WDW and terrorism threats


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Scooter
It's MY oppinion that any threads regarding terrorists or terriorist threats should be eliminated from these boards.

These threads are scaring people who might otherwise enjoy a fun-filled Disney Vacation.

President Bush has ask that we all go about our daily lives and do the things that we enjoy.

Spreading rumors and/or gossiping about Terrorist activities only adds to the already tense atmosphere and therefor play INTO the hands of the Terrorists.

While I realize these threats can be in some instances real, I don't think this board is the place to be discussing them. We don't know how our comments are affecting others and I for one, would NOT want to be a factor in deciding if others want to or don't want to go to Disney World.

What is WDW??? It is an ESCAPE from reality. That is why we love it. That is why we pay hundreds upon thousands of dollars EACH to go there. There is NOT a happier place on EARTH and I for one would like to keep it that way. What are these forums and this website about...YES...WDW!!! These discussion forums have been set up to satisfy our URGE for WDW and other Disney parks as well. Soo...I agree...Can we please let these discussion forums be the HAPPIEST PLACE ON THE WEB??? Don't really wanna come to a Disney site to read about terrorists when I can hear about them EVERYWHERE else on the web, radio, and television.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Originally posted by Scooter
It's MY oppinion that any threads regarding terrorists or terriorist threats should be eliminated from these boards.

These threads are scaring people who might otherwise enjoy a fun-filled Disney Vacation.

President Bush has ask that we all go about our daily lives and do the things that we enjoy.

Spreading rumors and/or gossiping about Terrorist activities only adds to the already tense atmosphere and therefor play INTO the hands of the Terrorists.

While I realize these threats can be in some instances real, I don't think this board is the place to be discussing them. We don't know how our comments are affecting others and I for one, would NOT want to be a factor in deciding if others want to or don't want to go to Disney World.

What is WDW??? It is an ESCAPE from reality. That is why we love it. That is why we pay hundreds upon thousands of dollars EACH to go there. There is NOT a happier place on EARTH and I for one would like to keep it that way. What are these forums and this website about...YES...WDW!!! These discussion forums have been set up to satisfy our URGE for WDW and other Disney parks as well. Soo...I agree...Can we please let these discussion forums be the HAPPIEST PLACE ON THE WEB??? Don't really wanna come to a Disney site to read about terrorists when I can hear about them EVERYWHERE else on the web, radio, and television.

So.....the solution to that problem would be to stop posting a "stop posting" reply, and, "I agree, they shouldn't be hear!" posts...and let the thread die.....just an idea.:)


New Member
Terror Attacks

Time to stop panicking and start living - I live in Belfast in Northern Ireland - I have lived my whole life - all 34 years of it under terror treats and witnessed terrorist attacks. Are you going to put your life on hold because someone wants to scare you. Slap on the sun cream and have a great holiday - and I will see your there - I am going to be there from the 21st June aswell so if we go we all go together. We have one hell of a party in Heaven:sohappy:


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by Scooter
It's MY oppinion that any threads regarding terrorists or terriorist threats should be eliminated from these boards.

These threads are scaring people who might otherwise enjoy a fun-filled Disney Vacation.

President Bush has ask that we all go about our daily lives and do the things that we enjoy.

Spreading rumors and/or gossiping about Terrorist activities only adds to the already tense atmosphere and therefor play INTO the hands of the Terrorists.

While I realize these threats can be in some instances real, I don't think this board is the place to be discussing them. We don't know how our comments are affecting others and I for one, would NOT want to be a factor in deciding if others want to or don't want to go to Disney World.

Just some thoughts.......:animwink:

Sure...if we ignore the problem, maybe it will go away.


Active Member

Yes, there is great danger. BUT, that is on the highway on the way to the airport. All the crummy unprofessional drivers. I feel safe once on the airplane. Those people are professionals.

I will go to Walt Disney World and anyplace I want. If you let nuts scare you you will never get out of bed.

Enjoy your trip. Once you get there it will be impossible not to and the only thing you will worry about is how to come up with the money to go back again, and again and again.


New Member
Originally posted by mamini1
Has anyone heard of WDW being on the threat list by terrorists? I'm going from June 29th thru July 9th and a little nervous:veryconfu

Now that you read all these responses, don't you feel better?:hurl:

...I'll be there during the same period...I'll leave a little room in my foxhole for ya and we'll take those bastards out as they come thru the gates!


New Member
Re: Re: WDW and terrorism threats

Originally posted by Tramp

Now that you read all these responses, don't you feel better?:hurl:

...I'll be there during the same period...I'll leave a little room in my foxhole for ya and we'll take those bastards out as they come thru the gates!

Are you going to dig up the concrete? :lol:


New Member
Re: Re: Re: WDW and terrorism threats

Originally posted by turkey leg boy

Are you going to dig up the concrete? :lol:

No, Silly....I'm a Marine...look for me on the beaches...:lol:

...unless I'm deployed at the Animal Kingdom, then look for me in the jungle....oh, crap....Nam all over again!:lookaroun


New Member
Hi, guys!
These discussions about terrorism and the horrible things media can do can be found all over the world. I am from Brazil, and we have the same problems, like papers publishing rumors that make everybody freak out, and lots of stories about terrorists, and many people canceling trips to the USA, saying: "It's dangerous to go there, because of terrorist attacks, and Disneyworld is a major target, blah blah blah..." This is ridiculous! I keep telling them that we are not safe anywhere, and it's not beacuse of spt 11 that things will get any worse. I live in Rio de Janeiro, one of the most famous tourist cities in the world (that would make us a major target here in Brazil) and everybody is afraid of terrorist attacks in the USA, while there are shooting everyday in the city slums, and sometimes on the buses, or in banks... Last year, I went to WDW in October, and most of the people who were going with me cancelled their trips, and from a big group, we ended up traveling with four people. But as a good disney freak, I would never cancel a trip to WDW for anything in this world! Here is what I told my father last year, before my trip to WDW:

Kisses from Brazil!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Re: Re: Re: Re: WDW and terrorism threats

Originally posted by Tramp

No, Silly....I'm a Marine...look for me on the beaches...:lol:

...unless I'm deployed at the Animal Kingdom, then look for me in the jungle....oh, crap....Nam all over again!:lookaroun

Can you call in a Air Stike for codename: "PrimeEvil Whirl"...let me get you the exact coordinates.......or...just look for the big ugly carny ride:lol:;)


Threats of Terrorism

For starters, let me first say that after the 9/11 attack, my family and I still went down to start off our "Christmas holiday" with our annual visit to WDW. Disney, like always, made sure we were all very comfortable. There were searches of bags going into the parks, the attendants at the parking facilities were checking names, drivers licenses and check-in/out dates. Disney was right on top of things. We weren't scared of being there for a minute! It's really a shame that we even have to think about the possibility of a terrorist attack but I think after the terrilble 9/11 attack, it kind of stays in the back of everyone's mind when it comes to flying and/or travelling.

Even last summer when we were there, there was a very bad storm and the CM were very on top of things with their walkie talkies (or whatever they're called nowadays) as to where people should go to take cover and how to address screaming people who didn't know what was going on. Nothing happened of course but still...it was good to know that CM were on top of the situation.

Disney has really beefed up their security and I think the best thing we could do is show the terrorists that they can't stop us. We've fought for the right for freedom and they will never put us under!

24 days to Disney Yee Haw!
When you look upon a star!


Tomorrowland Ga

New Member
Originally posted by Ratcat
In my experience the American Media spent very litle time worrying about what is going on elsewhere in the world and more about their own soil.

Example: In 2000 we watched the Olympic Closing Ceremony in our hotel room on FOX News. We never saw one of the 'reporters' talk to an athlete that wasn't American.

Upon our return we watched the same ceremony covered by the BBC and they interviewed athletes from many, many countries.

True that the US had a larger team, but should that make a difference? I say no.

Now this is just an example, but I watch FOX News daily now that it is available in the UK and I rarely see International reports unless it is about the so-called 'War on Terrorism.'

As as the 'threats' go

I'd pay them little heed. If you run your life around this kind of thing then you let them win! If WDW were a target then WDW would act.

I agree with you 100% about U.S. News coverage. I am an American but, have serveral friends who are from other countries. It is very limited what we report in our newspapers, television or other media outlets on what is happening around our world. Unless it is like the school shooting in Germany or a car bombing in Paris. We hardly hear what and how other countries are up to and doing. Which is sad because they always report about the U.S. on all their news coverage. Every country knows exactly what is happening over here and if asked we could hardly tell you who is President or King of any given country other than ours. :(


New Member
Originally posted by pheneix
Not to sound pessimistic, but WDW has always been on the terrorist "hit lists," and always will be.......

That's a good point pheneix. I am sure the White House and many other D.C. sites are the same way. That's why there is so much security at the White House (and the fact that President is there...duh!) and why Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is treated differently (since so close to D.C. monuments). Some place are always going to considered "targets" just because their national prominence. That doesn't mean something will happen to them anytime soon. WDW has made it 30+ years and it keep going strong! :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12

Agreed...that is sickening...but keep in mind.... there are a lot of us "responsible" journalists out there....

what you spoke about above most likely came from the trashy, tabloid, attention getting, jerks...the same ones that report on Britney Spears and the "orange juice can kill you" stories during the nightly news.... and yes..that is garbage...not news...just hype and B.S.

Oh...we're talking about Fox News? :lol: :rolleyes:


New Member
israels opinion....

As someone who lives in Israel I can tell you one thing:
Get ready

Currently in Israel there are almost no people who haven't lost good friends and family in terror.

If the USA continues trying to fight terror by what works for them,
without starting a world war,
We will be seeing many terror acts in the USA.

Well sorry to say but... we need a world war

because all it takes is one man
5 ponds of explosives
and a crowd

Even this new government agency will not help...
As long as Iraq Iran Saudi Arabia and Suria can continue exporting terror without any response from the USA...
terror will continue.


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its amazing what lengths some people will go to to fight for a piece of dirt or flag.
I take it from youre desire to fight a war that you wont be involved or you might not be so quick to suggest one.

The strange thing is one mans hero is another mans terrorist, a concept that the US hs never quite graspped. It demands action and support for ite "war" on terrorism but has funded and allowed fund raising for terrorist acts on other countries soil.

It may be just me but it seems that the attacks have got worse since the Israely hard linners destabalised the Palastinian authority to rid themselves of Arrafat. You always reap what you sow.


New Member
You must live your life you cant let then win. If you live in terror
they win so just be awake of the things around you and have
fun :lookaroun by the way I did have a freind that was kill on
9/11 but I will not give in :)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MKingdom25

Fox News is cool! Better than CNN. :cool:

:lol: No..

In the industry...we refer to FOX as the "Bottom of the Barrel"....they are very big on tabloid crap....there News Channel...not so much....but there local affiliate stuff is god awful.

I will quote my best friend that told me something very important when I started out.....

"If you ever work for FOX I will kill you!"

True Story:)

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