Its amazing how some people can say the dumbest things when
You make the assumption that I have no knowledge of world history, I take it that you base this on the fact that I have choosen to make a comment about youre imature and ill thought glib statement about war. Just because i express a view that questions yours dosent make me a gunman.
I mearly was asking if it is indeed not fact that suicide bombings are more frequent since the syste.matic dismantling of the Palestinian authority.
My other point was about terrorists Israely leaders were at one time considered terrorists by the Brittish but are now statesmen or are you of the view once a terrorist always a terrorist, except when the cause happens to be yours?
they began after the Aslo agreement was made. [That was giving back all the land to the Palestinians
Yes but settlers refuse to return the land and indeed have taken some steps in escalating the initial situation. So nice comment try to stick to the facts.
Well if im a lier then most of the European media is guilty of spreading the lies, I gain my insight from reading and watching , you may experience some of the events first hand but try not to ignore everything, the bombings are indeed disgusting but no more so than a trained soldier shooting children.
Its easy to say its not about land when youre the one occupying it. And perhaps its easier to understand that someone is willing to die if theyu feel they have nothing and will go to a better place, even if these misguided views are manipulated by others.
I think you were missing the point I was making that the British have had over 30 years of terrorism, funded almost exclusively by US fund raisers, those people were giving to a cause that was manipulated and exploited by others, exactly as happens in the Middle East. In my eyes there is guilt and shame on both sides and tit for tat killings only fester and breed more ill will.
Despite your rhetoric Isreal and the Jewish people do not have a monopoly on suffering, something you may learn with age and experience my friend.
Hardly think this is an appropriate topic for this board anyway.