Upcoming/Rumored Projects


Well-Known Member
With Epcot maybe they should try making some new attractions for World Showcase with a big refurb, because they really don't seem to know what to do with FW. The new attractions really have been a downer, especially seeing what Mission Space was supposed to be, but was scaled down to... And it replaced a ride that was perfect for FW, and it could have just used a big refurb than being destroyed... Anyway, besides an Imagination refurb, I'm not expecting a lot for Epcot.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
When Soarin' changes over to Soarin' Over the World, I would love to see the entrance moved to World Showcase.

Even with that World Showcase needs another D/E ticket across the promenade.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
They should do something about Imagination next. That AK thing isn't going to happen for a while it looks. Epcot needs some attention badly and Imagination would be the best place to do it.
JII is in the works. It's been in the works. It just needs to get it's green light.
When Soarin' changes over to Soarin' Over the World, I would love to see the entrance moved to World Showcase.

Even with that World Showcase needs another D/E ticket across the promenade.
Good idea, but keep both films, and keep both entrances. They have two hangers, right? :D


Well-Known Member
When Soarin' changes over to Soarin' Over the World, I would love to see the entrance moved to World Showcase.

Even with that World Showcase needs another D/E ticket across the promenade.

Agreed to the first thing you said. As for the second, I believe the next D/E should be an addition to one of the World Showcase pavilions we have already. I don't think adding another country to World Showcase's repertoire will do any good when Guests are already skipping pavilions like Germany and Italy that have no rides (or anything really besides restaurants and merchandise.)


Active Member
When Soarin' changes over to Soarin' Over the World, I would love to see the entrance moved to World Showcase.

Even with that World Showcase needs another D/E ticket across the promenade.

But Soarin highlights flying over "the land" and doesn't really show the cultures like WS does


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by WDW1974
Nothing major is coming to DAK in the foreseeable future.

That's why Joe Rohde was moved to Hawaii to a DVC/hotel project that was 90% designed.

I seem to recall that being said about the Magic Kingdom for the next five years. :shrug:

Point taken. But it still stands.

There are always projects planned or talked about or blue skied. In fact, there used to be many more because WDI cultivated an atmopshere where that was 'part of the job'.

MK has/had many projects talked about, discussed, some even intitial design, only to see nothing, nada, zero, zilch.

So, when Eric Jacobson's team proposed the F-land redo, it got a polite but 'thanks, it looks marvelous, but we don't feel like we need to allocate such a tremendous amount of funds when we've got the world's No. 1 park here right now'. That is a quote I made up, btw, but it is the gist of one spoken by Erin Wallace (WDW's Sr VP of Ops) in a meeting with high level folks from Burbank, Glendale and Orlando. You might say I know a Spirit who sat at the table.

It was DOA. Not gonna happen. But then some folks with real power, folks that didn't and don't have to answer to anyone named Jay, Al, Meg, Erin or even lowly Phil, started asking tough questions and pointing out some ugly realities. And just like that, things changed.

Now ... if I'm you, I'm saying 'well, see you just proved my point' ... and you wouldn't be entirely wrong.

Because things DO change. And sometimes even in a GOOD way.

But right now, nothing is expected or planned. And unlike the MK project, there's no one at a high level pushing for DAK expansion (this could, naturally, change drastically if DAK attendance plummets due to WWoHP -- we all know it won't hurt MK). But if that doesn't happen, I see no way Disney will invest in a major way at DAK with a costly MK project happening and smaller projects in the pipeline for Studios and EPCOT.

Just like with MK, I'd love to be wrong here. But I don't see it ... that was a unique perfect storm of circumstances ... and much like the ones that got EE pushed through in a power void ... it can't be expected to be repeated.

So, with the caveat of how Potter affects WDW and DAK left on the table as my 'out', I'll say don't expect anything at DAK for the forseeable future.:xmas:


Well-Known Member
So, with the caveat of how Potter affects WDW and DAK left on the table as my 'out', I'll say don't expect anything at DAK for the forseeable future.:xmas:

As popular as Harry Potter is I think a lot of people are REALLY blowing the whole thing out of proportion in terms of how it's going to effect WDW. Not counting the summer or other peak periods, I've been able to hit every major attraction at both Universal parks in one day, many of them multiple times in that one day. The addition of Harry Potter into that mix isn't going to change the fact that the park is still dead when it's not summer or the holidays.

It may have slight short term effects on WDW attendance when it opens initially, and possibly again when the headliner attraction opens next Spring (although to be fair I think they shouldn't have opened it in phases when the one major attraction in it wasn't going to be in that first phase). But in the long term? The novelty will die down very quickly. An IOA vet like me isn't going to miss the fact that 2 of the new attractions are just rethemed ones they already had, plus 1 new one and a bunch of shops and restaurants. The hardcore HP fans will quickly see how little this "Harry Potter theme park", as they're referring to it, is and will stop visiting.

Things will quickly go back to the way they were, and Disney knows this. The FYL expansion went through because they know when the hype from HP dies down people will come back and Disney can be like "Hey, we missed you. Look how much we've added since you've been gone."


Well-Known Member
I think you're overlooking that these rides might be fantastic. They would have high attendance if it were just a single attraction, which it isn't. Of course the excitement will go down, just like after any new attraction has lost the newness. That's why they build more big attractions. Something Disney forgot. The point is its going to get more people to visit Uni than they would have before.

Flight of the Hippogriff is just a rethemed Flying Unicorn which is an off the shelf Vekoma roller coaster that I can ride a clone of 2 hours away at Cedar Point, which was also not fun to begin with. Dragon's Trial or whatever they're calling it is a rethemed Dueling Dragons, the ride itself is unchanged. That only leaves the headliner, Harry Potter and the Forbidden something or other, and it's going to be essentially Sum of All Thrills on a track surrounded by 3D screens. Gee, sounds a lot like Spider-Man huh?

The average die-hard HP fan will not notice these things because they are likely not your average die-hard Disney park or general theme park fan. To them, yes, it will be new. But considering the fair lack of originality in any of these attractions, that's what I feel will make the novelty wear off quickly.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Any idea as to when this is being announced.
Hopefully at the next D23 Expo. :wave:

Could you imagine the lines then? :eek:

I would say build two more hangers. Then it would be possible.

Ugh....More clutter to the WS Skyline?!

Hell, just keep the score from the old one, and the LA scene. Then put in new international cities. :lol:
Originally Posted by WDW1974
Nothing major is coming to DAK in the foreseeable future.

That's why Joe Rohde was moved to Hawaii to a DVC/hotel project that was 90% designed.

Point taken. But it still stands.

There are always projects planned or talked about or blue skied. In fact, there used to be many more because WDI cultivated an atmopshere where that was 'part of the job'.

MK has/had many projects talked about, discussed, some even intitial design, only to see nothing, nada, zero, zilch.

So, when Eric Jacobson's team proposed the F-land redo, it got a polite but 'thanks, it looks marvelous, but we don't feel like we need to allocate such a tremendous amount of funds when we've got the world's No. 1 park here right now'. That is a quote I made up, btw, but it is the gist of one spoken by Erin Wallace (WDW's Sr VP of Ops) in a meeting with high level folks from Burbank, Glendale and Orlando. You might say I know a Spirit who sat at the table.

It was DOA. Not gonna happen. But then some folks with real power, folks that didn't and don't have to answer to anyone named Jay, Al, Meg, Erin or even lowly Phil, started asking tough questions and pointing out some ugly realities. And just like that, things changed.

Now ... if I'm you, I'm saying 'well, see you just proved my point' ... and you wouldn't be entirely wrong.

Because things DO change. And sometimes even in a GOOD way.

But right now, nothing is expected or planned. And unlike the MK project, there's no one at a high level pushing for DAK expansion (this could, naturally, change drastically if DAK attendance plummets due to WWoHP -- we all know it won't hurt MK). But if that doesn't happen, I see no way Disney will invest in a major way at DAK with a costly MK project happening and smaller projects in the pipeline for Studios and EPCOT.

Just like with MK, I'd love to be wrong here. But I don't see it ... that was a unique perfect storm of circumstances ... and much like the ones that got EE pushed through in a power void ... it can't be expected to be repeated.

So, with the caveat of how Potter affects WDW and DAK left on the table as my 'out', I'll say don't expect anything at DAK for the forseeable future.:xmas:
You've never spoken truer words, 74. :wave:

Let's hope something like this continues to happen, to the "Powers That Don't Answer to Jay" (PTDATJ) wise up and just get rid of those people who continue to proliferate a stale product.

It seems that WDW is the only "major" problem left for The Walt Disney Company. If they continue on their present course of expansion, improved maintenance and experience, and nix the Nickel and Dimming, we very well could be on the verge of a nice time for WDW. Let's hope it becomes more apparent as time goes on.


Well-Known Member
Flight of the Hippogriff is just a rethemed Flying Unicorn which is an off the shelf Vekoma roller coaster that I can ride a clone of 2 hours away at Cedar Point, which was also not fun to begin with. Dragon's Trial or whatever they're calling it is a rethemed Dueling Dragons, the ride itself is unchanged. That only leaves the headliner, Harry Potter and the Forbidden something or other, and it's going to be essentially Sum of All Thrills on a track surrounded by 3D screens. Gee, sounds a lot like Spider-Man huh?

The average die-hard HP fan will not notice these things because they are likely not your average die-hard Disney park or general theme park fan. To them, yes, it will be new. But considering the fair lack of originality in any of these attractions, that's what I feel will make the novelty wear off quickly.

Is this a Universal vs Disney response?

I'm not going to even try to read the mind of the average Harry Potter fan, but its seems like there is a lot of excitement about it. Like I said, its probably going to bring a lot of people to Uni that wouldn't or haven't been there before. And I just doubt they'd be that critical about it.

Pete C

Active Member
That only leaves the headliner, Harry Potter and the Forbidden something or other, and it's going to be essentially Sum of All Thrills on a track surrounded by 3D screens. Gee, sounds a lot like Spider-Man huh?

Is this a joke?? By your logic I can distill anything under development, now or anytime in the future, for any theme park anywhere in the world into something boring and not worth anticipating or riding. What kind of ludicrous logic is this??? Ok, Little Mermaid is just going to be an Omnimover with a bunch of plastic figurines singing. Gee, sounds a lot like every other Disney dark ride. Star Tours 2, now featuring several endings that are all still 3D movies slapped on an old simulator. Carsland...amazing, a re-themed Test Track with plastic cars that talk. World of Color? Fantasmic-like projections on shooting jets ripped off from the Bellagio. I mean...COME ON.

The sum of all fears on a track allows unlimited movement in all directions on any axis and from room to room. Are you telling me that there are not some incredible movements and scenes they can create with this? If you don't then you do not have a creative imagination. SOAF is an unthemed simulator. You have no idea what kind of themed environments are going to be in HP. I can tell you it will be a lot more impressive than how you are boiling it down.

How can you not be excited about a new E-ticket from the creators of THE most impressive dark ride ever made? And yes, Spiderman is just that. It's been over 10 years since it came out and I have yet to see Disney offer anything that is more impressive from top to bottom.

You are also leaving out an entire environment of themed buildings, shops, and an interactive game that takes place all over the land that kids are going to love playing.

The only thing that I agree with is that it will not affect Disney. It won't, however it will have a huge impact at Universal for a several years.


Well-Known Member
The sum of all fears on a track allows unlimited movement in all directions on any axis and from room to room. Are you telling me that there are not some incredible movements and scenes they can create with this? If you don't then you do not have a creative imagination. SOAF is an unthemed simulator. You have no idea what kind of themed environments are going to be in HP.

Have you seen the construction photos that have been leaked? Considering how close to completion this ride is, it looks to me like a bunch of concave screens surrounding a track. Which says to me they're not even attempting to theme anything in the ride itself, they're relying entirely on the film to tell the story, making it little more than glorified simulator or a variation on Spider-Man.

Speaking of which, while I agree with the sentiment that Spider-Man is a fantastic ride, I hesitate to say it's the best ride out there. They've maintained the effects on it very poorly (as they have with most of the attractions at IOA) and I haven't ridden it in the last 3 years without something not working. And not something little either. I've ridden through it at times when half the screens weren't projecting correctly or the audio wasn't working in the vehicles.

To say that Disney has never topped it isn't necessarily true. I consider Pooh's Hunny Hunt and Journey to the Center of the Earth to both outdo Spider-Man (and yes I've ridden them both). While this may not count to many of the Disney visitors on this site or in general, it certainly is fact that Spider-Man hasn't been top dog in a while.

Pete C

Active Member
To say that Disney has never topped it isn't necessarily true. I consider Pooh's Hunny Hunt and Journey to the Center of the Earth to both outdo Spider-Man (and yes I've ridden them both). While this may not count to many of the Disney visitors on this site or in general, it certainly is fact that Spider-Man hasn't been top dog in a while.

Ah, you are not the only one to have been to TDL. I have been on Pooh and Journey as well. Incredibly themed rides, but Journey is over just when it gets going. I was with 4 people, and the feeling from everyone was..."that's it?" when the ride was over. It accelerates into a burst of excitement as it shoots out of the mountain, then...stop. Nothing.

Pooh...I guess we are just on different wavelengths here. I think it is a great use of technology, and very cute, but it is not exciting and not amazing. I prefer rides to have some thrill factor. Spiderman has it all. I rode it last weekend, and it had 1 screen that was not projecting in 3D...I think you are underestimating how much can go wrong on that ride. How many times does HM break down every day? SM? That aside, when I first rode Spiderman 10 years ago, I got off and immediately thought, this ride just changed the industry. When I got off Journey I was just thinking...it would have been 5-stars if it had a few more high-speed elements at the end. As it stands it is just a very nicely themed dark ride with a short thrill portion. Spidey leaves most people breathless by the end. Pooh is also incredibly themed, but more of a kids ride. Amongst my friends, Tower of Terror is the only ride that comes close to Spidey.

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