I've noticed quite a bit of projects will be completed around late 2011/2012, which happens to coincide with the stretch of time the 40th celebration is assumed to occur:
1) Star Tours 2
2) FL Expansion
3) Art of Animation Suites
4) New California styled DVC
5) Supposed Revisioning of PI/DTD
Plus don't forget the rumors of Monsters Inc and Soarin' Over the World which have also been said to open around this time.
Will these be billed as the 40th additions? Most likely at least a few.Perhaps will all four parks get something?
Many questions to be answered in the coming months.
Anybody have any insights/questions/comments/suggestions/rants/etc?
1) Star Tours 2
2) FL Expansion
3) Art of Animation Suites
4) New California styled DVC
5) Supposed Revisioning of PI/DTD
Plus don't forget the rumors of Monsters Inc and Soarin' Over the World which have also been said to open around this time.
Will these be billed as the 40th additions? Most likely at least a few.Perhaps will all four parks get something?
Many questions to be answered in the coming months.
Anybody have any insights/questions/comments/suggestions/rants/etc?