No, Citywalk reminds me of DTD or Church Strret Station. Citywalk came way later.
I have always thought that DTD was just a mess. When DTD first opened is was called the Lake Buena Vista Shopping Village and it was a very nice shopping district that allowed access for locals and vacationers to visit without an entry fee and get a little Disney magic while sharing their money with the mouse. Over the years it grew. First the addition of PI. PI was a gated area for people 18 years of age or older and you had to pay an admission just to get onto the island. This was added to compete with the very popular Church Street Station. I will say PI was a lot of fun back then with the Westend stage and bands always playing on the street. You could go into what ever club you wanted to and come back to the street and listen to the live band. I really enjoyed that part of PI except having to pay to get on the island, but something had to pay for the entertainment. Well then West side comes along and now to get there from the Market Place you have to take a bland, unthemed sidewalk out by the parking lot to go around PI to get to the West side and the shops, theater and restaurants. This was a big flaw in my eyes. With the locked down PI in the middle you had no choice but to go around. This really isolated each area and limited the growth of the West side. So I have to assume after many thousands of complaints from people over the years and the complaints from the businesses on the West side that PI was opened up for people to walk through during the day to get between the shopping districts. At this point there was no charge to get on the island but you had to pay at the door of the clubs. Well this started to spell the end for the West end stage. Disney was not about to give people free entertainment. These people would come to PI and have a few drinks on the sidewalk and Hill st and listen to the music for free and that cannot last. Now the west end stage disappears and the fall of PI is well under way.
Connecting all three areas and blending their offerings will do wonders for DTD. It would not be in the situation it is in now if some better planning was done when the West side was added back in the mid 90's.