Waterfront District "Hyperion Wharf" Set to be added to Pleasure Island

Fable McCloud

Well-Known Member
I have to agree that this discussion is going a bit far.

I want the AC back. Whether that happens is up to Disney.

I want a place I can go to escape children.

I'm 25, a teacher, and generally love kids, but I can only handle so much before I crack.

What DTD becomes will be whatever they decide to give us, and we can whine and complain all we like, but once those changes are made, unless they bomb, they're probably going to stick around a while.

And....I'm done. That's really all I got right now.


Well-Known Member
But make no mistake, WDW used to be a more "adult" place and they used to market to a much broader range of ages. Personal likes or dislikes aside, as a shareholder, it's shortsighted and dumb to brand yourself as "unless you have kids, you probably don't really want to vacation here" - it is going to cost them over an extended period of time.

I've got to say I agree with the above. I've personally had many conversations with people about this same thing. People know us as the "Disney Experts" of our group, and routinely we're asked all kinds of things. But the overall perception has definitely changed over the last 10 years or so that WDW is ONLY a place to go if you've got kids. It's getting harder to argue against that point... Unless Uni is a part of the trip. I think, long term, that that might do more harm than good.

Sort of like Vegas did for a while, but only in reverse. Vegas decided for a while that they were going to be more family focused. Spent TONS in marketing to families. Eventually they figured out that wasn't very smart, apparently, because it's back to "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".

My take on HW... I've stayed out of this whole discussion thus far, because I don't really care all that much. :lol: I'm glad to see something new FINALLY happening... I'm worried it'll be short on "entertainment", which is what I want more of, as opposed to shopping... But I'm also willing to reserve judgement.


The people doing the most complaining are the ones most upset about the closing of PI and specifically the AC. I predicted a year that no matter what Disney announced they would find fault with it. And that is exactly what is happening.
Happy I could oblige...
For fun I'll say it again: Without AC, Hyperion Wharf is worthless.

WDWMagic.com Credibility Scale:

1. Martin
2. Lee
3-69,999. Everyone else
70,000. jt04
There...fixed that for you.:cool:
I gladly yield the #1 spot to my friend from Manchester.

Krack, have you ever considered that maybe WDW isn't the place for you if you don't like kids?
Sort of an annoying statement right there. There should be things to enjoy on property that allows a refuge from children. It's only fair to us grown-ups.
Personally, I have mastered the art of kid-ignoring. Unless I get hit by a stroller, or a kid disrupts a show or ride, I am able to totally tune them out. It's like my personal bubble, and kids aren't welcome.

If a nightclub is truly what you want, there are still options. Atlantic Dance, Jellyrolls, and Rix Lounge. However, I'm sure you will come up with reasons why these don't fit your needs.
One big reason why those don't fit my needs. Guess what it is...

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Im sorry but everyone really just needs to move on. While everyone is entitled to their opinions there just gets to be a point where enough is enough. No amount of complaining is going to bring PI back.

A large amount of complaining brought Figment back. Sure it was a crappy reincarnation, but it brought him back none-the-less.


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate those who miss the old days of PI. I truly loved going. I also realize like all of us that Disney handled the closing about as bad as a company could. The thing I look at now is an attempt to make DD a seamless destination. Unfortuniately, the poor planning when Westside was added ruined any chance for that seamlesss experience with PI sandwiched between. My hope is this new concept will make for a better experience with hopefully more entertainment. As for the whole adult only area, a true Paradise Island, maybe on an abandoned island in the middle of Bay lake, would be pretty cool. Just because PI is gone, doesn't mean it could not pop up in one form or another somewhere else on the property. I for one hope AC & company might someday reappear. For now, I will continue to go to DD, and yes as I might be the only person that enjoys the Westside as well, will wait for the new area to open and not think of what I miss, but what's new to enjoy.


I just signed up on the forum after lurking for quite a while to address a direct question to the amazing Raven:

Raven, are there plans for a dance club to among the new offerings on Hyperion Wharf??


Well-Known Member
If the questions were all that were discuss that would be a different story. If it were a true discussion it would be a different story.

All that has really gone on in this thread is a boiling down of the concept to its basic parts and then comparing those parts to a mall, as you have done.

It has gotten so bad that the poster who brought us some inside information is declining to post here any more.

That's not a discussion, that's b****ing and moaning about something that's not built yet.

While it was a bad decision for WDW to handle the closure of PI the way they did and they could have arguably "saved" the clubs with a serious investment, they are re-purposing this space with a different concept.

The success of this concept depends on several factors we simply don't have access to at this point.

Whether you personally like it or not has no bearing on the success or failure of Hyperion Wharf. The very small percentage of vacationer that make up the membership of this website are in no way a reflection of the general traveling public.

Some things never change. I don’t know your Disney Internet history, but here’s mine: Firstlurk on the Destination Florida boards and RADP (Class of 1995, post split), nowhere near an old timer.
The one constant is the “battle lines” that are drawn over operations at WDW. The divisions always seam to fall this way:
Doom & Gloomers
The Everything is Coming Up Roses Crowd
The Rodney King Folks (Can’t We Just Get Along)
The Hook Up and Bail Out Platoon (I’m outta this thread!)

If folks think the verbal fist fights of today are bad, they should search the Google Groups for RADP posts from the Deja News days. In the unmoderated Usnet groups things got REALLY nasty. (The RADP threads on the cancellation of the Poly Sunday services and Howies Angels spring to mind. Oh yeah, there was the infamous PaulT “Sheep” post!)

But, you're right we can’t make much of a call yet. The info from Disney, beyond the pretty pictures, is pretty generic and bland:

“New dining, shopping and entertainment experiences are in the works for Downtown Disney and today we’re sharing a first look at what to expect in the future for the 120-acre complex. Look closely and you’ll see that Pleasure Island will evolve into a vibrant waterfront district called “Heparin Wharf.”
The district will come to life with a nostalgic yet modern take on an early 20th century port city and amusement pier. By day, stylish boutiques and innovative restaurants will draw you in and by night, thousands of lights will transform the area into an electric wonderland.”

We’ve gotten better info from Raven, what I would call “backstroke/background to the concept.

Bold? - Can’t tell yet
New - Nah, different (IMHO)
Visionary - depends on whose eyeballs you look thru

So, in the interest of discussion and armchair Imagining, (remembering that ideas at WDI never die, they’re just moved to a higher shelf) for you consideration:

From a Wade Samson (aka Jim Korkis) interview at Mouseplanet with some one involved with the creation of PI:

“Samson: What were the original clubs planned for Pleasure Island?

Wilson: We wanted a TNG. Fridays (open 24 hours) where the Portable Yacht Club is today. We presented Marry [Skald] with a menu of 50 food, entertainment and retail ideas for Downtown Disney. There were a few Disney attractions in the mix that various teams had been playing with, including 'Do-It-Yourself-Disney' that became Disney Quest. The list included House of Blues, TNG.. Fridays, an old world family Italian restaurant thumbed after Tony’s from Lady & the Tramp, a 1940s era Hollywood Canteen (dance and supper club), All That Java (coffee mad jazz club), Villains—(a.k.a. Villains Volt) an "underground," haunted night club thumbed on classic Disney villains (this is before the villains shop in Disneyland), 100 Acres (a la Wine the Pooh) night time "day care" while adults shop and dine.

A wharf-side eatery that was internationally thumbed. It was like Rick’s Cafe in Casablanca, but the entrance was down a side street, through a metal door on a warehouse, with a single light bulb over the door. A beat up old metal sign on the wall by the door said P.M. Imports, Ltd. The place was to be called Pablo-McNair’s Shanghai Cantina Deluxe. This would be the Adventurers Club, with food! More characters, and a floor show with house band. I still intend to build that joint, maybe here in San Francisco. The key is the waterfront... with an old Chinese junk and/or Rusk Sub parked out back by the expansive dock (out door pub).

A 24-hour diner inspired by Orlando’s Bubble Room, but completely decorated (stuffed) with antique Disney memorabilia. From the outside it would be a classic, stainless steel American dinner with flashing neon sign. Inside, hearty dishes with the best Disneyana we could find, buy, and borrow including authentic Disney movie props. The name would have been “W. Elias.””

Wilson’s thoughts on the AC:

“Instead of closing it, I would expand it to include a restaurant and open it from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily. We’d serve lunch and dinner and in the afternoon a hard ticketed Mystery Meal with food, cast, clues, and prizes. I always wished there was a deck, pier and boat launch to do Adventurers Cruises on Lake Buena Vista, every hour on the half hour. Short, 30-minute cruises with a special on board bar, snacks and a high-seas adventure (mini show that is only performed on the boat—the SS Merriweather). The Adventurers Club gift shop with adventure gear and souvenirs: passport to get stamped through out the club, boat, etc… pith helmets, khaki jacket with emblem, canvas adventure bags, totes, rucksacks, etc. (some of the gear that was in the original “Avigators” shop when PI opened). I still have my great leather bag from there.”

OK, I’m done. That was log winded enough, I can lurk for six months.:snore:


Well-Known Member
Sort of an annoying statement right there. There should be things to enjoy on property that allows a refuge from children. It's only fair to us grown-ups.

Personally, I have mastered the art of kid-ignoring. Unless I get hit by a stroller, or a kid disrupts a show or ride, I am able to totally tune them out. It's like my personal bubble, and kids aren't welcome.
I understand it can be if it is taken as a singular statement without the context surrounding it.

However, Disney has always been a place full of kids. I agree totally that there should be places where kids should be limited and there are. Should there be more? I personally wouldn't complain. I've also stated previously I would rather have seen them update PI than close it down. Alas, that isn't what they did though.

The comment was specifically for Krack, who by his own admission would ban strollers from Fantasyland if he could.

One big reason why those don't fit my needs. Guess what it is...
Again, that is perfectly understandable. You aren't disguising your dislike of the new plans with some sort of veiled attempt at rational evaluation.

Krack stated that he wanted nightclubs. I pointed out three Disney run clubs (I didn't even include what was available at the Swolphin).


Active Member
Again, that is perfectly understandable. You aren't disguising your dislike of the new plans with some sort of veiled attempt at rational evaluation.

Krack stated that he wanted nightclubs. I pointed out three Disney run clubs (I didn't even include what was available at the Swolphin).

Actually, I didn't say I wanted nightclubs. I said a complex of adults-only themed nightclubs (as well as a daily New Years Eve celebration) is something that you can't find in every city in America. This was in response to the question posed which was (paraphrase) "It's all be done before. What could Disney do that would be bold and fresh and not available in your own hometown?" I simply pointed out that they had something already that met that criteria and they got rid of it because they got greedy and started chasing locals and changed the business model (no entrance fee).

To answer your initial point, my opinion is not veiled; I tried to point it out as clearly as I could. But to sum up (in no particular order) ...

1. The name "Hyperian Wharf" does not roll off the tongue. It's two words people don't use in everyday conversation. I think they could have come up with something better.

2. I'm not sure the concept of theming the area to a 1920s wharf is at all exciting. I've seen the wharf-land they built in DCA, and it's the least interesting land they've built in any American Disney park, imho. Something can be themed beautifully (just spot on authenticity) and still be boring - which is what they found out in several areas of DCA.

3. I abhor the third-party vendor model.

4. When I am on a Disney vacation, I go to the parks every day. Every couple of days, I would like to be able to have a nice sit down dinner in a quiet atmosphere (no screaming and/or running children and no blaring music), then spend the rest of the evening in the company of adults either having a drink and some conversation, or some kind of show. In the past, DTD and Pleasure Island offered the closest thing I could get to this experience; and I enjoyed it. Personally, I couldn't care less about any of the clubs other than 8-Trax and the AC, but I am not so-self-centered as to realize that just as I liked my favorite establishments, others preferred the other type of clubs. So, no, I don't want nightclubs ... what I want is one place to eat, one place to drink, and one place to watch some kind of performance all for adults. If they built an adults-only moderate resort with a nice restaurant, a pool and a lounge, I'd book there everytime I went to WDW. With the DDP and the changes to DTD, I feel like Ahab chasing the great white whale.

5. If they design these lights (and the sound system) to put on a show every two hours, it would probably be something that would draw me to HW once a trip. I find it hard to believe they would come up with this concept without including something like this (seems like a no-brainer), but apparently they have as it was not described in the blog post from Disney. Alternatively, a water show would serve the same purpose.


Active Member
Heck, if it was up to me we'd ban strollers from the whole property...:cool:

Who wouldn't? They used to be a way to keep moving around the parks after your young child had reached the point of exhaustion. Now they are ways for moms to keep moving around the parks while carrying every item they could possibly ever want to have access to that day not unlike a shopping cart. They are miniaturized SUVs and treated as such. Most of the time, there aren't even any children in them; the kids are simply the excuse for the parents to get the rolling cart. But that's another thread topic that I am uninterested in rehashing for the 10,000th time. :)


Well-Known Member
1. The name "Hyperian Wharf" does not roll off the tongue. It's two words people don't use in everyday conversation. I think they could have come up with something better.

2. I'm not sure the concept of theming the area to a 1920s wharf is at all exciting. I've seen the wharf-land they built in DCA, and it's the least interesting land they've built in any American Disney park, imho. Something can be themed beautifully (just spot on authenticity) and still be boring - which is what they found out in several areas of DCA.

3. I abhor the third-party vendor model.

4. When I am on a Disney vacation, I go to the parks every day. Every couple of days, I would like to be able to have a nice sit down dinner in a quiet atmosphere (no screaming and/or running children and no blaring music), then spend the rest of the evening in the company of adults either having a drink and some conversation, or some kind of show. In the past, DTD and Pleasure Island offered the closest thing I could get to this experience; and I enjoyed it. Personally, I couldn't care less about any of the clubs other than 8-Trax and the AC, but I am not so-self-centered as to realize that just as I liked my favorite establishments, others preferred the other type of clubs. So, no, I don't want nightclubs ... what I want is one place to eat, one place to drink, and one place to watch some kind of performance all for adults. If they built an adults-only moderate resort with a nice restaurant, a pool and a lounge, I'd book there everytime I went to WDW. With the DDP and the changes to DTD, I feel like Ahab chasing the great white whale.

5. If they design these lights (and the sound system) to put on a show every two hours, it would probably be something that would draw me to HW once a trip. I find it hard to believe they would come up with this concept without including something like this (seems like a no-brainer), but apparently they have as it was not described in the blog post from Disney. Alternatively, a water show would serve the same purpose.

1. It could be because you are spelling it wrong. Then again, I don't think it would really matter what they would call it. You made it pretty clear that if it wasn't PI, then it would be a failure.

2. I've seen what they did with a similar era Boardwalk and found it to be quiet nice.

3. That seems like a personal issue that could prevent you from experiencing something rather unique.

4. Krack if this is what you are looking for in a Disney vacation you aren't looking very hard. Most of those you can find right at the Boardwalk.

5. That's a good fan. You should be disappointed in something that's not added that was never announced.

Again, you want to be disappointed in this area. That's really what it comes down too.

With that I'm done in here.


Active Member
Again, you want to be disappointed in this area. That's really what it comes down too.

Yup. Either that or ... they designed something common place and generally unexciting (to me), gave it a backstory and called it "bold and new". All they announced is that they are adding on to their outdoor mall. It's gonna have lights ... that turn on in the early evening. Okay - I'm super excited now.


Active Member
Personally, I have mastered the art of kid-ignoring. Unless I get hit by a stroller, or a kid disrupts a show or ride, I am able to totally tune them out. It's like my personal bubble, and kids aren't welcome.

One big reason why those don't fit my needs. Guess what it is...
Does it have anything to do with not being able to roast marshmallows with Chip and Dale there?

Could you give me a hint?


Well-Known Member
I'm happy that they finally have plans set and are doing something with that space, but guys, Krack is right. This isn't a bold, new vision at all, its an extension of what Downtown Disney already has, effectively turning all three sections into one big section with differences in architecture.

That is, unless Disney has yet to unveil more details, and HP will have entertainment offerings instead of just shops and resturants.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
That is, unless Disney has yet to unveil more details, and HP will have entertainment offerings instead of just shops and resturants.

Ahhh, the proverbial fly in the ointment; the pain in the . How about we look toward the future and see what occurs at HW first? Before decrying some supposed lost past of children vacant from the parks and nary a stroller to be seen?


The Americana, Glendale, California

I have nothing to contribute to this except to share that those trolleys were designed by Imagineer George McGinnis, who was also responsible for Horizons.

Also: This Expansion Is Useless Without Adventurers' Club :)


Well-Known Member
I never experienced PI since I was not over 21 during my visit when it was still open. Now I am 29 (yikes!) own a DVC and have been traveling to disney 2-3x per year only since 07. That being said I really like the idea of HW as long as there is some adult entertainment. My husband and I are drinkers (not sloppy drunk getters, big difference). We enjoy having our pints and engaging in adult activities whether it be dancing or a piano bar. My husband remembers PI as the ultimate party place and while I enjoy his tails of shenigans i cannot re-live it cause i was not there. While I sympathize with and understand that the people who lost their good time experiences are upset......u have to understand there is now a new generation of people who dont know or care what PI was and will eat up HW. They will drink, hang, shop there and it will be successful if it is done right...when we visit DTD it is to eat at Raglan Road and sample a Jameson flight...then we stroll and have a few drinks around the closed clubs while my hubby tells me how awesome they used to be....I know that sounds awesome lol...but I am ready for something new!

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