those most who do not congratulate themselves - so cheers to Steve (whatever your last name is, LOL), for bringing me ten years of this great site and the most current Disney information available with the most knowledgeable, interesting, and yes, occasionally cantankerous (Pumbas, I speak to you, my love, LOL) group of people who have the most fascinating discussions about this love of Disney Parks we share. I am not Pro-Disney, I am not Anti-Disney, I just call it like it is - and my little reputation as just an average contributing member to the forum shows that I simply tend to call it like it is. And I don't tend to gush. But here, it's all that's appropriate - unless you want to dredge through high signal to noise ratio that most other Disney sites tend to be. I stopped that nonsense long ago.
Since I call it like it is and you seem to be very desperate for attention, I'll say as for you, "Josh", you seem very frost-bitten for whatever reason, even though you admit you utilize this site quite a bit. I'm not sure what your point was besides that, and as you aren't even making any points just nitpicking and stalking and such, I'll bid you adieu. Again, though, I do thank you for allowing us to show our appreciation for this site and put down in writing what makes it what it is.