WDW Spirited Quickees


Well-Known Member

My take on that article: He had a few points but overall, he really did tow the company line. And like any piece of press that comes from Disney marketing, it was full of half truths. You could really tell he was spinning so hard to make the negatives seem like positives that I wouldn't be surprised if he threw up at the end from the BS he just tried to sell. I've generally liked his articles even if I haven't agreed with everything he writes but I felt like he was trying to tell me "these aren't the droids your looking for, move along." Except this time the droids are the serious problems WDW has going on (again many) and he's telling me I need to strap my heavily blasted pixie dust glasses back on. Disappointing from him.

That being said, the comments and his responses were at least good reads.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
My take on that article: He had a few points but overall, he really did tow the company line. And like any piece of press that comes from Disney marketing, it was full of half truths. You could really tell he was spinning so hard to make the negatives seem like positives that I wouldn't be surprised if he threw up at the end from the BS he just tried to sell. I've generally liked his articles even if I haven't agreed with everything he writes but I felt like he was trying to tell me "these aren't the droids your looking for, move along." Except this time the droids are the serious problems WDW has going on (again many) and he's telling me I need to strap my heavily blasted pixie dust glasses back on. Disappointing from him.

That being said, the comments and his responses were at least good reads.
Man, I forgot just how bizarre that article was. I read/listen to pretty much everything Jim puts out, and that didn't sound like him. The canary in the coal mine for me? When you're trying to praise TDO for spending money by mentioning Golden Oak (building a cul-de-sac and selling off pieces of "The Florida Project" for millions) and Grand Flo DVC (money they will get back 2x or more by the time the points are sold), that's just downright silly.


Well-Known Member
Just back tonight from nine MAGICal (and they really were due to friends and family and some new Spirits in my life) days in O-Town where I managed to steer clear of the social media whores, most fanbois and (current) Disney execs.

I did spend time in all four Disney parks (making my 2012 tally all eight parks in the USA and France) as well as a rain-soaked evening at Universal, which was still a lot of fun (except for my feet, which are still drying out) and DD ... as well as numerous resorts from the GF to the AoA to the WL (how come no one here has commented on the new rooms there or the lighter paint and carpet scheme they went with for the halls?) to the Bonnet Creek Hilton to DAK Lodge to Dixie Landings.

Unlike my rushed spring trip (you know, the one before my six weeks in Europe and 10 days in North Carolina and Virginia), I had plenty of time to experience, observe and converse ... and, no, I still don't know for certain whether Carsland is coming, just that it looks better than Avatar right now.

I do know there are some major exec shakeups coming to P&R ... and I may have changed my mind on what a 'nice guy' Jim MacPhee is (or isn't).

But I did skim through the last 3-4 pages (what came before will have to remain a mystery until work and laundry are caught up with) and it seems I've arrived just in time to correct a little misstatement.

OK, sorry, got CTX on the brain after riding Thursday and realizing that we may be seeing it as good as it will ever be as well as Disco Yeti (no truth to the nasty rumor started on Twitter, of course, that Lee and DY had unnatural relations this past week).

But there seems to be a few rumors sprouting that maybe I can put out:

1.) Tony Baxter is working on something for MK. >> No, he isn't. I got to speak with him very briefly before he was devoured in a pool of fanboi drool. He told me he is ''busier than I've been in quite a while'' with DL. I also know they want to keep Tony as 'caged' as possible.

2.) Something big is coming to MK and going in the cast parking lot behind MSUSA.>> No, not very likely at all. Just a bunch of coincidences that fans and cast are reading waaay too much into. The thought is the same Tron ride going to SDL and AT THIS TIME there are no plans for it here. The secondary 'plan' some believe is an arcade or walking path to deal with MK overcrowding. Very, very unlikely, but possible.

3.) MK is finally getting a new parade. >> This is 100% true. Budget has been cut, but it still should impress when it debuts, which is looking more and more like a 2/14 start.

4.) It's either Pandora or Radiator Springs. >> No. It could be BOTH and, sadly, it could also be neither. My gut says it's gonna be one. Despite what anyone says ... despite the fact there have been height tests and other backstage prep at DAK ... despite the fact I seemed to be the only one who noticed Carsland's top art director leading a team around the Studios while fanbois were still in line for the same EPCOT 30 crap that will be at the outlet stores in a month ... despite the fact some factions of fandom really want to bring George Lucas and his franchises into the mix ... well, there just aren't any decisions yet.

5.) CMs are detesting the thought of NEXT GEN. >> Largely true. They know what a house of cards it will be and they know that Disney's practices of always giving into loudmouth belligerent guests who have spent large sums of money will likely prevent it from ever working as planned.

6.) TPFKaTD-MGMS has the cleanest restrooms BY FAR of the four WDW parks. >> OK, not a rumour, but also 100% true nonetheless. Also, has the best background music of any WDW park.

7.) Finally, the MK is much more MAGICal when you've been drinking adult beverages at EPCOT heavily. >> So damn true it isn't funny ... but it is fun. Three hours of mostly buzzed EMH with friends where you discuss everything from what goes on at the Emmys during commercials to the sexual escapades of bloggers to how Disney handles stains on carpeting on the opening day of a new shop (yes, that patch in Storybook Circus's BigTop Tent will be known as 'the Spirited Patch' forever more because it wouldn't be there if he hadn't of bitched loudly as a manager walked by)

OK ... what else?

Lots from stolen soda to UNI construction and their timetable for opening major additions (and an example of godawful guest services during HHN's) to where has all the Marvel merchandise gone to why do people pay $10 for sundaes at Ghirardelli when $2.99 sundaes exist at Denny's that are almost as good to how only Disney could get people to pay $500 plus a night for a hotel that is a massive construction site to the question of why anyone with good sense would ever eat at Tortuga Tavern (yes, I did!) to why Disney is so cheap they no longer even have bread on request at full serve restaurants during lunch because really if you pay $14 for a chicken sandwich, why should you get a bread serving at all? To when Splitsville might really open ... to when anything else might too ... to is it really too much to ask that they at least have one paper towel in the men's room at TSFKaPI facilities across from a 'hidden' CW?

Oh, I could go on. But I have so much TV to catch up on before bed. But thanks for keeping the discussion going, even if I have no idea what you were talking about.

Did I mention that TT is way behind its scheduled reopening too? So much info twirling in my head. Must have been the Carsland CD I was blasting as I drove home through the pouring rain tonight (nine straight days with rain ... hey, dummies, don't visit WDW from June 15 until October 15 ... just don't!)

So other then refuteing the rumor about Lee knocking boots with the Yeti.....not much to report? How dissapointing. Status Quo, Maybe....but maybe not!.....I wont kill the messenger....but the message is still worth a good flogging.


Well-Known Member
If they get rid of a ride in TL (which they could really avoid if they wanted to), I hope it's Astro over Buzz. Buzz is certainly aging but it's better than a stupid spinner. I wish they'd just get rid of Stich.

First of all, I agree, they should be adding to, rather than replacing something in Tomorrowland, although I would not argue with some attractions moving parks - Stitch (DHS), Monsters Inc (DHS), Carousel of Progress (Epcot) - in a big Tomorrowland makeover. However, if they were to move parks, then I would still want a direct replacement for them on top of new attractions being added, so that the number of attractions in Tomorrowland would not reduce (currently at 8, I think).

The problem is that if they replaced Astro Orbiter, then Carousel of Progress would be more hidden as it would be at the end of a dead-end, because you wouldn't be able to walk past it as there would be a building in the way, instead of the current path.

I would not argue with getting rid of Stitch (or Monsters Inc), but I would still like to see them move to DHS before being scrapped completely (unless it would be too costly, which I can't really see it being that expensive - Monsters Inc is a screen, some seats, and the computers in the back, and Stitch mainly seems to be some seats), as both attractions will still have their fans - it's the same reason that, although me and my family will never set foot in The Enchanted Tiki Room or Country Bear Jamboree ever again, I would rather them be moved to the Polynesian and Wilderness Lodge than be scrapped completely, so the fans of those attractions could still experience them, I would get something new in their current spots, and the total attraction count on site would increase (and I don't think that it would be too costly to move those attractions either).

I would rather ride Astro Orbiter than Dumbo/Aladdin/Triceratop Spin!


Well-Known Member
Wasn't there talk of moving MILF across the street, replacing Stitch and putting the Tron coaster there and running behind Tomorrowland

I'm pretty sure that I've read that rumour on this site in the last week or so (although I don't think there was any mention of Tron/what would have replaced MILF.)


Well-Known Member
I do know there are some major exec shakeups coming to P&R

why do people pay $10 for sundaes at Ghirardelli when $2.99 sundaes exist at Denny's that are almost as good to how only Disney

Regarding the executive shake up .. you have stated that this will be happening for months and yet nothing has happened. Do you just state this so if something does happen you can say told you so?

Oh and who goes to Denny's YUCK lol. I'll take the ten dollar sundaes anyway over eating at a Denny's haha


Premium Member
I don't disagree and for what uni is doing I don't argue that they shouldn't. But for Disney to take the high road and say for once, the economy sucks and we understand that people are hurting for one year we are freezing all gate prices. Think about how many people can actually afford to go to Disney. Not many. That's what we all forget how many people can no longer afford to experience Walts dream. My family has been fortunate enough, but a lot haven't. I know DW isn't a right but its now becoming something that the majority of America can no longer afford. That's truly sad in my opinion
In my opinion, the truly sad thing is all of the people who are still there that cannot afford it. People going into massive debt to go on vacations they can't afford.


Well-Known Member
Urgh he is that guy?
Yep and his promotion would also not be much a shake up. But seeing as many Disney fans now love Eisner's Team since they are sans Eisner, maybe the hatred for meg Crofton will result in these people being loved since they are Meg's Team sans Meg.
WDWMagic said:
Jim MacPhee (former VP of Epcot and 30 years with the Company) has been promoted to take on the new role of 'Vice President, Next Generation Experience and Walt Disney World Parks'. This means that Jim will now lead the Walt Disney World Park Operations team. Phil Holmes (VP MK), Dan Cockerell (VP Epcot), Rilous Carter (VP DHS) and Kevin Lansberry (VP AK) will all report to Jim MacPhee. Jim will report to Meg Crofton.


Well-Known Member
Anyways, back on topic, I do think Disney is becoming less accessible to many many people because of price. I know some look at that as a good thing because it'll weed out people who I guess they see as less desirable guests. I don't. I'd agree with Rudolf that any family who wants to come, would be nice if they could afford it and not break the bank to do it. I've known many people who used to go and can't justify the price anymore, especially with scant new offerings and more takeaways from our lovely TDO. I'll be so curious to see what happens when they raise prices above $100 per day. I'm not sure if that's the psychological barrier that will start causing droves of people to stay away but I'm certain there is a line when more people start saying no, or at least no yearly visit anymore, lets make this a once every 5 to 10 years thing. Ad Disney seems to want to hit that line fast.


Active Member
to the Bonnet Creek Hilton

Hope you enjoyed your time at Bonnet Creek. My family has enjoyed a handful of stays at the Hilton there. Personally I think they offer the best value and some of the best resturants within the gates of WDW...but I also think the steak house at the Hilton near the convention center/Sea World is better than Bull and Bear....but in all fairness, I do tend to have Hilton Honnors points built up from work related travel that help with the 'value' side of some of our stays.

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