WDW Picture of the Day (Part 3)

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Thank you :) Glad you guys liked the pic :) Now... for something almost completely opposite weather wise...
<image snip>

I would imagine that it is extremely difficult for those characters to hold those smiles :lol: When was this taken?


New Member
Stormy Day @ MK Yesterday

My husband and son went without me yesterday :( They were greeted by a day full of incredible downpours and flooded areas of the park...he took tons of pictures and loaded some onto flickr into the Disney set if you want to see them. I mean torrential downpours...they got stranded in Pecos Bill's Cafe for an hour while the downpour continued. At one time the walkway flooded in front of the restaurant and water started coming in...no kidding. :eek:

He shot this as they were leaving the park in between showers:



Well-Known Member
My husband and son went without me yesterday :( They were greeted by a day full of incredible downpours and flooded areas of the park...he took tons of pictures and loaded some onto flickr into the Disney set if you want to see them. I mean torrential downpours...they got stranded in Pecos Bill's Cafe for an hour while the downpour continued. At one time the walkway flooded in front of the restaurant and water started coming in...no kidding. :eek:

He shot this as they were leaving the park in between showers:

Wow! That's incredible!


Well-Known Member
My husband and son went without me yesterday :( They were greeted by a day full of incredible downpours and flooded areas of the park...he took tons of pictures and loaded some onto flickr into the Disney set if you want to see them. I mean torrential downpours...they got stranded in Pecos Bill's Cafe for an hour while the downpour continued. At one time the walkway flooded in front of the restaurant and water started coming in...no kidding. :eek:

He shot this as they were leaving the park in between showers:


That is beautiful!!

A different view of the Beach Club pool...


Ooo, it's so serene!! Great shot Nibbs!

Thank you :) Glad you guys liked the pic :) Now... for something almost completely opposite weather wise...

I feel so bad for them!!

My next addition to this thread :)



Active Member
I would imagine that it is extremely difficult for those characters to hold those smiles :lol: When was this taken?

That was in early Sept last year... I was there for a week and at least 4 days it started pouring when the parade got to the castle... except two days (sadly one of them being the night of the only MNSSHP while I was there) it only rained for a short time and was nice most of the day... tomorrow I will post a pic from earlier that day where the sky is nice and blue with fluffy clouds :)


Thank you :) Glad you guys liked the pic :) Now... for something almost completely opposite weather wise...
Just another classic example of true Disney magic from the characters....they couldn't be happier!!! (granted, one of my favorite parts about living down there was playing in the rain!!)

A different view of the Beach Club pool...
it's pictures like these (and practically every other pic on this thread) that make me HOMEsick!!!- and I've never even stayed at the Beach Club!!
He shot this as they were leaving the park in between showers:
that is absolutely breathtaking....i'm in awe!


along the lines of true Disney magic from the characters-- I went with my family to DLR a few months ago, and we ate at Goofy's Kitchen. This is one of my favorite places to eat out there, and the character interaction is also so great. Since I'm so homesick for FL and miss working so much, sometimes it's hard to see all the characters when I visit DLR. (I know, I'm ridiculous....:D) Well it was late one night and there was hardly anyone in the restaurant, so Aladdin spent a good half hour visiting with my family and me. Granted, character was broke just a tad the more we talked, but when Goofy came and joined us, it was one of the most fun times I've ever had with the characters. By the end, I was just in tears, somewhat because I just missed it, but mostly because I was laughing so hard!! Anyways, that was way too long of an explanation, oh well!


(notice where Aladdin is!)

yes I know... two pictures.... but these really have to go together, and I didn't post yesterday!!!


Well-Known Member
Could somebody post the links for the Picture of the Day (Part 1) and (Part 2) threads? I've loved this thread and would like to look through the old ones, but I did a quick search and came up empty. Thanks for any help!
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