Walls up around SM entrance yet?


Active Member
I agree, I don't see how on earth it can possiblly work. For one thing, you'l have the dopplar effect taking place and it would echo around SM so much that it would make a huge din.

At disneyland some of the music is off board.To be exact the base part of the music plays on the speakers outside of the track.I hope this works too.I wonder who they tested it on...:rolleyes:im thinking! That's my thinking face!:lol:


New Member
I'm hesitant about audio, period. I think that SM is fine when you can only hear the air blowing past your head and the screams of other riders. I'm sure DL's Mountain was better before either music was used. That's not to say it's bad now, but the whole "onboard music" trend is getting out of hand.

I, for one, am glad that the side by side seating and a new track layout are not even part of the equation. Part of SM's charm for me is the Wild Mouse turns and drops in a dark building and the lack of anything protecting you from the waist up.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
At disneyland some of the music is off board.To be exact the base part of the music plays on the speakers outside of the track.I hope this works too.I wonder who they tested it on...:rolleyes:im thinking! That's my thinking face!:lol:

Um, maybe you're thinking of sound effects. Because I've ridden the DL version and Im pretty sure the entire music soundtrack is on the rocket.


Well-Known Member
I learned a LONG time ago to "believe it when I see it" when it comes to information about refurbs, new attractions, etc. There are only two people on this board that I know of that can provide information that I can accept and believe: Corrus and Lee.

I will say though, should it be true that there will not be on-board music (or music at all), I will have a hard time finding someone who is not thoroughly disappointed.


Active Member
At disneyland some of the music is off board.To be exact the base part of the music plays on the speakers outside of the track.I hope this works too.I wonder who they tested it on...:rolleyes:im thinking! That's my thinking face!:lol:
Yeah.... no. ALL of the music plays in the vehicles, the sound effects play in external speakers. Hence the reason why we have induction recordings of the onboard soundtrack and not the sound effects. :animwink:


New Member
there will be music just not added to the rockets as the rockets cannot hold the speakers weight, the zones are to close together and the rockets catch up to each other and cause e-stops...this has been tested by ride and show about 2 months ago

I will admit, I was a bit skeptical of your "inside information" until you mentioned the zones being too close together and there being cascading. A very good friend of mine is a coordinator at Space Mountain and once told me about there being a ridiculous number of zones, so that makes your explanation a bit more plausible. :wave:

...and c'mon, guys. The fact that they're even bothering to (poorly) attempt to plus the ride experience by giving Space a refurb is better than nothing. I mean, they could just let it continue to deteriorate even more so than it was. Minor refurb > No refurb, IMO. :)


This is great now we need our inside sources to keep us up to date on any thing happen!!! Maybe 1 to 2 times a week we can get a update!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree, I don't see how on earth it can possiblly work. For one thing, you'l have the dopplar effect taking place and it would echo around SM so much that it would make a huge din.

I agree about the echo (unless they install soundproofing or other sound-deadening material on the ceiling when they're done with the asbestos removal...)

But as for the doppler effect on sound, it's actually a fairly simple bit of physics calculations to overcome... The doppler effect is simply an increase in the frequency of a sound based on how fast you are moving toward the source (or how fast the source is moving past you if you're standing still, like with a fire engine siren driving by you) To counteract the increase in frequency due to doppler, you just have to lower the output of the sound by the same frequency in order to hear the sound the proper way.

I'm sure there are engineers out there that could design a simple electronic system that detects the speed of the passing rocket, and then automatically adjusts the frequency of the sound output to match what's required for the sound/music to sound correct for that rocket as it approaches the speaker. It would sound very odd to someone *standing* next to the speaker, but to a vehicle moving past it, it'd sound just right.

If Bose can design a circuit that cancels sound by creating inverse sound waves of what's being cancelled, and build it into a headphone, I'm sure the anti-doppler circuit is a piece of cake.

I will admit, I was a bit skeptical of your "inside information" until you mentioned the zones being too close together and there being cascading. A very good friend of mine is a coordinator at Space Mountain and once told me about there being a ridiculous number of zones, so that makes your explanation a bit more plausible. :wave:

You don't need to be a Space Mountain CM to know that it has a ton of blocking zones... Anyone who knows the general operation of a roller coaster would be able to figure that out. I'm not a CM, nor have I ever been, but I know that Space Mountain has, at the bare minimum, 15 blocking zones, and most likely has a great deal more than that. (To operate a coaster, you must have at least one more blocking zone than the number of rockets you're operating. Space can operate up to 14 rockets per side at one time, so each track must have at least 15 blocking zones...)



New Member
You don't need to be a Space Mountain CM to know that it has a ton of blocking zones... Anyone who knows the general operation of a roller coaster would be able to figure that out. I'm not a CM, nor have I ever been, but I know that Space Mountain has, at the bare minimum, 15 blocking zones, and most likely has a great deal more than that. (To operate a coaster, you must have at least one more blocking zone than the number of rockets you're operating. Space can operate up to 14 rockets per side at one time, so each track must have at least 15 blocking zones...)


My point was that, based on my own personal experience, an average guest wouldn't know such a thing. Most of the time, when you speak about coasters and blocking zones and cascading and the person knows what you're talking about, it means they come from an attractions background. Once again, that's based on personal experience. :)

I do, however, apologize for making an assumption based on what I myself have seen and encountered and would like to thank you for being slightly rude and talking down to me (No sarcasm intended there. That was a serious thank you for putting me in check :wave:)


Park History nut
Premium Member
Is it dark in DLP's space mountain.Just wondering since they have all of those astroids.
Pitch black, with tonnes of visual effects.

Orlando already had offboard audio; the blue tunnel, what speakers still worked in the lift area, the re entry tunnel. All these were offboard. I`d imagine we`ll hear the lift tunnel better with the new lifts and audio system, there may be a few more spot fx around the track, but that`s it. No onboard score, no onboard music. I thought they were looking at reducing the number of blocks, but with no new track support there is no point if they still can`t fit soundtracker.

Exactly.. look at rockit at universal orlando... it's to open spring 2009... but probably will open in summer of 2009....
It isn`t their fault really. It`s everyones. A little item was overlooked during the design of a certain part of the ride and it has now been overcome. It`ll just take longer to implement it.


Well-Known Member
Pitch black, with tonnes of visual effects.

Orlando already had offboard audio; the blue tunnel, what speakers still worked in the lift area, the re entry tunnel. All these were offboard. I`d imagine we`ll hear the lift tunnel better with the new lifts and audio system, there may be a few more spot fx around the track, but that`s it. No onboard score, no onboard music. I thought they were looking at reducing the number of blocks, but with no new track support there is no point if they still can`t fit soundtracker.

Is this speculation? I thought they were replacing the entire system, track and supports. I'm not an expert, but I would think they would replace everything if the weight they add back is even slightly heavier than its predecessor. I mean, the supports are 30+ years old. However, if they are in fact not replaced, that gaurantees no on-board audio...the added weight would be too much for the existing structure.

I truly hope this hasn't been confirmed, but that would be very disappointing if Orlando didn't at LEAST get that added feature.


Well-Known Member
I doubt were getting side by side seating even though I like sitting next to someone on roller coasters.

I still vouch that the experience is better with the single seating...makes you feel like you're alone flying through space and not just on a dark roller coaster in a normal rollercoaster car.

My gf is always nice enough to let me sit in the front...she knows I have a thing for that seat... :king:


New Member
Granted I don't know much about engineering and everything, but is anybody taking bets on how long the ride will last if they aren't replacing 30 year old supports?


Park History nut
Premium Member
Is this speculation? I thought they were replacing the entire system, track and supports.
As I understand it, it`s only the track is being replaced, with work done on the existing supports. The original plan was to rip everything out but it budgets got cut. Soundtracker copes well with multiple zones - it excells at it - but the weight issue is still sore in minds after DLC.


Well-Known Member
As I understand it, it`s only the track is being replaced, with work done on the existing supports. The original plan was to rip everything out but it budgets got cut. Soundtracker copes well with multiple zones - it excells at it - but the weight issue is still sore in minds after DLC.

New Track Stock on Outdated Supports?

Gosh I hope they have the money to know what they're doing.


The idea that they would even consider putting new track on those old supports is just astonishing.:brick:
Remember those photos I posted of DL's new supports?
Those weren't added just for kicks.

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