Waterfront District "Hyperion Wharf" Set to be added to Pleasure Island


Well-Known Member
If you look closely between two of the concept art pictures where the mickey face is located, you might notice something different about that location in the pictures. Also, his image isn't a facade or painted....

Based on rumblings, I also wouldn't be surprised to see the theme extended in the future to the Market Place/West Side. What that extent would be? Who knows.

I noticed that it seems to be chaining retro Mickey images! Perhaps it could be a movie screen made out of light bulbs showing classic Mickey clips and toons! It would be cool if the lamp posts did the same! I did notice the trees on those. I love the little tips to retro Mickey!

Empress Room

Active Member
I find it interesting that some are being critical with the concept art when it is clear to even the casual observer that Hyperion Wharf is being created to compete directly with Universal's CityWalk, which itself played a major role in the demise of Pleasure Island. In fact, it is putting in place what appears to be the same type of dining, nightspots and shopping and entertainment options that has made CityWalk wildly successful, but (at least according to the concept art) much more tastefully themed and story-driven. Does anyone doubt that Disney will not attract restaurants at least as good as Bubba Gump and Jimmy Buffet's? Heck, Raglan Road and Paradiso 37 are already much better choices than those at CityWalk.

We all lament the passing of Pleasure Island, but that was an 80s-90s phenom and the last time I checked, we are closing in on 2011. A detailed and well-themed HW will attract a night time crowd once again. It will be newer, fresher and, knowing Disney, better themed than CityWalk, which will completely revitalize the area. Heck, even in the death throes of PI this past October on my visit, people were dining at Paradiso, Raglan Road and Portobello and hanging out in the previous PI area, listening to the placekeeping music/entertainment that Disney had put in the area for night time entertainment. A real, themed area will increase popularity exponentially and likely draw from the CityWalk area.


The Epcot Manifesto
I find it interesting that some are being critical with the concept art when it is clear to even the casual observer that Hyperion Wharf is being created to compete directly with Universal's CityWalk, which itself played a major role in the demise of Pleasure Island. In fact, it is putting in place what appears to be the same type of dining, nightspots and shopping and entertainment options that has made CityWalk wildly successful, but (at least according to the concept art) much more tastefully themed and story-driven. Does anyone doubt that Disney will not attract restaurants at least as good as Bubba Gump and Jimmy Buffet's? Heck, Raglan Road and Paradiso 37 are already much better choices than those at CityWalk.

We all lament the passing of Pleasure Island, but that was an 80s-90s phenom and the last time I checked, we are closing in on 2011. A detailed and well-themed HW will attract a night time crowd once again. It will be newer, fresher and, knowing Disney, better themed than CityWalk, which will completely revitalize the area. Heck, even in the death throes of PI this past October on my visit, people were dining at Paradiso, Raglan Road and Portobello and hanging out in the previous PI area, listening to the placekeeping music/entertainment that Disney had put in the area for night time entertainment. A real, themed area will increase popularity exponentially and likely draw from the CityWalk area.

But they should put 10 new "E-Ticket Fully Themed Potter-Swatter Thrill Rides" in here instead. Disney never does anything right! :lol:

Great point about CityWalk. While the nightclub section was fun occasionally, I think it's been proven on other threads that the business model really did not work. CityWalk seems to though, and if Disney were to target that same sort of experience, with higher standards and a more immersive "theme", it's a potential winning situation. I love a nice relaxing evening walk through the current DTD as is, more themed areas to stroll around in just works for me. I have no interest in leaving the Disney property to visit CityWalk for that.


Well-Known Member
When I think Disney I think entertainment first, eating experience second and merchandise third. As long as TDO sprinkles enough entertainment into the mix Hyperion will work for me. Of the many times I've been to Disneyworld I have only been to Downtown a handful. We aren't clubbers or big shoppers so the only draw for us has been a change of food choices and scenery. But if some entertainment was there it could change my mind and make it almost a 4th park (I said almost). Seeing how admission tickets might be an issue, some of the entertainment wouldn't have to be elaborate. I can't see a parade fitting in as in the other Parks. But one suggestion could be a daily musical act, a comedy hour, or variety act outdoor event featuring unknown working their way up entertainers, which would not cost much to do as compared to the big headliners - something along the lines of the American Amphitheater in Epcot and on the Boardwalk. I really crave the live entertainment and who is better than Disney to do live?


Active Member
Just on a slightly related/different note - well done to some of our regular posters - a lot of what has been said here over the last few weeks has materialized into these plans. Nice work!

Back to the thread :)

Esp to raven (i think that's who it was) with the leak about the cost of lighting... looking back on it I wonder if it was a tip to the whole thing? :animwink:


Is it 2013 yet?

I CANT WAIT! Once I heard the concept and saw the pictures I was in love. This is what Downtown Disney is supposed to be. It seems like this is a place that will be a very enjoyable place to just hang out and relax while visiting the area. Im VERY VERY VERY excited to see this come to action!


Well-Known Member
I see the Adventurer's Club roof in the last picture, hmmm..........

One can only hope. Nothing would make me happier. We used to frequent the AC every time we went to WDW. For me it was one of the highlights of the trip.

To be totally truthful, ever since they closed the AC and the Comedy Warehouse, I won't go to PI. It's just a waste of time without them. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps Zach Devine was the illustrator of the concept art and decided to give himself a nod? :lol:

Apparently not. After microscopic inspection of the concept art, I found a plaque tucked away on the far left of the "Zach Divine" building:

" Zach Divine is the first born son of wildlife performance artist Divine and a former San Francisco cross dresser. Zach married adventuress Katie “Doodles” Manzanera in 1959. They met while both were in the Air Force, Zach was the crew chief on Katie’s customized X-1.

(Note; Katie was the granddaughter of one Merriweather Adam Pleasure and the daughter of former Argentine tango composer Raoul Manzanera and Pleasures daughter Merriam. Manzanera disappeared after dynamiting Canvas Plant #2 in 1940 at the place then known as Pleasure Island. Pleasure, daughter Merriam, and his beloved ship the “Dominoe” vanish during Antarctica Circumnavigation in 1941.)

In 1955 Hurricane Connie ravages what is left of Pleasures Island. All remaining operations are shuttered. Island offered for sale but no offers forthcoming. Pleasure brothers Stewart and Henry abandon the Island forever and disappear. Invoking the spirits of the I-4 Indians and the services of a shady lawyer from Kissimee, title to the island is secured by the Theme Desolation Organization of Kansas City.
After countless missteps and blunders, TDO reopens Pleasure Island in 1989 as a nighttime entertainment venue and watering hole. After almost twenty years of apparently successful operation the Island is once again abandoned and desolate. Various reasons are give for the closure, among them, over use of the place by Crips and Bloods, excessive drunken behavior and upch__________g by patrons, and lack of adult beverage sales to those under the age of 15. The real cause is overindulgence in third party credit default swaps.

In 2010, Zach regains possession of the former Pleasure Island due to his marriage to Katie Doodles. (Katie is long gone. While attempting to best her 1948 Daytona Beach speed record, she is killed in a collision with a slow moving timeshare sales booth. The case remains a mystery)
Zach decides to give the island a new future and re-christens it “Hyperion Wharf”. After laying out the plans and theme of the new venture, he turns over execution of the project to his hand picked team of professionals and takes up secluded residence in an old warehouse at Flamingo Crossings. Apparently, Zach has become obsessed with his father-in-laws concept of steam-magnetic locomotion.

Further information on the illustrious and illusionary past of Hyperion Wharf may be found upon the plaques throughout the area."



Well-Known Member
They didn't name the restaurants. "Mahogany Bay" is a boat-themed restaurant concept that is proposed for the Hyperion Wharf district. I don't know if it's a definite, but it seemed that way. If anyone knows any different, please illuminate.

I think it was something like Mahogany Bay. My guess is that name got nixed when Carnival built a "Mahogany Bay" in Honduras as a port for its cruise ships.

Mahogony Bay was a concept brought forward by (I believe) Landry's to be a new boat themed restaurant to be located in the remodeled Hyperion Warf/PI area. This now sounds like it would fit in well after looking at the pics.


Well-Known Member
WOW!!! Thanks vonpluto for that catch up with PI history. I had forgotten alot about that.

Anyways I think that the concept art does look nice. Yes I was an avid PI goer with the clubs and have been very sad to see them go. But with saying that...I think that Disney will suprise us all. No I dont think they will ever put a "dance club" back but I think maybe a nice classy bar or 2 to fill the gap with everyone. Raglen road is great so something along those lines. Well at least we can only hope!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
And I want to emphasize that last point in case it's a meanginful discussion: haven't not yet read this thread, just the news, is there any reason there couldn't be an immersive, comedic destination similar to what AC offered in this spot?

AC, as it existed, was meant to be a small component of a larger venue, where you paid one price, and could walk in and out of a number of different clubs at will. AC had a lot of fans, many of whom could be counted on to stay for every possible show they could get in to see, as club capacity and the "library" capacity allowed.

I know at a certain point, PI tried different two-price structures. I think at one point, you could pay JUST to go into AC & CW. Either that, or one price got you into all the dance clubs, and you had to pay more in order to also be able to go into AC & CW.

But for AC to be sustainable now, on its own with no Pleasure Island admission fee, it will have to have its own admission fee, it would have to be enough to keep it profitable in and of itself (along with the bars and whatever food they offer), and it will have to be big enough to allow people to stay, as there won't be other clubs to visit. Perhaps they could turn it into a dinner-and-a-show venue like Hoop De Doo or the Poly Luau. Heck, they could probably create three distinct shows each night, loosely based on the original 45-minute-ish shows they used to have in the library, allowing diehard PI fans the opportunity to pay for three different meals over the course of their vacation so they can see each show. Of course, that would make the cost of going much more expensive than the separate admission it had, or when PI admission would (or could) be included in your park tickets.

Speaking as someone who dearly enjoyed PI, and went as often as I could when at WDW, I have to think that Disney execs know that it had a very loyal and frequent fan base, and that entertainment options at DTD is a very good thing to have. If there could be a way to have kept AC open when the rest of PI closed, they would have done so. Likewise, if there's a way to re-open or re-create AC in the current plans for HW, a way that it would be profitable without being a part of something bigger like PI, they would. It was a creative success, but creative successes don't always translate into profits.


Well-Known Member
Apparently not. After microscopic inspection of the concept art, I found a plaque tucked away on the far left of the "Zach divine" building:

" Zach Divine is the first born son of wildlife performance artist Divine and a former San Francisco cross dresser. Zach married adventuress Katie “Doodles” Manzanera in 1959. They met while both were in the Air Force, Zach was the crew chief on Katie’s customized X-1.

(Note; Katie was the granddaughter of one Merriweather Adam Pleasure and the daughter of former Argentine tango composer Raoul Manzanera and Pleasures daughter Merriam. Manzanera disappeared after dynamiting Canvas Plant #2 in 1940 at the place then known as Pleasure Island. Pleasure, daughter Merriam, and his beloved ship the “Dominoe” vanish during Antarctica Circumnavigation in 1941.)

In 1955 Hurricane Connie ravages what is left of Pleasures Island. All remaining operations are shuttered. Island offered for sale but no offers forthcoming. Pleasure brothers Stewart and Henry abandon the Island forever and disappear. Invoking the spirits of the I-4 Indians and the services of a shady lawyer from Kissimee, title the the island is secured by the Theme Desolation Organization of Kansas City.
After countless missteps and blunders, TDO reopens Pleasure Island in 1989 as a nighttime entertainment venue and watering hole. After almost twenty years of apparently successful operation the Island is once again abandoned and desolate. Various reasons are give for the closure, among them, over use of the place by Crips and Bloods, excessive drunken behavior and upch__________g by patrons, and lack of adult beverage sales to those under the age of 15. The real cause is overindulgence in third party credit default swaps.

In 2010, Zach regains possession of the former Pleasure Island due to his marriage to Katie Doodles. (Katie is long gone. While attempting to best her 1948 Daytona Beach speed record, she is killed in a collision with a slow moving timeshare sales booth. The case remains a mystery)
Zach decides to give the island a new future and re-christens it “Hyperion Wharf”. After laying out the plans and theme of the new venture, he turns over execution of the project to his hand picked team of professionals and takes up secluded residence in an old warehouse at Flamingo Crossings. Apparently, Zach has become obsessed with his father-in-laws concept of steam-magnetic locomotion.

Further information on the illustrious and illusionary past of Hyperion Wharf may be found upon the plaques throughout the area."

Great Backstory!!


Well-Known Member
The benefit of the new plan (and I'm sure the reason for PI's demise) is that you now have a contiguous concept from one end of DTD to the other and that all of the businesses can now all have much longer and the same business hours.

The biggest problems with Pi was that it was (A) a virtual stop sign for people who wanted to shop or dine at the West Side or Marketplace, (B) didn't do business during the day, (C) the nightclubs were run by Disney who simply wanted out, and (D) the "undesireables" that were brought to the area because of the nightclubs.

The nightclubs at CityWalk have the benefit of three large hotels almost right on property. IMO, Disney should've built the PI area as an adult resort-style area with a couple of adults-only hotels right on site. Disney is missing a huge market of twentysomethings who think WDW is only for kids. An adult resort would've had huge benefits for PI and all of the Disney theme parks.

As for the AC, with the publicity it's gotten since its closing, I'm really surprised someone like Landry's hasn't purchased or licensed the concept in order to build a new version somewhere else in DTD. Along with the other concepts Landry's has, I'd think an all-ages restaurant like that would be a huge success and a big draw - it certainly sounds like a better concept than the boating restaurant. The AC must've been a serious money loser for them to have abandoned it like they have even with all of the outcry.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
But do we really need characters plastered all over the place? The Mickey face and flowers and trees are very unnecessary IMO.

My assumption (and yes I know what happens when you assume) was that many images of the characters were "place holders" for billboard advertising. Once they're physically up, with ads for a new album for whatever Hannah Montana/Jonas Brothers 2.0 they're concocting in the lab, or the "Stitch's Great Escape: The Movie - IN 3D!!!!" one-sheet, you'll be begging for images of the classic characters :D

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