Using a Travel Agent?


Hi guys,

So from one of my recent posts, I have seen there are some benefits to using Travel Agents when booking for Disney. I don't want to get into a discussion on using a TA vs not using one.
What I would like are any opinions or feedback on the MANY options I've seen mentioned in just a few places! Some of them are even being suggested on my own posts!

Magical Memories
Small World
Dreams Unlimited
Mouse Ears Vacations
SmallWorld Vacations
Magical Vacations
Magical Journeys
Kingdom Konsultants
Off to Neverland Travel

That is a lot of options!
Does anyone have any solid feedback, or positive/negative experiences, with these? How is one supposed to choose?!



New Member
Is this a discussion board or a comerical. I thought it was a disscusion by people who are or who have gone to DW on a place to plug there own buisness. Should I start telling everyone they need to use only my buisness on a board.
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Well-Known Member
Is this a discussion board or a comerical. I thought it was a disscusion by people who are or who have gone to DW on a place to plug there own buisness. Should I start telling everyone they need to use only my buisness on a board.
To be fair, KK is the sponsor of this board, that's why they're all members. They've paid for the right to advertise here :shrug: But I don't think they'd discourage you from using a different TA if that's your preference.

One of the reasons I've loved using them is even when I didn't use them, they were still more than willing to answer questions I had on the board here. They're just genuinely nice people who love Disney as much as the rest of us. I've been converted though, KK all the way!
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Active Member
Is this a discussion board or a comerical. I thought it was a disscusion by people who are or who have gone to DW on a place to plug there own buisness. Should I start telling everyone they need to use only my buisness on a board.
Well, we're not trying to a commerical here, we're just trying to share with the OP our opinions, if you don't agree with our opinion throw your own in. It might not seem this way sometimes, but alot of us around here are open to new ideas/people. Steve, wdwmagic, will usually be the first one to tell you that you're entitled to your own opinion. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
As others have said, regardless of who you choose as a travel agent, be sure to take some time to find out who they are, how much experience they have, customer safisfaction levels, etc.

For me, experience would be the largest factor. If you are these or any other message boards about the Mouse, then you already know a Disney vacation is a lot more complex than renting a condo and sitting on a beach somewhere for a week. While spending the time to do all the research is one option (and for a lot of us, is part of the fun and reason we're members here), not everyone can devote the time it takes to master the World of Disney travel. In that case, you want to be able to trust someone with experience.

As for booking with AAA, your experience will largely depend on experience of the individual agent. We went to a local AAA travel expo in late 2007, shortly before I became really involved in learning everything I could about Disney World travel and joining here. I knew some from planning my family's trip earlier in 2007, and had read books like the Unofficial Guide. But I certainly didn't know nearly as much as I do now from two years here and elsewhere online. We went to the expo for their little Disney World seminar/presentation they were giving by a "AAA Disney Expert." Well let me tell you, about 15 minutes in, I realized I knew more than the presenter. Someone else in the audience asked a very basic question about how the dining plan worked, and the agent stumbled over an incoherent, and unfortunately incorrect answer. I wanted to raise my hand and chime in with the answer, but didn't out of respect. We ended up walking out a few minutes later, very unimpressed. AAA lost our business for Disney from that point. I'm willing to bet we would have at least considered using them if the experience was better.

Since I worked as a travel agent previously (specializing in cruises), I know my way around the ins and outs of booking travel, so most of the time I book things myself. While I haven't booked anything with KK (although we are planning on giving them the booking for our next trip, dates TBD :(), I can say the agents who are on these boards are always happy to answer questions and provide advice and opinions to anyone who asks. Richard (Master Yoda) is very often beating me to answering questions during the day in the trip planning forum! I too have heard nothing but positive things about them, both here and elsewhere on the web. To the OP, I would hope you would at least give some serious consideration to using KK for your trip.

Anyways, this ridiculously long post is just my opinion on the subject. To the OP, whoever you decide on booking with, hope you have a great trip!
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Well-Known Member
<snip> As for booking with AAA, your experience will largely depend on experience of the individual agent. We went to a local AAA travel expo in late 2007, shortly before I became really involved in learning everything I could about Disney World travel and joining here. I knew some from planning my family's trip earlier in 2007, and had read books like the Unofficial Guide. But I certainly didn't know nearly as much as I do now from two years here and elsewhere online. We went to the expo for their little Disney World seminar/presentation they were giving by a "AAA Disney Expert." Well let me tell you, about 15 minutes in, I realized I knew more than the presenter. Someone else in the audience asked a very basic question about how the dining plan worked, and the agent stumbled over an incoherent, and unfortunately incorrect answer. I wanted to raise my hand and chime in with the answer, but didn't out of respect. We ended up walking out a few minutes later, very unimpressed. AAA lost our business for Disney from that point. I'm willing to bet we would have at least considered using them if the experience was better. <snip>

I don't know if I would go THAT far based on one question at one presentation. I mean, because one presenter screwed up the answer to a question does not mean all AAA agents are clueless when it comes to booking Disney vacations. The so-called expert could have had a mental block (brain fart if you will) for a moment or maybe was nervous speaking in front of a big crowd (I know, why would they get someone who was uncomfortable with crowds to speak in the first place). If I were you, I might have actually spoke up and tried to, very politely, question his answer and see if maybe he just didn't realize what exactly he was saying to the person. Give him the benefit of the doubt if you will, everyone makes mistakes! :shrug:

Now I was totally in the dark when I went in to our local CAA office in 2005 to book our first trip. I knew absolutely NOTHING about WDW other than what my buddy kept telling me (he had been several times in a row just before us). The agent I got was very friendly and answered all of are questions. We must have sat and talked with her (while she was on the phone with Pop making our reservations) for almost an hour that first visit. She stayed in contact with us right up until we left and even sent us a card when we returned home to see how our trip went. Now by the time our second trip came in 2007, I had become a full-fledged WDW nut. I started spending lots of time on here and talking about WDW with whoever would listen (mostly my buddy who I mentioned up above). When we went in to book the second trip with Laura (our CAA agent), she couldn't get over HOW into WDW I had become. We talked again for quite a while, but I noticed I was telling her little tips and facts about WDW that seemed new to her. Was I worried, no. Should I have been, I don't think so. She had been many times with her own family and I had absolutely no complaints when it came to our trips.

Sorry about the rambling there, but my point after all that was that I don't think your travel agent (AAA agent) has to be be a so-called "Disney Expert" or walking Disney encyclopedia when it comes to booking your trip for you. Sure, it helps if they have some Disney knowledge, but I don't expect all travel agents (whether through AAA, CAA, Sears Travel, so on) are going to know half as much as the people on these forums when it comes to all things Disney. Remember though, they book hundreds of trips for people all year round, most of them probably more elaborate than the typical WDW vacation. Don't be afraid to ask questions either or let them know if you think they might be wrong or that there is maybe some better deal out there. If they don't know the answer right away, let them ask someone else in the office or let them get back to you. Just my 2 cents!!!;)
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Well-Known Member
Mike, You are correct, there are some AAA Agents who are VERY well versed in all things Disney, however that is usually more dependent on the person you get and not the company you call in that particular case, as they are so large. With most of the smaller agencies such as KK, we are specifically selected to be agents in the first place, based on that knowledge. I know that was part of my selection criteria. The vast majority of our business is Disney ( WDW, Cruiseline, DL etc) and so we know the product inside out. As someone else on here had mentioned I think talking to the agent in question and seeing which is a better fit for your family and who you are comfortable with is the best approach. Have a great day all!! Marie
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Naturally Grumpy
Is this a discussion board or a comerical. I thought it was a disscusion by people who are or who have gone to DW on a place to plug there own buisness. Should I start telling everyone they need to use only my buisness on a board.

If you look at the start of the thread, a question was posed about use of a travel agent by someone not associated with one. It would only make sense that the discussion progresses to agents and agencies that people here have familiarity with.

As current booking for a Disney vacation is complex for the knowledgable and can be overwhelming for a novice, reference and use of a good agent is exactly what these boards are for.
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New Member
I am sorry did not mean to sound rude I did not know KK was the sponcer of this site. I guess we stand up for someone or Co. that we have had a really good experiance with. I like to work with someone also who knowns alot about Disney and I have had alot of questions. Nothing to do with a travel agent knowing that is why I come here it does add to the exceitment to going we leave 2 wks from today (hope the weather stays nice.) Sorry KK once again did not mean to sound to grumpy I am usually Happy.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I am sorry did not mean to sound rude I did not know KK was the sponcer of this site. I guess we stand up for someone or Co. that we have had a really good experiance with. I like to work with someone also who knowns alot about Disney and I have had alot of questions. Nothing to do with a travel agent knowing that is why I come here it does add to the exceitment to going we leave 2 wks from today (hope the weather stays nice.) Sorry KK once again did not mean to sound to grumpy I am usually Happy.
No worries. Speaking for myself I am always afraid of crossing that line of being helpful to out right pimping myself. I always offer help no matter if someone is going to book or not but it is just good business to offer our services. However, you will never see me shove them down somebodies throat.
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I'm going to chime in here with an agency that was not listed on the OP's list. I haven't used them personally yet but I have every intention of using them when I book an Adventure by Disney in the near future. Mouse Unlimited They have been great, every time I've emailed with a question, I've gotten prompt responses. They even went so far as to mail me the current ABD brochure when it was released because I have so much trouble getting it from Disney myself. He's always quick to respond to any email I send even if I'm just looking for quotes to get an idea of the cost of a possible trip. The same can't be said for all TAs, even the more popular ones mentioned on here.
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Well-Known Member
I am sorry did not mean to sound rude I did not know KK was the sponcer of this site. I guess we stand up for someone or Co. that we have had a really good experiance with. I like to work with someone also who knowns alot about Disney and I have had alot of questions. Nothing to do with a travel agent knowing that is why I come here it does add to the exceitment to going we leave 2 wks from today (hope the weather stays nice.) Sorry KK once again did not mean to sound to grumpy I am usually Happy.

No worries! It was a simple misunderstanding :wave: And I agree, if you have had a wonderful experience with someone/or something, of course you want to share the good news - no harm in that!

Hope you have a great weekend - DH and I will be in WDW in 2 1/2 weeks too staying at CBR - lets keep our fingers and toes crossed for good weather!
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Well-Known Member
No worries! It was a simple misunderstanding :wave: And I agree, if you have had a wonderful experience with someone/or something, of course you want to share the good news - no harm in that!

Hope you have a great weekend - DH and I will be in WDW in 2 1/2 weeks too staying at CBR - lets keep our fingers and toes crossed for good weather!

Yep What Jess said!!!! I am sure the weather will be beautiful for you, Have a great time at the Flower & Garden Fest, I Am missing it this year for the first time as it is ending earlier this year!!! I will be there for Star Wars Weekends though!! Marie
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Well-Known Member
Yep What Jess said!!!! I am sure the weather will be beautiful for you, Have a great time at the Flower & Garden Fest, I Am missing it this year for the first time as it is ending earlier this year!!! I will be there for Star Wars Weekends though!! Marie

Thanks Marie :) I hope it is beautiful! I haven't been able to make it to F&G in 5 years as we usually travel in January and in the Fall, so we end up doing F&W instead. I'm so, so excited. Rich hasn't ever seen F&G so he's in for a real treat!!! I am going to miss seeing you when I arrive at CBR :( The last 2 times I was in WDW I got to see you, and this time I don't :(

At least you will be there for SWW :) Maybe next year I can make it :)
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Well-Known Member
I don't know if I would go THAT far based on one question at one presentation. I mean, because one presenter screwed up the answer to a question does not mean all AAA agents are clueless when it comes to booking Disney vacations. The so-called expert could have had a mental block (brain fart if you will) for a moment or maybe was nervous speaking in front of a big crowd (I know, why would they get someone who was uncomfortable with crowds to speak in the first place). If I were you, I might have actually spoke up and tried to, very politely, question his answer and see if maybe he just didn't realize what exactly he was saying to the person. Give him the benefit of the doubt if you will, everyone makes mistakes! :shrug:

Now I was totally in the dark when I went in to our local CAA office in 2005 to book our first trip. I knew absolutely NOTHING about WDW other than what my buddy kept telling me (he had been several times in a row just before us). The agent I got was very friendly and answered all of are questions. We must have sat and talked with her (while she was on the phone with Pop making our reservations) for almost an hour that first visit. She stayed in contact with us right up until we left and even sent us a card when we returned home to see how our trip went. Now by the time our second trip came in 2007, I had become a full-fledged WDW nut. I started spending lots of time on here and talking about WDW with whoever would listen (mostly my buddy who I mentioned up above). When we went in to book the second trip with Laura (our CAA agent), she couldn't get over HOW into WDW I had become. We talked again for quite a while, but I noticed I was telling her little tips and facts about WDW that seemed new to her. Was I worried, no. Should I have been, I don't think so. She had been many times with her own family and I had absolutely no complaints when it came to our trips.

Sorry about the rambling there, but my point after all that was that I don't think your travel agent (AAA agent) has to be be a so-called "Disney Expert" or walking Disney encyclopedia when it comes to booking your trip for you. Sure, it helps if they have some Disney knowledge, but I don't expect all travel agents (whether through AAA, CAA, Sears Travel, so on) are going to know half as much as the people on these forums when it comes to all things Disney. Remember though, they book hundreds of trips for people all year round, most of them probably more elaborate than the typical WDW vacation. Don't be afraid to ask questions either or let them know if you think they might be wrong or that there is maybe some better deal out there. If they don't know the answer right away, let them ask someone else in the office or let them get back to you. Just my 2 cents!!!;)

I completely understand your points, and I'm certainly not saying every AAA agent is good or bad when it comes to Disney. I was just relaying my experience I had. I don't think I would have been as critical if the seminar wasn't billed as being presented by a AAA "Disney Expert." Since she was billed as an expert, I expected that she would know a good deal of information, certainly on the more basic questions she was asked. She was asked several fairly basic questions, and she either couldn't answer them or didn't answer them clearly. She certainly could have been having a bad day, and I don't think she's a bad person for that. Just not a good first impression of AAA and our local "Disney Expert," enough to turn me off from futher pursuing their service in regards to Disney. I have used the local office several times for getting other information, buying travel gear, etc... and have always been pleased.
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I completely understand your points, and I'm certainly not saying every AAA agent is good or bad when it comes to Disney. I was just relaying my experience I had. I don't think I would have been as critical if the seminar wasn't billed as being presented by a AAA "Disney Expert." Since she was billed as an expert, I expected that she would know a good deal of information, certainly on the more basic questions she was asked. She was asked several fairly basic questions, and she either couldn't answer them or didn't answer them clearly. She certainly could have been having a bad day, and I don't think she's a bad person for that. Just not a good first impression of AAA and our local "Disney Expert," enough to turn me off from futher pursuing their service in regards to Disney. I have used the local office several times for getting other information, buying travel gear, etc... and have always been pleased.

I can totally understand this. I walked into our local CAA office to see if they had any brochures for the Disney Cruise Line and Adventures by Disney a couple years ago. When I asked about Adventures by Disney the person was like "Huh? What's that?" with a totally blank look on their face. I had to explain that it was Disney's guided tour arm. They still had no idea what I was talking about and had to go and ask someone else. And still they had no idea what I was talking about. I even pointed out that they had a huge poster for it in the lobby before someone realized what I was referring to. Needless to say that turned me off using their services.
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Well-Known Member
We've used AAA for all of our Disney Trips and haven't had a bad experience yet. The travel agents we've used have all been well versed in Disney, though we generally know what we want and don't have many questions. The AAA benefits are good - they'll send you a packet a month or so out with lots of coupons, premium parking, luggage tags, things of that sort. AAA also made it easy to change our reservations when new discounts came out.

AAA also has a discount based on how many Disney trips you've booked through them. For our last trip they gave us $100 off - a nice unexpected discount!
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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
After being on these boards for 8 years and not hearing a single negative comment about KK from groups who have book trips through them, I have absolutely NO problem using them (specifically Richard) for my honeymoon planning details this September. :wave:
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