I was at DLR over the weekend, and heard some interesting things. One of my friends had info about the extremely toxic politics inside Disney. My friend claimed that something really big happened this last thursday inside the offices of Disney, and that heads rolled in CA, and in FLA. My friend also said everyone was waiting to hear what happened in FLA, and if their counterparts in FLA still had a job. I point blank asked if Meg Crofton, Iger, or Staggs were still around. The answer was, "No one knows, that's what's so weird, the departments have no idea what other departments are doing now, or if we are all on the same page at all. But we heard that Ike is behind it all. You do know Iger needs Ike for his political career. Iger is also set to meet the president of New Zealand, what ever that's about!"
So back in my room at Paradise Pier, I looked up Ike, and found out that is his first name, and is the 2nd largest shareholder of Disney. I asked my friend other questions but he/she is not in a position to know such things, leaving it that big changes have already happened, or been decided.