Dress rehearsal day 2 didn't go as well as I'd hoped. We have our first winter storm of the year here and I called it a day at 16 miles. The snow and cold didn't both me too much, but the wind really got to me and I just couldn't handle it. From a physical perspective I felt great, so it's frustrating...I sort of wish I'd just kept going, but I kept having to calm myself down to keep from crying/freaking out, so I THINK it was the right call to just bag it.

Oh well.
In other news, final race instructions have been posted! Go to the Runner Info Tab > Final Race Instructions. I see there are wave starts for the 5K...I don't remember entering in an expected finish time when I registered and the instructions make it sound like there are assigned corrals, not just lining up on the honor system, which is how I thought they did it in the past. Hmm...
Also they are sending the marathon waves out farther apart - every 7 minutes. I wonder why, maybe they think it will help with congestion on the course?