Beta Return
A lot of permits today and some interesting ones.
- Bunch of paving permits for various locations around the property including around AK Lodge, Vista Way, Osecola Parkway Extension, and Blizzard Beach.
- Permit for some work on the Fantasmic Stage
- This permit for electrical in computer networking rooms at a building over by Universal. MM+ number crunchers?
7100 Municipal Drive - Install electrical panels and outlets in Lan Rooms 1-5
- Couple permits for the Poly Rehab. These are all for Balfour Beatty Construction and expire in April of 2015.
1460,1462,1464,1466,1468,1470,1472,1474,1476,1478,1480,1482,1484,1486,1488,1490,1492,1494,1496,1498 Seven Seas Dr - Structures for the Poly Rehab
1500 Seven Seas Dr - Maintenance Bldg for the Poly Rehab
1520 Seven Seas Dr - Room Rehab in Building 10
1530 Seven Seas Dr - Room Rehab in Building 11
7100 Municipal Drive is the "secret location" of the primary Disney Reservation Center. They could very well have one of their MM+ data centers there, but this is likely just standard electrical upgrades.
Who was the contractor for the first rounds of Poly room refurbs? Was it Balfour Beatty?