Upcoming Fantasyland ReDesign


Park History nut
Premium Member
Says who? It hasn't been confirmed yet.
Not publically...

Anyhow, as discussed over the past year or two the 20K ploit is big enough for a Space AND Splash Mountain. the Mermaid dark ride will take a sizable space but not all of it. And I saw the crane too. Only a small, portable one.


Well-Known Member
Not publically...

Anyhow, as discussed over the past year or two the 20K ploit is big enough for a Space AND Splash Mountain. the Mermaid dark ride will take a sizable space but not all of it. And I saw the crane too. Only a small, portable one.

Welcome back! Are you still in the states or back in the UK. I bet you have all kinds of inside info you will be sharing over time :)


Well-Known Member
It would be great to have Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and maybe Alice in Wonderland. The Judge's Tent in Toontown should be demolished and Roger Rabbit should be brought in. It would fit in so well with the Toontown fair. That new Pooh playground makes me :hurl:.

Why would a place where children can run free make you :hurl:??? It's a playground people (I've never seen so much hate directed towards a play place in my life)!

The only reason you all despise it's existance is b/c it supposably replaced 20K. If the playplace had been located anywhere else you'd all leave it alone!

Oh and btw, I don't think any kid this day and age would know and or care about Roger Rabbit. Not that everything in Disney has to be updated or new to be appreciated - we have classics that children love. But Roger Rabbit can hardly be considered a classic movie!


Well-Known Member
It's not that I hate the playground. It is a fun place for kids and my sister loves it. I just think that the fact that is across from another Pooh related thing is crazy. With all the room it would finally be nice to have a classic dark ride installed. I do agree with you on the Roger Rabbit but if WDI is considering a new attraction to add to Toontown this would probably work best. I doubt there will be a Mr. Toad's ride though, unless they make a new movie out of it. Kids nowadays are not as familiar with all of those characters from then.


Poohs spot is a million times better than an empty attraction, or dead space, i think it looks kinda cool, but it would be nice to see all that prime space better utilized for something E.

But i hope Poohs spot stays, its so cute and the kids clearly love it. And across from Pooh makes perfect sense. i just wish we could get Tokyo's Pooh, but i doubt it. If if not for Pooh maybe a new attractions using the same system. incredibles could would with that ride system maybe???

Anyway Fantasyland at WDW is the one area I look at an think this is where the money ran out. It just doesn't look as classic or as high quality as the other lands at WDW.


Well-Known Member
For that matter, have you seen the Fantasyland in Tokyo? Everyone comments on how wonderful Pooh's Hunny Hunt is; well, the rest of the land looks like a stripped-down version of WDW's Medieval Fair! They even still have the old, original, steel-beam Dumbo! :brick:Tokyo's Fantasyland is a joke, but across the way, Tokyo DisneySea is the most gorgeous Disney park on earth.

Fantasyland seems to get the short end of the stick everywhere but CA.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
For that matter, have you seen the Fantasyland in Tokyo? Everyone comments on how wonderful Pooh's Hunny Hunt is; well, the rest of the land looks like a stripped-down version of WDW's Medieval Fair! They even still have the old, original, steel-beam Dumbo! :brick:Tokyo's Fantasyland is a joke, but across the way, Tokyo DisneySea is the most gorgeous Disney park on earth.

Fantasyland seems to get the short end of the stick everywhere but CA.

But DLP has an absolutly GORGEOUS fantaseyland. Maybe even more so than DL.
But DLP has an absolutly GORGEOUS fantaseyland. Maybe even more so than DL.
That's because the French have such high standards. They undoubtably have the best castle out of the five. It's the only unique one out of the bunch. The architecture is stellar and that's because the French didn't want another replica of a castle since they have so many authentic ones in France.


The architecture is stellar and that's because the French didn't want another replica of a castle since they have so many authentic ones in France.

I told them we already got one!




New Member
For a 40th anniversary gift, how about just returning my most beloved ride of all to that spot.... put 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA back where it belongs! Actually, I'll accept anything with a Nautilus (Little Mermaid visits Captain Nemo???;);)


Active Member
Wait you say say there is space behind Small world to expand... Then WHY did they make the exterior the way they did. The Facade look is a Classic! a shame it only to 34 years to "sort of" correct this.


Active Member
For that matter, have you seen the Fantasyland in Tokyo? Everyone comments on how wonderful Pooh's Hunny Hunt is; well, the rest of the land looks like a stripped-down version of WDW's Medieval Fair! They even still have the old, original, steel-beam Dumbo! :brick:Tokyo's Fantasyland is a joke, but across the way, Tokyo DisneySea is the most gorgeous Disney park on earth.

Fantasyland seems to get the short end of the stick everywhere but CA.

In fact the whole place is like that. Tomorrowland is hardly better, though they did give it a nice new paint job it still is totally 1983 over there. But the maintenance definitely helps, at least it doesn't look as old as it actually is in that respect. The new things positively stand out amongst the old stuff. Totally agree.


Active Member
The broken Ferris Wheel for instance.

I was at DLP last year and I found everything to look quite good. It's never as clean as the other parks, especially when it's busy as the guests are kinda brutal over there, but everything was pretty much working well and looked pretty spiffy. Maybe they had just done a cleanup as the 15th had just started.

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