Video - Splash Mtn finale Jan 22 (all animatronics broken)


Premium Member
No question, Splash is in absolutely awful condition right now. It needs to close for a major refurbishment ASAP. Scenes like this are not what you expect at a Disney park.


Well-Known Member
Splash should have gone down for the major refurb instead of Thunder. I know Thunder needed it, but it doesn't rely as heavily on visuals as Splash does. There is no way they can close both at the same time.

Years of neglect and poor management has created this mess, and now, they have to deal with it.

Meanwhile, Test Track is getting ready to go down for a long refurb over at Epcot, the Yeti is still broken at Animal Kingdom, and half the lights are out on the Tower of Terror at DHS.

So depressing.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Splash should have gone down for the major refurb instead of Thunder. I know Thunder needed it, but it doesn't rely as heavily on visuals as Splash does. There is no way they can close both at the same time.

Years of neglect and poor management has created this mess, and now, they have to deal with it.

Meanwhile, Test Track is getting ready to go down for a long refurb over at Epcot, the Yeti is still broken at Animal Kingdom, and half the lights are out on the Tower of Terror at DHS.

So depressing.

Remember though that the point of a refurb isn't simply for show purposes. Big Thunder hasn't been closed in quite some time and I am sure that the ride system itself needs some TLC. While keeping the show pristine is important, it would be a far bigger problem should there be a serious issue with a coaster ride system.


Well-Known Member
Remember though that the point of a refurb isn't simply for show purposes. Big Thunder hasn't been closed in quite some time and I am sure that the ride system itself needs some TLC. While keeping the show pristine is important, it would be a far bigger problem should there be a serious issue with a coaster ride system.


In any case, this is Disney's mess they've created for themselves, and sadly, the guests will pay for it.


Well-Known Member
TDO at this point is operating so poorly that my preferred 3rd choice, continue to be involved in the online fan community, and enjoy the parks, is not an option for me. So what do I do? and, am I the only one feeling this way?

No, you aren't the only one. I totally identify with all of what you said. I, too, wish I could be part of the ignorant masses who don't know the way things are supposed to be. I feel as you do, not sure what to do...keep going back to WDW in the hopes it will get better or start seeking alternatives? So many of my bestest memories are also at WDW. I'm not a DVC owner (could've been, thought about it, decided to hold off, and I sure am glad I did now) but there's alternatives for you. You could rent your points out and use those funds for a cruise or a trip west. :animwink: I don't think there's a WDW attendance requirement to participate in the fan forums either. If you decide to go elsewhere you can still enjoy the forums and the friendships made there.

This problem with Splash is pathetic. It's not isolated, though. We see this across numerous attractions across all the parks. This is just 1 attraction of how many that are hit-or-miss. Think about that and the insanity that lies therein. Hit-or-miss.

Disney World didn't get where they are by being hit-or-miss. Yeah, Splash is 20 years old. The Magic Kingdom was 20 years old in 1991 but it wasn't hit-or-miss then.

"Waiting for parts" is not an excuse. At all. Proper maintenance practices would be that the parts are on-hand at all times. When something breaks is not the time to order a part. That's when you use the parts you have to repair what's broken then order the parts to put back for next time.

I forget who said it earlier in this thread but the monorail system's deterioration and current state of affairs is the perfect comparison. When you just get by with little patches without really taking care of something for so long that is the result you will get. Unfortunately, it's a reoccuring theme across all of WDW until the whole thing ends up "hit-or-miss". Personally, when I go on vacation I'd rather go where I'm assured of an amazing experience, not where it might be pretty good but you never know because parts for 4 attractions may be on order, the monorail *might* get me from point A to point B, 3 attractions might be down for refurbs, and anywhere I'm at is subject to break-down at any moment. That's just messed up.

These are not Disney standards. At all. Disney didn't get where they are by accepting such.

I had planned to take my boys down to WDW for 4 days for the Leap Day thing which wasn't a very settling thing for me. If it hadn't correlated with my oldest son's 16 birthday I would never have considered it. However, unrelated circumstances changed our plans and I cancelled the short trip. Have you ever had a WDW trip zipped from under your feet and been indifferent if not glad? And your Disney-freak sons pretty much be like, "Okay. No big deal." I have. That is pathetic. No, it's Pathetic with a capital "P".

Personally, I'm doing all I can to avoid WDW for now. I won't say forever because, unless I'm mistaken, Disneyland had gotten itself into a pretty sad state some years back but with a great team of leadership and a whole lot of TLC it's traveled a long, hard road back to what a Disney environment is supposed to be. Never say never. WDW could always return to her former glory, too. ((It's my dream, it can go how I want..:lol:))

xdan0920, there's lots of ways to indulge the Disney love without giving your dollars or subjecting yourself to the subpar WDW experience. Rent those DVC points out and take yourself a DCL cruise. Go west to Disneyland. Disney may get my vacation dollars but TDO will not. :wave:

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Wow. That is ugly.


I am at a point where I need to make a decision about how to treat WDW.

On the one hand, I love WDW. A huge chunk of my best memories take place at the resort. I am a DVC owner, and I go every year.

Things are deteriorating so badly now, and the members on this site, and other sites, do such a great job of keeping us informed. I am having a hard time fully enjoying myself in WDW. I find myself thinking, "I wish I was like the ignorant masses." I want to enjoy WDW like I used to again.

So here is my choice. Do I just unplug completely from the Disney fan community and try and plunge myself into ignorance to better enjoy the parks?

Or do I stop going to WDW entirely? DVC operates on the west coast. I could use my points there. Maybe save up a couple years worth of points and head to Aulani?

TDO at this point is operating so poorly that my preferred 3rd choice, continue to be involved in the online fan community, and enjoy the parks, is not an option for me. So what do I do? and, am I the only one feeling this way?
I struggle with pretty much the same problems. Three of my thoughts about this subject:

I vote with my feet. Yes, I nag and complain on the interwebs, but if I spend my money at WDW then that's the only important message to Disney. I have in fact cut down my holidays in Orlando.

If I do go to Orlando however, I forget about the internet when there. I forget about Kevin Yee's pesky videos and columns. I forget about lightbulbs and Yetis. I ban it all from my mind.
I will only see a magical place that is perfect, with which I have been infatuated for four decades now, my paradise.

The exception to me only snorting the pixie dust when I am actually there, is in EPCOT. I can not get over the destruction of FW, which during my teens I considered the most exciting, most magical place on earth. I have not made my peace with the demise of FW, and I sometimes feel miserable about it in the park.


Well-Known Member
Remember though that the point of a refurb isn't simply for show purposes. Big Thunder hasn't been closed in quite some time and I am sure that the ride system itself needs some TLC. While keeping the show pristine is important, it would be a far bigger problem should there be a serious issue with a coaster ride system.

True. If the show elements are in this sad a state I shudder to think what could be amiss with ride systems themselves that guests don't see.


In any case, this is Disney's mess they've created for themselves, and sadly, the guests will pay for it.

Yes and no. Disney created it. I'm not going to pay for it, though. :D


What makes me really sad is when I rode Splash Mountain last Sunday (Jan. 15), nearly everything in the ride was working wonderfully. That includes the entire show scene that Kevin Yee now shows is completely broken. How could it all fall apart in a week? It's a complete embarrassment.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I can not get over the destruction of FW, which during my teens I considered the most exciting, most magical place on earth. I have not made my peace with the demise of FW, and I sometimes feel miserable about it in the park.

We all have our own "straw" that breaks our individual backs. :)


This is AWFUL! I am so disgusted by this I am reconsidering my next vacation to Disney World. I want to present a challenge to all of you yearly pass holders. Take at least a year off and spend your money somewhere else. Things are never going to change unless the fan community pulls out. Its time to stop complaining and start doing something.


Well-Known Member
The most important thing to TDO is hourly rider counts, how many people they can put on a ride.

Show doesn't matter anymore, I think even if all the AA figures were down and the ride was still running, they would still load guests.

But that is not the way is used to be, show quality used to be very important, not anymore.

Show scenes like the chicken ship are just disgusting! I understand there are problems and things break. To me it looks like a hydraulic leak and they just isolated the pressure from certain figures, that is the reason they are slumped over.

What they should do is just turn off the lights or cover up the figures to make sure is not obvious to the guests, but just displaying broken AA's is just really bad showmanship.

I hate the attitude if nobody complained then everybody must have enjoyed it, that is a typical TDO attitude now.

Another thing, refurbs are only for ride systems not for show systems, they would never close down a ride just to fix something on the show.


I just wrote a letter to Disney about this issue. Will it do anything at all? No, I'm sure it won't. But I urge everyone to do the same. The more complaints, the better.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I get it now. I had seen lots of people on here complaining about Splash, but I've never seen it broken first hand... the worst I've ever noticed broken firsthand is laughing place jets or Brer Fox's tail. But this video... now I know what everyone is talking about.

Unfortunately I can't "vote with my feet" as I only get to go every year or so. We won't be back down until after FLE (part 1). But this needs serious attention immediately. This room is the most important part of the ride. The drop is just second place.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Either way, TDO have themselves to blame. Poor upkeep. Slashed budgets. PPM cut back.

The park is at such under capacity- as admitted- that indeed having BTM and Splash down at once would be a PR nightmare. And who's fault is that? The 20k plot has been empty for nearly 20 years now. Prime real estate. That and some of the other plots could and should have been developed as people eaters years ago. Now with Toontown gone and a signature E Ticket closed the park is close to breaking point. If Splash AND say POTC go 101 over Easter the resulting mess should be a final wake up call.

50,000 guests in park + two or more E tickets down + FLE work + Fastpass = a recipe for disaster.


Well-Known Member
This is AWFUL! I am so disgusted by this I am reconsidering my next vacation to Disney World. I want to present a challenge to all of you yearly pass holders. Take at least a year off and spend your money somewhere else. Things are never going to change unless the fan community pulls out. Its time to stop complaining and start doing something.

Done. 3 of our 4 passes are currently expired. The 4th will expire this year. No, we won't be renewing. If we go into any parks at all post-cruise in September it will be for the ToT 10-mile running event which we'll only purchase what we have to in order to get the 4 of us together for that. I'm still on the fence with it, tho.

I just wrote a letter to Disney about this issue. Will it do anything at all? No, I'm sure it won't. But I urge everyone to do the same. The more complaints, the better.

I'm curious. Is there a way to write a letter that goes above TDO's head up the food chain since TDO so obviously doesn't give a hoot? That might be a better place to send or at least dually-note the problems to. Yes?


Active Member
"Waiting for parts" is not an excuse. At all. Proper maintenance practices would be that the parts are on-hand at all times. When something breaks is not the time to order a part. That's when you use the parts you have to repair what's broken then order the parts to put back for next time.

Amen! I don't mind so much that something is messed up for a day. But saying that they are "waiting for parts" reveals poor stewardship of a theme park worth a butt-ton of money. Waiting for parts? ! That reflects poorly on management any way you look at it.

Having said that, hopefully they can get their parts in and get it fixed ASAP because due to already having BTMRR down they are going to have to hold Splash together with bubble gum and chicken wire for the next 5 months.


Not trying to come to anyone's defense here.... As the highest priced theme park in the US, the customer expectation is that everything should work every day. I would love to see it some day.

However, compare some broken down AA's on Splash Mountain to a "fully functional" log ride at any other amusement park. Night and day difference. There's no such thing as "show quality" at Cedar Fair or Six Flags parks. Universal tries their best, but NOBODY compares to Disney when it comes to the full experience.

I'll be there in a few weeks, then again at Thanksgiving (coming from Cincinnati, OH no less). I'm not going to let one attraction or one park in need of attention stop my plans to enjoy all 35,000 acres. Maybe those of you who visit every weekend see things differently. If you visit any place regularly, you're bound to notice every new paint chip, nail pop, cracked tile, etc.

TDO will get through this. Take a look at WDW as a whole, and it's still where most people want to spend their vacation time. Especially me.

I'll ride Splash regardless. Would love to see all AAs working perfectly, but can accept the fact if some aren't. That's a whole lot better than not being able to ride BTMRR at all!! And WDW is way better than Kings Island (right in my own backyard).


Active Member
Either way, TDO have themselves to blame. Poor upkeep. Slashed budgets. PPM cut back.

The park is at such under capacity- as admitted- that indeed having BTM and Splash down at once would be a PR nightmare. And who's fault is that? The 20k plot has been empty for nearly 20 years now. Prime real estate. That and some of the other plots could and should have been developed as people eaters years ago. Now with Toontown gone and a signature E Ticket closed the park is close to breaking point. If Splash AND say POTC go 101 over Easter the resulting mess should be a final wake up call.

50,000 guests in park + two or more E tickets down + FLE work + Fastpass = a recipe for disaster.

I was thinking the same thing. MK seems stretched pretty tight right now in terms of capacity at peak times. With attractions in such a poor state of repair things could really get crazy if a gremlin gets loose in some unexpected place (or two). It would not surprise me to pop in here and read about an utter nightmare day at MK.

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