Pay attention to it more.. and you'll see it. '74 verbalizes it quite often. The stereotypical put downs of people who are in the parks so often they obviously have no life outside of Disney.. the creep types that will stalk people for Sorcerers cards.. the ones that move to Otown to make this their life.. the truly obsessive ones. Reality is, to get the type of coverage fans expect out of Disney sites and details.. sites need people like that as their feet on the street. Now maybe some sites get the young ones and exploit their eagerness and move on before they fall into the true trap. But there are plenty in that gutter and they are generally looked down upon like an out of control addict the word has given up on trying to support.
Please. You're over the top as usual and since you've killed the UNI 1.5billion thread, I guess it's time to do likewise here?
The stereotypes exist because they are true in large part. I know a little bit about many of these folks and that is cringe-worthy, I'm afraid to even ponder what they're hiding away and praying that Disney or no one else finds out.
I think you can run a Disney site without being at WDW every day or having someone there every day. Yes, you might miss when some walls around a planter are moved or a soft opening of the Canada food and wine booth, but you won't miss the big stuff if you're important and connected enough.
I have often had disagreements with Steve here (and Mom over moderating and why we can't just put anyone named JT out of our misery!), but the shots I see taken here make me ill. This is by far the best WDW-centric site on the web and it is largely because of mostly fair and balanced news coverage, some before anyone else gets it, and boards like this where we can debate whether Mongello and Co are parasites, whores or just smart guys who saw an opportunity to leech off of Disney with the company's blessing. This site is NOTHING like the others, NOTHING. From Lou's sickening podcasts to Brigante tweeting proudly that he ignores negative stories to Preskitt OCDing and taking 875 pics of the same thing to Lange selling Disney IP for his own profit to Corless, well, I don't even know what he does other than make fun of other fans like he's an expert on Disney as a snot-nosed 20-something (hey, Blondie -- do you read his Tweets before deciding to spend the company's money on him? Seriously!)
No, that isn't what MAGIC is all about. If it were, believe me, I'd be somewhere else ripping it. Other than some of the typical fanboi drivel and fifth theme park threads and people who have only been to WDW four times and all in the last seven years claiming it's never been better ... oh and folks named JT ... I think this is one MAGICal place to hang out and talk with (mostly) friends about Disney and themed entertainment and media!
To those who don't, why don't you leave? There are plenty of dead and dying sites I can point you to.