WDW - Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. – My August 2011 Trip Report

WDW - Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. – An August 2011 Trip Report

Welcome to my trip report! First, about the title. Reading the WDW boards lately one would think that Disney World was coming apart at the seams; Overrun by vicious gangs of Brazilian tour groups, Pop Warner boys and cheerleaders. Filled with broken down, outdated rides run by snarly cast members. The resorts infested by bedbugs, nasty housekeepers, and moldy shower curtains. The Restaurants serving up Dogfood burgers and steaks served with the leather hides still attached. The fireworks shows reduced to open fire pits and a few boxes of sparklers.

To be totally honest and sarcasm aside (kinda), I was really getting concerned about this trip. I had gone to great lengths and compromise ( see my Pre-trip report) to make this trip a reality. Now I was worried that once my family would see first hand the crumbling vestige that was once our favorite place on earth; this would seal this trip’s fate as our last one to the World. Well, I’m happy to say, with photos as proof – the rumors of Walt Disney World’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.

First Day and intro to our family;

Our countdown was over. The paper chain in Toni’s room that started at day 178 was now down to day zero. It was 4 in the morning on August 6th and I woke up Toni and we tore up that last chain and started to get ready for our trip. By 4:30, Toni and her brother Sterg, were ready and waiting.


I have a good friend that happens to own a limo business, so we hired him to drive us to Philadelphia International. The limo came at 5:00am. This is my wife Val and my oldest child, Alexandra, getting spoiled in the limo.


Sterg and I on the other seat…


While Toni caught a few z’s.


Everything was going fine. We were making great time on the Turnpike until we were detoured off of it an exit too soon. Unfortunately, this was only the first of our several delays that morning.
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Well-Known Member
OK, I had to giggle a bit about the Garden Wing part. We stayed at the other end of that water front section of the wing in your photo when we were there last month. While you don't get the wow factor of the monorail running through the tower, the rooms are identical. It's actually pretty nice being away from the tower.

Your Hoop Dee Doo Revue review was helpful for me. I'm always on the fence about it, but now I really don't think it's for us. Hey- that's $ I don't have to spend!

Too bad that everyone didn't decide to stick around for the evening festivities in MK. We too really love MM&Y and Wishes has quickly become my favorite. Enjoyed your Wishes pics! Also looks like the Segway tour was enjoyed! Can't wait to read more!


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With Val and Alex zipping around WS on Segways, Sterg, Toni and I entered EPCOT for some rides and a Special Tour of our own.


Our first stop was Test Track for some fast passes. The last time I rode TT was in 2007 and I don't remember too much love. Always willing to give things a second chance though.

We had some time before we had to report for our tour so we entered the giant geosphere know as SpaceShip Earth.



Sterg and Toni sat together and amazingly didn't argue. This is one of my favorite rides and another one that is Disney at it's best. A proper decent would make it better - the interactive screens at the end get pretty predictable after like your second ride. Still enjoyable. I was thinking of Alex while on SSE - it's her favorite.

Leaving SSE we exited EPCOT through the front entrance and made a left towards guest services. We gave our names and were confirmed for the Epcot Seas Aqua Tour. We were told to wait to the side with about 6 other people and a CM would be with us in about 10 minutes.

I was a bit hesitant when booking this tour. I've snorkeled once before on our honeymoon and loved it - but this was snorkeling with scuba gear. It wasn't really clear in my mind how this would work. Having Sterg and Toni join me added to the anxiety. Sterg has been swimming since he was 5, is on the High School swim team and water polo team. Toni is not a "swimmer" but loves being in the pool and can "swim". That's not what worried me. Being in a tank with live sea creature was my biggest concern. It didn't help that Toni was asking about a million questions.

"Daddy, will there be sharks in the pool?"

"Eh, yeah but they are harmless" I said while thinking in my mind - why am I voluntarily placing myself and my children in a shark infested tank?

I did decide to answer the questions honestly, I wanted her to be as prepared as possible, not to mention myself.

More Toni questions...

"Don't they have teeth?"

"How big are they"

"If they wanted to could they bite us?"

"Are there stingrays in the tank?", "Do they bite?"

"Didn't that animal guy get killed by a stingray?"

How deep is the water?

Could you drown?

Did you ever do this before?

How do you know it's safe then?

All very thought out and rational questions. It wasn't too late to just skip this, I thought with increasingly sweaty palms.

"Shut up Toni!" Sterg finally interjected. It was the first time ever I wasn't angry that he told her to shut up.

"Dad wouldn't do anything that would really be dangerous to us" he added.

Yeah, I thought. I wouldn't do anything to put my children in danger...right?
I was starting to think that maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

I was really looking forward to meeting the CM and having him alleviate (or confirm?) these fears. :eek:
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This is a description of the tour from Disney's site...



The Seas Aqua Tour allows Guests to swim on the surface of the 5.7-million-gallon saltwater tank inside The Seas with Nemo & Friends Pavilion at Epcot theme park. Guests use a supplied-air snorkel system and do not need to be scuba certified.

Guests must be at least 8 years of age to participate. Guests ages 8 to 12 must be accompanied by a paying, participating parent or guardian.

Swim with over 6,000 sea creatures representing over 60 species—including sea turtles, angelfish, eagle rays and sharks. The supplied-air snorkel system is simple to use and the equipment keeps you buoyant, so it is easy to float on top of the water. The system does not allow you to dive below the surface, but you'll have a remarkable view of the tranquil sea life below you.

The experience lasts 2.5 hours, and Guests will spend approximately 30 minutes swimming in the massive Caribbean Coral Reef aquarium—which until 2005 was the largest saltwater tank in the world. Participants also learn about many of these beautiful creatures and get to see the massive backstage infrastructure required to filter and maintain a vast manmade ocean flourishing with life.


Sounds pretty cool huh? I thought so when I booked it, but waiting for the CM that day there was a lot of second guessing going on. :lookaroun

I struck up a conversation with a gentleman waiting with us. He was there with his wife and son age 18. This was their third time doing the Seas Aqua Tour (wife's first). I noticed no scars or missing appendages on them, and they must have liked it to come back for more. There was also a young boy about Toni's age waiting by himself. Turns out that his father is one of the divers on the Tour. More great news. They wouldn't let anything happen with this kid in the tank!

I introduced them to my children. "Look, they've been on the tour twice already and say it's great! The sharks stay down below! - and this boy, he, his Dad is one of the divers! Yeah, he'll make sure we'll be alright and safe!"

"We're going to be ok" I said
"We're all going to be ok!" I repeated in an almost maniacal laugh.

Well maybe I exaggerate just a bit.

Finally the CM showed up. He was in his late 50's, early 60's. He was calm, cool and collected. After roll call, he started to take us "backstage".

He said - the parks are considered "onstage", you are now going "backstage" and a few things - First rule is no pictures. "Backstage really isn't glamorous and there are things that Disney may not want the rest of the world to see. You can say anything you want about what you see - but no pictures".

Fair enough. No pictures but this is what I saw - If you don't want to know here is your warning to skip to the pictures we do have.

The first thing we saw was a series of large dumpster that didn't particularly smell too good on the hot afternoon. A large piece of man made coral reef sitting in the parking lot was next. It was just manufactured and they let it sit for a few weeks outside to allow the "chemicals" from the manufacturing process to dissipate before it's placed in the tank. The impression you get during the whole tour is that they go to extraordinary lengths to take care of the tank and it's inhabitants.

Before this tour, I never realized how large and advanced the tank at The Seas was. When I now tell people that this is/was the largest tank in the world, the response is always "Really? and this is in Disney World?".

Before we went inside he pointed out the filtration system for the tank and Living with the Land area. It is larger than the system used to filter the water for the city of Orlando.

Once inside we saw the stainless steel kitchen that prepared the meals for the "inhabitants". It is sterilized 3 times a day and the seafood that is used comes from the same truck that delivers the seafood to all the Epcot restaurants. There was a large board that showed the menu for each species. Stingrays got clams and scallops, sharks got hallibut and salmon and so on. It was at this point when I asked rhetorically whether the sharks were well fed.

Not only are they well fed, but they go to great lengths to make sure the sharks never associate feeding time and their food with humans. OK, sounds good to me and the kids!

We then spent some time with the highly intelligent dolphins and with their trainer. The dolphins were in and out and it was a bit hard to get a prolonged look at them. They are kept separate from the other sealife - not for their safety but for the other inhabitants' safety! The dolphins would eat most of the fish and just abuse the sharks.

Being led into another room with chairs and a flat screen TV, we were given release forms to sign for ourselves and children. Basically it said if a shark happens to eat you or your kids you can't sue Disney - or something along those lines. We saw a movie about environment issues, specifically regarding local sealife like Manatees. Most of the fee we paid for the tour went towards helping with these issues. We were then sized up and given a numbered key. The key was for our locker in the changing room. Off we went to get into our gear. Again I was a bit nervous that Toni was going off by herself but she was now really into it.

The father of the boy that was on the tour had shown up by now and joined us in the changing room. He was very helpful in instructing us on putting on our tight "body suits". Once we all looked like real divers ( or close ) we went up to the tank.

Our CM introduced us to the two professional divers that would be in the tank with us during the entire time. They were great! By this time my anxiety turned from concern to excitement. It was so different from anything I had ever done before and now I was grateful that I would be sharing it with Sterg and Toni. We were given our tanks, goggles and flippers, and put them on while standing on a platform in the tank. They took a picture for us.

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We were suited with a vest that carried the tank and also contained two air bladders that kept us buoyant. Realistically, the most you could dive down was only a couple of feet before the air would force you to the surface. The floatation was how we could don the scuba gear without being certified.

This was the first time I ever used a scuba tank and it took some getting used to. I started out taking short quick breathes which didn't work so well. Slow deep breaths are required. After a few minutes, it was like second nature.

You are instructed to use your feet to propel yourself through the water - not your arms. Despite this, the first thing I instinctively did was try to swim through the water with my arms. That also didn't work too well. Again, after a few minutes I was moving like a pro - as were the kids.

We were also happily told that the barbs have been removed from all the stingrays. This is what killed Steve Irving in that freak accident. The sharks pretty much mind their own business at the bottom of the tank. Turtles and rays may interact with you as well as some fish. We were instructed not to try to touch them but they are allowed to touch you. After all our directives we were off into the tank for 30 minutes!

Sterg went on his own at first and I stayed with Toni. What can I say - it was an amazing experience! To see all that sea life and to be in their environment was breathtaking. The rays would come pretty close, you would turn and next thing you knew you were in a school of fish. You looked down to see the smaller multi-colored fish swimming in and out of the reef. The sharks did stay down low and were majestic in the way they slowly cruised through the water. Looking carefully down below you can see people having lunch at he Coral Reef. "Hello there! How's the food today? Don't forget to take food pictures to post online!"

You also spotted a few hidden Mickeys on the floor of the tank. Turning around I saw people watching us in an observation area of the Seas. Hey, they are waving to us! Wait a minute, that's Val and Alex!

Val and Alex had made their way to the Seas to watch us swim with the fishes! They took some picture of us via their Iphones. Don't ask me who is who except that I'm the big one.



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The half hour went by quickly. We didn't want to leave the tank but time was up. After undressing and showering we met up for a final goodbye. We were each given a nylon Seas Aqua Tour backpack and a copy of the photo they took of us. It was placed in a nice folder. Our rating for the Epcot Seas Aqua Tour was a 10! It's truly something we will never forget. It also may have inspired Sterg and I to get SCUBA certified.

After our adventure with the sharks, dolphins and rays we were famished! Alex and Val already had lunch and were back at the Beach Club. We needed food right away, so we made our way to The Land.


and down to Sunshine Seasons!


Sterg loved all the options and this time got the chicken Cesar salad. Toni surprisingly enjoyed the chicken drumstick on the kids menu enough to order it again. I also repeated my lunch of the seared tuna on noodles. :slurp: We were loving this kind of Quick Service food!

Whoops!, looks like Dad forgot to bring a brush for Toni's hair. You'll have this.

Thumbs up for Aqua Tours and Sunshine Seasons!


We filled our bellies, and then grabbed Fastpasses for Soarin'. Next it was time to test some GM vehicles.
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Well-Known Member
I'm so glad Val and Alex enjoyed the Segway Tour! I remember you mentioning that you had booked it for them...and I remember wondering why you yourself weren't going as well. Now I understand!

Thanks so much for such a detailed description of the Seas Tour...that sounds like so much fun! Those pictures are great...I'll have to try to talk my husband into doing this sometime (even though he doesn't really like swimming) :shrug: :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, backstage at WDW isn't very appealing. If you look on Test Track when you're outside you can actually see some of backstage.

The tour you guys did looks AWESOME! I think I'd pick that over the Segway Tour. I've been scuba diving once but it was in a lake that was dingy and had nothing but trash and little plants on the bottom - nothing exciting at all. I think in the spring we're actually either going to do Discovery Cove (only because you get a pass to Sea World with it and we want to go there) or the dolphin excusion at The Seas. We haven't decided which one yet.


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OK, I had to giggle a bit about the Garden Wing part. We stayed at the other end of that water front section of the wing in your photo when we were there last month. While you don't get the wow factor of the monorail running through the tower, the rooms are identical. It's actually pretty nice being away from the tower.

Your Hoop Dee Doo Revue review was helpful for me. I'm always on the fence about it, but now I really don't think it's for us. Hey- that's $ I don't have to spend!

Too bad that everyone didn't decide to stick around for the evening festivities in MK. We too really love MM&Y and Wishes has quickly become my favorite. Enjoyed your Wishes pics! Also looks like the Segway tour was enjoyed! Can't wait to read more!

Garden Wing - I didn't realize that's were you stayed, looks really nice!

I agree with you about HDDR - when your kids are a bit older it may be worthwhile -

Alex and Sterg ended up making friends at the BC pool so they had fun. It was nice having the flexibility to split up like that and keep everyone happy.
Thanks - and MM&Y is a must do!

Val and Alex say - Segway was "way worth it".

I'm so glad Val and Alex enjoyed the Segway Tour! I remember you mentioning that you had booked it for them...and I remember wondering why you yourself weren't going as well. Now I understand!

Thanks so much for such a detailed description of the Seas Tour...that sounds like so much fun! Those pictures are great...I'll have to try to talk my husband into doing this sometime (even though he doesn't really like swimming) :shrug: :)

Yeah, you need to have a drivers license for Segway so I had to bite the bullet and do a different tour with Sterg and Toni. :)

Sea Tours was definitely an A. Thanks! - and it's not really swimming, more like floating and slowly kicking your flippers. Well worth it!

Yeah, backstage at WDW isn't very appealing. If you look on Test Track when you're outside you can actually see some of backstage.

The tour you guys did looks AWESOME! I think I'd pick that over the Segway Tour. I've been scuba diving once but it was in a lake that was dingy and had nothing but trash and little plants on the bottom - nothing exciting at all. I think in the spring we're actually either going to do Discovery Cove (only because you get a pass to Sea World with it and we want to go there) or the dolphin excusion at The Seas. We haven't decided which one yet.

I've heard good things about Discovery Cove - Aqua Tour was great and very convenient.

We are also looking at spending a day @ Sea World next time in Orlando.

Those tours sound so exciting. Glad you all had fun!

It was and thanks! :)

omg thats awesome,I'll have to check it out:)

Well worth it!
Would you mind sharing where I could find some info on the tour you did with your son and daughter? I told my husband about it and we'd love to add it to our upcoming May trip....depending on the cost....not sure if I want to know that detail!
Love the updates, keep 'em coming!


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Would you mind sharing where I could find some info on the tour you did with your son and daughter? I told my husband about it and we'd love to add it to our upcoming May trip....depending on the cost....not sure if I want to know that detail!
Love the updates, keep 'em coming!

here's the link for info and thanks!


I've seen that look that your wife was giving you at Philharmagic, made me feel I like I was in trouble. :lol:

Yes, I think all married men are familiar with "that look". :ROFLOL:


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I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with Test Track. We first rode it in 2000. Sterg was 4 years old and we had him wear Alex's thick-healed sandals so he would be tall enough for the ride. Good Parenting, right? We were lucky the kid didn't fly out of the car during the high speed banks. We waiting in line for an hour for this ride - we really had no clue on planning and fast passes, etc. - Oh, so young and naive.

We loved it though. Thought it was a great ride! Riding years later, however, I was very underwhelmed - mostly due to high expectations being disappointed by the reality of a ride with several broken effects.

So with that history, we handed in our fast passes and waited for our turn.

Toni's hair wasn't getting any better. Good thing Mom wasn't around to see it! :lookaroun

Doesn't anybody have a brush??


I still love her - bad hair and all...


What a bunch of dummies! Oh, I didn't mean you kids.


Getting ready to board!

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Active Member
Toni is so cute!! Bad hair and all!! :ROFLOL: She is such a trooper! She seems to keep that Disney spirit going for ya! When everyone else bails....Toni is there!! GO TEAM TONI!!!!!:sohappy::sohappy:


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I was back to loving TT! As far as I could tell or remember, all the effects were working. The on-board monitor - the replay after ABS test ( do they even make cars anymore without them?), the truck coming at you. Everything seemed right, but I'm sure I'm missing something. Don't tell me though, it will spoil it.

Like I said; a love-hate relationship.


then you're cold...


The high speed test was longer and more thrilling than I remember, but it didn't really help Toni's "hair situation".

We couldn't leave the area without cooling off in the car wash...


We decide on the way out of Epcot to go to Typhoon Lagoon. We picked up the pace, but I managed a few more pictures.


The Dolphin from the Boardwalk to Epcot bridge...


Sterg called Alex to tell her we were going to Typhoon Lagoon. She was at Storm-along-Bay and wanted to stay there. Apparently, her and Sterg's new friends at the pool included a cute boy. She convinced Sterg to bag TL and go to SAB. Good thing he had his swim suit with him. Val also wanted to "chill" there and down a few drinks from Hurricane Hanna's. So this left Toni and I, once again, on our own.

Sterg and Alex @ Hurricane Hanna's ( next to Storm-along-Bay ).

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Well-Known Member
Toni's hair and your comments are cracking me up! :lol:

I'm so glad you liked the Epcot Seas tour!! That seems like the perfect way to split up.


We left the trail of water "other Dad" was literally leaving in his wake and skipped over to the Forbidden Mountain. We grabbed FPs and decided to go watch the Insects complain about their lot in life. We entered the Tree of Life and waited for the show to start. Thankfully, the kids were getting along fine that morning.


I love this show. I was worried that some of the effect would be down, but everything was up and running. The stink bug was great, the acid caused many shrieks and Hopper appeared with his normal attitude. Toni was clutching my arm and sitting on the edge of her seat anticipating the next "trick". Is there any other show that can cause the pandemonium of ITTBAB when the fog fills the rooms, the hornets are released and the army of black widows dangle over the crowd's head? Toni and Alex were literally screaming, joining the rest of the audience. Even after seeing it many times, I get freaked out a bit. It's a great show!

A giant lizard showed up and helped us escape from Hopper's evil plans. That adventure made us all hungry so we ate lunch at Flametree BBQ. This is one of my favorite QS. I ordered the grilled chicken salad. The kids had ribs. It was very good.

I wish I would have taken pictures of the dinning area behind Flametree. It is just another example of the time and thought put into every nook and cranny of the park. An assignment for my next trip. Looming over our peaceful lunch and surroundings was our next dangerous destination...


OMG!!!! Trail of water!!!:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL: Bet that's the last time he tempts the gods!!


Premium Member
In the Parks
RE: Rumors of my demise . . . . .

["After the Voices of Liberty we were directed upstairs to the American Adventure. Are you kidding me? I never knew this existed before this trip. Walking up the grand stairway of flags certainly got you in the mood."]

I don't care how many times I see this show, it always makes me cry!:cry: Can't wait for April 2012. Your trip report is absolutely wonderful.:wave:


Well-Known Member
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Toni is so cute!! Bad hair and all!! :ROFLOL: She is such a trooper! She seems to keep that Disney spirit going for ya! When everyone else bails....Toni is there!! GO TEAM TONI!!!!!:sohappy::sohappy:

Thanks! She was a trooper and always willing to tag along with her Dad. :)

Toni's hair and your comments are cracking me up! :lol:

I'm so glad you liked the Epcot Seas tour!! That seems like the perfect way to split up.

We somehow avoided having her Mother see her in that condition. I did hear about it though when we reviewed the pictures. :)

Seas Tour was well worth it and it worked out great.

OMG!!!! Trail of water!!!:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL: Bet that's the last time he tempts the gods!!

It was really funny how 90% of the water in the raft landed on him! :)

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