Do you know where this 6th theme park site is? I know the 5th is the area immediately west of the Magic Kingdom, but I haven't heard of any other sites.
Can you also show where the 5 other plots of land for proposed hotels would be? I had a hard time finding more room.
Then again, just because something is marked as "suitable" doesn't mean that anything is being built there.
If I may chime in with info that comes strictly from the RCID 2008 Comprehensive Plan.
Regarding the area east of the MK, Figure 2-5 (which s8film40 posted) shows part of it suitable, part of it marginally suitable. Figure 2-4 (see below) shows the area as partly undeveloped and partly resource management. IIRC, the 2008 Comp defines resource management as suitable for recreational use. (golf, horse trails, etc)
There is no mention in the 2008 Comp that I saw of a 6th park or numbers of hotels. The closest thing I found is this:
Hotel/Motel: 1998 Base, 25,015 rooms; 2008 Increment maximum, 18,100 rooms
Other resort (DVC): 1998 Base 2,073 rooms; 2008 Increment maximum, 1300 units
Golf Courses: 1998 Base. 99 Holes; 2008 Increment maximum, 36 holes
Major Theme parks: 1998 Base, 4 Parks; 2008 Increment maximum, 1 Park
Minor Theme Parks: 1998 Base 4 Parks; 2008 Increment maximum, 3 Parks
I take "increment maximum" to mean in addition to the 1998 base.
Remember, this Plan was drawn up in 1998, and updated in 2003. s8film40 wrote that updates are available at the RCID offices, if that is so, and they are newer than 2003, there could be some interesting info there.
Why you should take the Comp plan with a grain of salt:It called for Vacation Club Way (formerly Community Drive) to be widened to four lanes by 2008. Never happened.