WDW Spirited Quickees


Well-Known Member
Disney has tens of thousands of employees... a huge portion of which work for menial pay and work just to have a job, not out of some fierce loyalty. It probably wouldn't be hard to convince some teenager to let you use their credentials in trade for some perk or access to something.

Its my understanding though that there are tiers where only some services are available with remote access vs onsite access to the intranet.

My post was mostly in jest though it's true, I haven't seen anyone claiming to have access to the hub who was not a Disney employee. It's...interesting to say the least. Forgive me if I don't take everything he says at his word. To use your word from the other thread...call me...skeptical. He says he isn't but clearly he at least knows someone judging by all his other posts (would appear he's been there at least every day this week) plus claiming to be going to a cast member preview tomorrow.
I didn't insult or attack anyone. You're the ones calling people whores, insinuating that "lifestyle bloggers" may be tax cheats or pedophiles (really, a Jerry Sandusky reference, nice) and etc.

I don't think many if any of the pictures used on the main site are crowd sourced from forum members. They're simply posted too fast. And I don't know how many people are on staff taking pictures. This site makes money based on ad revenue and possibly some affiliations to travel agencies. It fills its niche, much like the lifestyle bloggers fill a different niche. Personally, I'd take Inside the Magic's look at New Fantasyland over the one found here, if only because I have to click on every single image individually (to boost pageviews and load a new set of advertisements with each click). There's nothing wrong with ads, but it's just another way to make money.

The sentiment here seems to be that if someone is positive about anything, that they must be paid off or are lying. I'm not sure that's true.


Premium Member
I'd say he was making it about that as much as the other aspects of the conversation everyone has been having. i don't think anyone even has a problem with the idea of there being a "regular crew" that contributes to the site

Pay attention to it more.. and you'll see it. '74 verbalizes it quite often. The stereotypical put downs of people who are in the parks so often they obviously have no life outside of Disney.. the creep types that will stalk people for Sorcerers cards.. the ones that move to Otown to make this their life.. the truly obsessive ones. Reality is, to get the type of coverage fans expect out of Disney sites and details.. sites need people like that as their feet on the street. Now maybe some sites get the young ones and exploit their eagerness and move on before they fall into the true trap. But there are plenty in that gutter and they are generally looked down upon like an out of control addict the word has given up on trying to support.


Well-Known Member
I didn't insult or attack anyone. You're the ones calling people whores, insinuating that "lifestyle bloggers" may be tax cheats or pedophiles (really, a Jerry Sandusky reference, nice) and etc.

I don't think many if any of the pictures used on the main site are crowd sourced from forum members. They're simply posted too fast. And I don't know how many people are on staff taking pictures. This site makes money based on ad revenue and possibly some affiliations to travel agencies. It fills its niche, much like the lifestyle bloggers fill a different niche. Personally, I'd take Inside the Magic's look at New Fantasyland over the one found here, if only because I have to click on every single image individually (to boost pageviews and load a new set of advertisements with each click). There's nothing wrong with ads, but it's just another way to make money.

The sentiment here seems to be that if someone is positive about anything, that they must be paid off or are lying. I'm not sure that's true.

I am disgusted as well. Just disgusted. Tell ya what - let's never come back to this website again? What ya say?


Well-Known Member
I didn't insult or attack anyone. You're the ones calling people whores, insinuating that "lifestyle bloggers" may be tax cheats or pedophiles (really, a Jerry Sandusky reference, nice) and etc.

You called the site creepy. Implied that he might not be fully honest about taking perks for fear of reprisal. Even when presented with evidence that this site does not operate the way many lifestyler blogs work (just go back and read everyone's posts), you avoided addressing any of those.

I don't think many if any of the pictures used on the main site are crowd sourced from forum members. They're simply posted too fast. And I don't know how many people are on staff taking pictures.
Look again... that's a mighty big assumption there. Sure there might be that "regular crew" taking pictures but to say that none come from the forums is false

This site makes money based on ad revenue and possibly some affiliations to travel agencies.
I'll take how they make money over someone writing something so syrupy sweet in regards to Disney so that they can get a free cruise while they try to sell a book or charging a surcharge for Disney merchandise you could get directly from the company.

It fills its niche, much like the lifestyle bloggers fill a different niche. Personally, I'd take Inside the Magic's look at New Fantasyland over the one found here, if only because I have to click on every single image individually (to boost pageviews and load a new set of advertisements with each click). There's nothing wrong with ads, but it's just another way to make money
That's fine you like the way Inside the Magic presents their pictures. Use that then. I don't really see many complaints here. To each there own. And again, I'd rather have someone making their money via page views that catering to Disney and glossing entirely over bad aspects of the parks than the other way around.

The sentiment here seems to be that if someone is positive about anything, that they must be paid off or are lying. I'm not sure that's true.
I don't think I've ever seen that. I don't think I've seen members say you are lying because someone praises something. They may disagree about whatever positive thing is said but you are exaggerating a ton about what goes on here...not surprising considering you've been on a good week. Even the Spirit has occasional praise for WDW. But this is a place that actually allows negativity, unlike many many other places. I think that's a positive rather than just getting the Disney white washed version of everything.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
What's your point here? I never claimed it wasn't a real place. I initially said that Tricat's website doesn't include basic information about the company, such as where it is located. Considering only that limited amount of information at the time, I mused that Tricat seemed like an entity that was created as a shell.

You responded later that you found a brick-and-mortar location for Tricat in New Jersey. That discovery is in no way inconsistent with any of my subsequent comments about Mongello's titles and positions with Tricat. Holding what is essentially a sinecure with a genuine, operational company would certainly be "a means to 'fluff up' Mongello's resume" (as I wrote in a later post).

The Disney company ought to be similarly careful with regard to individuals with whom it may come to be associated in the public eye -- such as bloggers and podcasters who are ubiquitously present in the parks, and who have gear and attire that suggest to the general public that they are officially Disney-sanctioned. Disney ought to be vetting these individuals far more carefully than it has appeared to have done so far. Even if such individuals aren't doing anything close to criminal or even illegal, they may still be conducting themselves in a way that's not befitting an implicit affiliation with the Disney company.

In short, Disney has traditionally had very high standards (or at least projected the public image that it has very high standards) with regard to those with whom it associates. The fact that it seems not to be employing even a modicum of scrutiny as to a highly-specific segment of the population is a legitimate reason for inquiry, if not outright concern.
You're not just asking questions; you're stopping just short of wild accusations of... something without a shred of proof. No, no, you're not accusing anyone of doing anything illegal or unethical, because just accusing them of doing something is much better; let everyone's minds fill in the blanks. What are you accusing Lou of, exactly, that he "may still be conducting [himself] in a way that's not befitting an implicit affiliation with the Disney company"? I have not seen anything to even suggest that there is anything underhanded going on with Tricat and the law firm that you brought up so damningly. Any wrongdoing, major or minor, seems to result solely from your imagination and a misunderstanding of his LinkedIn profile.


Well-Known Member
So its more of 'dont throw stones...' type of point.

But would you agree that unlike a lot of Disney sites, mainly the ones in question, tend to skew more towards the glorification of a site owner or "personality", which you do not see happening here?

I'd say he was making it about that as much as the other aspects of the conversation everyone has been having. i don't think anyone even has a problem with the idea of there being a "regular crew" that contributes to the site. It again comes back to how many of the disney lifestylers/bloggers operate....they do it specifically to get Disney perks. I'd say many started out with integrity but many of them have lost that now and have become much closer to being paid Disney shills than anything else. This site doesn't operate that way as far as I can tell, nor would I assume the "regular crew" who helps by posting pics. Really unsure why you'd defend him when he's managed to insult/attack Steve and most of the board.

Just the fact that you have to look rather hard to know his name is Steve, and very few people know his last name, nor are there pictures of him on this site (that I know of - I have been here close to ten years and I don't know what the guy even looks like) shows you how different it is from other sites.

It's funny, because I think I know who our new little friend has been sent by - the only two "lifestyle" bloggers I know who have been known to create alts on this site before, or to send "worker bees" over to do this. Since one of the bloggers has (I say this mockingly) "moved on up" to an AOL owned site, it leads me to believe it's the other. Especially since the blogger himself on a previous attempt at creating an alt account here actually started sending me inane PM's trying to correct my spelling because he couldn't take the heat publicly and had to lash out somehow with his insecurities, haha, the same thing this new guy is doing in other threads re: Carsland vs. Cars Land. :)

The fact is, most "lifestyle bloggers" have ulterior motives - to SHILL BAD BOOKS they have no choice but to self-publish, to get freebies from Disney, or just out of self-gratification and ego. What Steve makes on ads on this site I'd be willing to bet barely pay the costs to have all the HD pictures, HD video, and the thousands of members (and non-members) who access this site daily. It ain't cheap to host that high-data bandwidth.

I won't bother to quote him, but our genius friend has also not discovered that you do not need to reload the page in the photo gallery to go to the next one unless you are accessing the super-high quality versions, and I don't think a page reload is too much to ask "just to reload the ads" when those pics are probably 5-10MB each, and they are not watermarked to all heck like most other sites do. Bandwidth costs a lot of money - and when you are the premiere Walt Disney World website with an astonishing number of visitors I definitely wouldn't want to see Steve's web hosting bill each month. I'd honestly be surprised if the ads actually covered it entirely.
I won't bother to quote him, but our genius friend has also not discovered that you do not need to reload the page in the photo gallery to go to the next one unless you are accessing the super-high quality versions, and I don't think a page reload is too much to ask "just to reload the ads" when those pics are probably 5-10MB each, and they are not watermarked to all heck like most other sites do. Bandwidth costs a lot of money - and when you are the premiere Walt Disney World website with an astonishing number of visitors I definitely wouldn't want to see Steve's web hosting bill each month. I'd honestly be surprised if the ads actually covered it entirely.

Ummmm yeah, probably not 10mb. For example, this one:


is 388kb full size. Unless there is a super secret full size version I'm unaware of. I would guess the bandwidth bill is around $200/month. A site with this much traffic easily makes that I would think daily. As far as Steve's last name, it took me five seconds to look up his last name and address on Google and then another 15 seconds to be looking directly at his house on Google Maps.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So ... what have we discovered tonight? That we have another blogger/lifestyler in our midst who is trying to drum up attention for his site by using this one? It really is very easy to track people ...

You know, as much as I love Disney and enjoy my time here and my online and real world friendships that it has brought, I have to say that the fan community since social media became a feeding trough has become one very sick, disgusting place full of parasites.

It makes you want to burn your mouse ears.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
So ... what have we discovered tonight? That we have another blogger/lifestyler in our midst who is trying to drum up attention for his site by using this one? It really is very easy to track people ...

You know, as much as I love Disney and enjoy my time here and my online and real world friendships that it has brought, I have to say that the fan community since social media became a feeding trough has become one very sick, disgusting place full of parasites.

It makes you want to burn your mouse ears.

Know what I did the other night, WDW1974? I came here and followed you all around the forums, reading the comments you'd just posted. Fact. I think many of us here appreciate your insider info and observations. Bet on it. And this site is pretty darned nice; ditto the forum. I don't see a lot of unpleasantness here. As for the bummer side of fan communities, well, I used to get into flamewars while on the 'net, but not anymore. I figure, I'll have my say, and the other guy can have his say, and whatever, leave it at that. It's not worth burning any mouse ears over. :)


Well-Known Member
Ummmm yeah, probably not 10mb. For example, this one:


is 388kb full size. Unless there is a super secret full size version I'm unaware of. I would guess the bandwidth bill is around $200/month. A site with this much traffic easily makes that I would think daily. As far as Steve's last name, it took me five seconds to look up his last name and address on Google and then another 15 seconds to be looking directly at his house on Google Maps.
That's... a bit creepy you did that regarding that last part especially. Also, the poster was referring to THIS SITE...so again you missed the point. He doesn't hawk himself on here like the owners of other blog sites do. Doesn't push along bad books or shill crap merchandise. His first name isn't easy to find on this site much less his last name or a picture of him.
So ... what have we discovered tonight? That we have another blogger/lifestyler in our midst who is trying to drum up attention for his site by using this one? It really is very easy to track people
Yeeeepppp... pretty obvious. Now if he'd just tell us the site so we can all avoid it...


Park History nut
Premium Member
I wonder if Disney has ever offered to fly the owner of the website to a Disney theme park? And if they did, would that offer be turned down? I don't think it would behoove him to admit to such things, since the userbase here seems to equate two comped nights at the Animal Kingdom Lodge a few months ago to being bought off for the year. As far as negativity on the main WDWMAGIC.com site, there isn't a whole lot from what I've seen. Perhaps you could point me to something particularly scathing.
Scathing? No. Neutral? Absolutely. I've seen nothing but cold facts on the main page. And I've lived here forever.


Well-Known Member
If Disney started cracking down on Disney IP, does http://www.martinsvids.net/ comes down too?
Anyone can technically do what Martin does...it's not against the rules to film in the parks or on the rides. They are fan made and free. You are lashing out because everyone has punched many a hole in your arguments. He does makes better quality videos than virtually any I've seen on the net though. Yay Martin! :)

EDIT: Also, to echo what Martin said below... he doesn't get any perks. So no he is not a Disney lifestyler/blogger as that would appear to be the direction you want to go.

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