WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)


Well-Known Member
Another tribute to VMK....

This picture reminds me why I love Disney so much, even though I can't articulate it! Can I save it and possibly use it as my avatar?


Well-Known Member
My guess is the photo was taken back stage. There is a railroad gate in the background. They probably took this while lining up for the parade. The guy on the left does a bunch of roles.


New Member
I'm sure that you all are speaking English, however, I don't (nor do I care to) understand. Basketball, Soccer/Futbol, Hockey, Auto Racing: Really, watching the last 5 minutes is all you need.

Of course you don't understand. You're a Red Sox fan. 'Nuf said. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Here is a photo of me with my waitress at the Biergarten Restaurant in Germany :sohappy:
The little doll that I am holding is Gretchen :sohappy:
Gretchen is a Children of the World doll from Germany :sohappy:


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