Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend


Well-Known Member
Ha, love the new avatar dreamfinder.

With this talk of weather, does anyone else who lives in the north also worry that a snowstorm will cancel their flight to Orlando?
I always worry about that, but we rarely get the kind of snow that really shuts down airports so the chances are pretty unlikely. Always in the back of my mind though! Like Lindsay, we are flying early (Thursday) so we have a day window to get there if we get delayed.


Well-Known Member
Hmm... hopefully it will be nice and cool for the race, I am currently used to the 30s and 40s for my running temps. Good thing we have a few days pre-race in Disney to get ready for the heat.

@Ariel484 - good luck with the Goofy dress rehearsal! Do you have your gear picked out for each day already? I am trying to figure out my gear for the marathon this week.
Yeah, I've grown to like the temps in the 30s or 40s. I do my 2 shorter runs on the treadmill so I'm hoping that'll help me in case we have a toasty weekend in Florida.

Do you mean gear for the dress rehearsal or gear for race weekend? :D I have both!
tomorrow - dri-fit capris and a long-sleeved tech shirt
Friday - tights, running jacket and hat

The one thing I NEED to get for tomorrow/Friday is newspaper to stuff in my shoes overnight in case I do get caught in the rain tomorrow.

For the actual races I am being optimistic and assuming that it'll be tank top/running skirt weather...fingers crossed! Keep me updated on what you decide to bring. :)


Well-Known Member
Ha, love the new avatar dreamfinder.

With this talk of weather, does anyone else who lives in the north also worry that a snowstorm will cancel their flight to Orlando?

: ) Thanks. Haven't yet worried about a snowstorm canceling the flight down. We've flown out in snow before, to the point that it took us almost double time to reach the airport, but no cancellations. Also, we are going down a week early, so I can give a day or two. Wouldn't want to, but it's there just in case.


Well-Known Member
Got a call last night from Il Mullino - they will be closed Saturday before the marathon (had a dinner reservation). Said the other restaurants at Swan and Dolphin will be providing additional pasta options on their menus Friday and Saturday nights. Looking for alternate meal options (other than Portabellas and Italy in Epcot).


Well-Known Member
Goofy Dress Rehearsal Day One - complete!

The forecast called for rain and thunder today, but I managed to get out early enough to completely avoid it. :) So 10 miles done in 1:52...nice and relaxed. It felt effortless. Runs like that are pretty rare for me.

I have 20 miles scheduled tomorrow and I'm sure I won't be able to avoid bad weather - it's supposed to rain all day today (hasn't started yet) and that's supposed to change to snow overnight. Boo! :( But once tomorrow is done it's taper time!!!

Good luck this weekend, everyone! We're getting closer in closer - actually 3 weeks from this very moment I should be landing in Orlando...!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Goofy Dress Rehearsal Day One - complete!

The forecast called for rain and thunder today, but I managed to get out early enough to completely avoid it. :) So 10 miles done in 1:52...nice and relaxed. It felt effortless. Runs like that are pretty rare for me.

I have 20 miles scheduled tomorrow and I'm sure I won't be able to avoid bad weather - it's supposed to rain all day today (hasn't started yet) and that's supposed to change to snow overnight. Boo! :( But once tomorrow is done it's taper time!!!

Good luck this weekend, everyone! We're getting closer in closer - actually 3 weeks from this very moment I should be landing in Orlando...!!! :)
Congrats on day one done! My day one was good too. Day 2...another story. :D Yay! 3 weeks from today I will be there already! Can't wait!!!


Well-Known Member
Congrats on day one done! My day one was good too. Day 2...another story. :D Yay! 3 weeks from today I will be there already! Can't wait!!!
:o Uh-oh! Today is my first day of vacation so the rest of the day will be spent foam/Stick rolling, stretching, and being a lazy bum. Hopefully that will help me not have too crappy of a day tomorrow!

3 weeks...AAHHH!!

Witchy Chick

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the waiver info/links. I printed mine (bib 7013 for the 5K) and my kids' (DD4 bib 43 for the 200 yard dash, DS2 bib 44 for the 100 yard dash). :D :D :D

I'll have to let DH know he can print his waiver (and see bib number/corral placement).

Ha, love the new avatar dreamfinder.

With this talk of weather, does anyone else who lives in the north also worry that a snowstorm will cancel their flight to Orlando?

SHHHHHHHH!!! ;) Our flight is on Thursday Jan 10 -- the only thing potentially missed would be the kids' races. :( I bet if I really had to, I could get them into the Friday or Saturday races if we were delayed.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else flying from Philly on Friday? I know there are several people from the area on the forums - I'm curious if anyone is taking the new Trenton or Allentown flights on Frontier. I've flown Frontier a lot out to Denver in the past and have always had great experiences with them.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else flying from Philly on Friday? I know there are several people from the area on the forums - I'm curious if anyone is taking the new Trenton or Allentown flights on Frontier. I've flown Frontier a lot out to Denver in the past and have always had great experiences with them.
We are flying from Philly on Thursday. I flew Frontier out to Denver once and they were great! They need to come to AC and give Spirit a run for their money. Please someone other than Spirit in AC!! Trenton is farther than Philly for us but if the price is right we might try it.


Well-Known Member
Dress rehearsal day 2 didn't go as well as I'd hoped. We have our first winter storm of the year here and I called it a day at 16 miles. The snow and cold didn't both me too much, but the wind really got to me and I just couldn't handle it. From a physical perspective I felt great, so it's frustrating...I sort of wish I'd just kept going, but I kept having to calm myself down to keep from crying/freaking out, so I THINK it was the right call to just bag it. :( Oh well.

In other news, final race instructions have been posted! Go to the Runner Info Tab > Final Race Instructions. I see there are wave starts for the 5K...I don't remember entering in an expected finish time when I registered and the instructions make it sound like there are assigned corrals, not just lining up on the honor system, which is how I thought they did it in the past. Hmm...

Also they are sending the marathon waves out farther apart - every 7 minutes. I wonder why, maybe they think it will help with congestion on the course?


Well-Known Member
Dress rehearsal day 2 didn't go as well as I'd hoped. We have our first winter storm of the year here and I called it a day at 16 miles. The snow and cold didn't both me too much, but the wind really got to me and I just couldn't handle it. From a physical perspective I felt great, so it's frustrating...I sort of wish I'd just kept going, but I kept having to calm myself down to keep from crying/freaking out, so I THINK it was the right call to just bag it. :( Oh well.

In other news, final race instructions have been posted! Go to the Runner Info Tab > Final Race Instructions. I see there are wave starts for the 5K...I don't remember entering in an expected finish time when I registered and the instructions make it sound like there are assigned corrals, not just lining up on the honor system, which is how I thought they did it in the past. Hmm...

Also they are sending the marathon waves out farther apart - every 7 minutes. I wonder why, maybe they think it will help with congestion on the course?
Sorry your day 2 ended like mine. Don't you hate the feeling of....I wish I had finished. But when you are in the moment, it sucks so much you have to stop. Arg....I think it is better to stop than get sick, injured, etc when we are sooooo close! Taper is here!!

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
Dress rehearsal day 2 didn't go as well as I'd hoped. We have our first winter storm of the year here and I called it a day at 16 miles. The snow and cold didn't both me too much, but the wind really got to me and I just couldn't handle it. From a physical perspective I felt great, so it's frustrating...I sort of wish I'd just kept going, but I kept having to calm myself down to keep from crying/freaking out, so I THINK it was the right call to just bag it. :( Oh well.

Weren’t you going for 20 today? 4 miles short in the storm we received today is nothing to get upset about. You’re ready for the race. I have a long run scheduled for tomorrow and now that everything is buried in snow it will have to be on the treadmill. Ugh!

Also they are sending the marathon waves out farther apart - every 7 minutes. I wonder why, maybe they think it will help with congestion on the course?

I don't think that would help with congestion much. I'd rather see more corals with fewer people in each.


Well-Known Member
Good luck everyone! It's getting so close and I know I'm getting pumped!

It's my last weekend (dress rehearsal for Goofy) before tapering, which is the most wonderful time of the running year :) Was listening to Disney podcasts on my 10 mile run today and I'm pretty sure I was grinning the whole way thinking about being in WDW soon and earning those awesome medals!


Well-Known Member
shannon - as i was telling krista the other day i was like just think this time next year ill be on my way to disney for my first disney race.. --- and then she she raddles off how many days for her .. i was like i dont want to hear it sister.. but i got Nashville to look foward to in april to tide me over.. till jan..

but im super duper excited for christmas next year!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry your day 2 ended like mine. Don't you hate the feeling of....I wish I had finished. But when you are in the moment, it sucks so much you have to stop. Arg....I think it is better to stop than get sick, injured, etc when we are sooooo close! Taper is here!!
Yes! I'm still a little bummed but am mostly over it at this point. And HOORAY for taper!!!
Weren’t you going for 20 today? 4 miles short in the storm we received today is nothing to get upset about. You’re ready for the race. I have a long run scheduled for tomorrow and now that everything is buried in snow it will have to be on the treadmill. Ugh!

Yes, I was going for 20...I'm glad you understand what the weather was like! I know we have had worse but that is the worst I've tried to run in. :( How did your long run go?
I don't think that would help with congestion much. I'd rather see more corals with fewer people in each.
Who knows? I think last year there was 3-4 minutes in between each corral...????? You're right, smaller corrals would be nice.
shannon - as i was telling krista the other day i was like just think this time next year ill be on my way to disney for my first disney race.. --- and then she she raddles off how many days for her .. i was like i dont want to hear it sister.. but i got Nashville to look foward to in april to tide me over.. till jan..

but im super duper excited for christmas next year!!! ;)
Just you wait, it will be awesome. Looking forward to hearing about Nashville! :)


Well-Known Member
I thought I would start a list of whose coming and which races we are in. I don't know everyone's names so if you have any edits or additions I will add them to the list!

Ariel 484 - Shannon - #2886
Katherine - #9729
Witchy Chick - Tracey (I think o_O)- #7013

Half Marathon
none for just the half yet

Full Marathon
Fievel and wife - Brad and Becky - #10184 and #10289
Mad Stitch - Steve - #10810
Texas 84 and cousin -Mark - #13368 and Brandi - #11878
Mickey&Minnie -Ashley - #13109
LindsayLoves and brother - Lindsay #3558 and Michael #15019
Runnin' Gator - #4630

Goofy Challenge
Kristia and husband - Kristy and Dan - #28224 and #28225
Ariel484 and brother - Shannon and Craig - #23846 and # 29233
Katherine - #22854


Well-Known Member
I thought I would start a list of whose coming and which races we are in. I don't know everyone's names so if you have any edits or additions I will add them to the list!...[snip]...
Ariel484 and brother - Shannon and Craig - #23846 and # 29233
Great idea! Somehow I didn't realize there were so many of us until it was listed out, as dumb as that sounds.

My brother is spotty at best for the full at this point...o_O. My mom mentioned the idea of doing just the half to him (he hasn't been training AT ALL and has had a lot on his plate with trying to get into grad school/contemplating a move across state) and she said he said that he was thinking that too. The fact that he didn't get mad at her mentioning that is a pretty good indication that he might just do the half, I think. He hasn't said anything to me about it yet. We shall see!

@Witchy Chick is Tracey/Tracy (sorry, don't remember the correct spelling! :oops:) , and I think her husband is doing the full. I think @dreamfinder is going Dopey. :)


Active Member
I thought I would start a list of whose coming and which races we are in. I don't know everyone's names so if you have any edits or additions I will add them to the list!

Ariel 484 - Shannon - #2886
Katherine - #9729
Witchy Chick - Tracey (I think o_O)- #7013

Half Marathon
none for just the half yet

Full Marathon
Fievel and wife - Brad and Becky - #10184 and #10289
Mad Stitch - #10810
Texas 84 and cousin - #13368 and #11878
Mickey&Minnie - #13109
LindsayLoves - #3558
Runnin' Gator - #4630

Goofy Challenge
Kristia and husband - Kristy and Dan - #28224 and #28225
Ariel484 and brother - Shannon and Craig - #23846 and # 29233
Katherine - #22854

That is a good idea! I will be participating in the Goofy Challenge!


Well-Known Member
Great idea! Somehow I didn't realize there were so many of us until it was listed out, as dumb as that sounds.

My brother is spotty at best for the full at this point...o_O. My mom mentioned the idea of doing just the half to him (he hasn't been training AT ALL and has had a lot on his plate with trying to get into grad school/contemplating a move across state) and she said he said that he was thinking that too. The fact that he didn't get mad at her mentioning that is a pretty good indication that he might just do the half, I think. He hasn't said anything to me about it yet. We shall see!

@Witchy Chick is Tracey/Tracy (sorry, don't remember the correct spelling! :oops:) , and I think her husband is doing the full. I think @dreamfinder is going Dopey. :)
Yeah, probably better not to risk doing a full if you haven't done any training. I know I could never get through a full like that. Although he may try to muscle it out so he doesn't lose out to his sis! :D But that could bite him in the a$$ if he gets swept and you finish! Such a quandry he has! ;)

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