I was simply trying to make a point. Amongst all the secondhand accounts and rumors that revolve around WDW it is nice to have the WDW Permits thread to get information from a trusted reliable source. However it seems hypocritical that when I also post information from a government website so that other can see what is going on from a trusted reliable source it is criticized and we are told we should believe secondhand accounts over factual documents.
I guess it just goes to show people are going to believe what they want to believe even if it means pretending like they know what's going on because they have friends who are "engineers" or just ignoring the truth.
I have always considered myself a skeptic. I have always accepted the possibility that everything I know is wrong. If I was presented with evidence to the contrary then I would change my mind. I once believed that acupuncture, chiropractic treatments and homeopathy worked. Once I took an interest and began to dig all of the valid scientific evidence said other wise and my view changed. I know know that they are no more than placebos and I am fine in admitting that I was wrong.
Every reference to the Mediterranean Resort, both online and in print, say the same thing. The resort was planned, designed, the ground cleared and was abruptly stopped when a problem with the land was discovered. I can see a project getting that far and getting scrapped, I have seen projects get farther than that only to get shut down, but if the site was ideally suited for building why demolish a recently refurbed section of an established resort to build BLT if you have a perfectly good piece of land, in a better location, just sitting there?
The engineer I refereed to was not a friend. At most he was a coworker. In truth I could not stand the guy. He was IMHO a poor engineer with a poor work ethic. When the company I work for combined our two offices he showed me a portfolio of some of the projects he worked on and I noticed a few pictures of Walt Disney World. I asked him About the structural issues with Horizons and the Mediterranean site. He told me he knew of no issues with Horizons and about the poor conditions at the Mediterranean site. All were inline with the information that was out there. He had no particular interest in WDW and no reason to lie to me.
Could he be wrong? Could all of the references to the Mediterranean online and in print be wrong? Absolutely, but until I see something more than a vague land usage map I will believe what is currently accepted as the truth.
You continually use the term "secondhand information" and I agree with your assessment that it is not reliable. Just look at what happened at BB last week. It was reported that a guests arm was severed. It turned out to be a bad cut.
(BB Accident thread) Aside from a land usage map with an ambiguous term on it what have you provided that is not secondhand? You claim to have the evidence to prove that the site in question is perfectly suited for building sitting right in your filing cabinet yet you don't post it. People claim have invented free energy machines but the claim alone does not make them true.
Show us the prof you claim to have and I will gladly admit I am wrong. I value the information I have being correct far more than I value me being right.