Universal Website now has Disney comparison chart!!



I'm actuallu shocked there's this much discussion between WDW and US. Personally, I don't even feel as though the 2 should be mentioned in the same sentence.

Universal is an amusement park. Every state has an amusement park with fun rides. I went to Universal, granted it was before IOA, but I wasn't impressed in the least bit.

Jaws - Boring.
King Kong - Cool, but they took it out.
Earthquake - Boring.
Back to the Future - Boring.
Ghostbusters - Boring.
ET - That I was impressed by.

Overall, you CAN'T compare the 2. Universal is dirty for one thing. I'd feel comfortable eating off the ground at Disney.

And who in the world could possibly spend 3, let alone 5 days at Universal?

Bottom line - Universal might be fun. But Disney World is simply indescribable.


Well-Known Member
WOW who wrote that comparison? Inaccurate.

If they were going to create such a crappy comparison they should not have thrown their money away.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
NemoRocks said:
Ok, so it was me. But what's the big deal? The whole reputation point system is used when you agree and disagree with a post, and at that point I disagreed.

Actually that is not the way the reputation system is intended to work. If you disagree with someone you can post to the fact or you can send them a PM. The reputation system is intended to let new members know who they can and can't trust information from. If someone is constantly rude or posts bad information then they should have a poor reputation. If someone posts good information and is kind and courteous to others then they should have a good reputation. Agreeing or disagreeing with people's opinions should have nothing to do with it.


New Member
Nemo Rocks~

There are two reasons why I said that - First of all your sig advertises for USO - wrong board there... secondly - I disagree or agree with people all the time - yet b/c you couldn't handle people disagreeing with you - you had to go and bad rep several people here - that shows bad character... thus, Universal Deserves You. I stand by it - just because you have a lot of posts doesn't mean that they are quality or that they relate whatsoever to the origin of this site... I've read many of your posts and here lately they all revolve back to "universal, this and universal, that" ... come one - WDWmagic.... as the admin said right above me - Disagreeing wiht people have nothing to do with their reputation... so you misused the system to gain an advantage... that again shows your character... That's why I posted what I did... b/c I'm not the only one who sees it.


Well-Known Member
Eeyore said:
Actually that is not the way the reputation system is intended to work. If you disagree with someone you can post to the fact or you can send them a PM. The reputation system is intended to let new members know who they can and can't trust information from. If someone is constantly rude or posts bad information then they should have a poor reputation. If someone posts good information and is kind and courteous to others then they should have a good reputation. Agreeing or disagreeing with people's opinions should have nothing to do with it.

Thanks for stepping in before I got to it. I was about to say the same thing. He just abused the system by going against what it's for. If we were to rep people for good/bad posts it would be pointless because everyone would have a lot of green or a lot of red.

If the post is something that really adds to a conversation, a person gives information that no one else would find out, or if the person is very respectful to others, they should get rep.

You my friend, should get negative rep just for doing what you did, but I won't stoop down to your level and do the same thing you did.

So I'll leave it at that, and remember what Eeyore said to you from now on. :wave:


New Member
jesserin said:
Nemo Rocks~

There are two reasons why I said that - First of all your sig advertises for USO - wrong board there...

YOU CAN LIKE UNIVERSAL AND STILL LIKE DISNEY! So what if his signature advertises for Universal? And even though this is a Disney board there is still a Universal section on it too. Because there are actually some people out there that enjoy both parks!


New Member
Brooke said:
YOU CAN LIKE UNIVERSAL AND STILL LIKE DISNEY! So what if his signature advertises for Universal? And even though this is a Disney board there is still a Universal section on it too. Because there are actually some people out there that enjoy both parks!
even though I like disney better,I agree.


New Member
Brooke said:
YOU CAN LIKE UNIVERSAL AND STILL LIKE DISNEY! So what if his signature advertises for Universal? And even though this is a Disney board there is still a Universal section on it too. Because there are actually some people out there that enjoy both parks!
Honey that has nothing to do with it - This guy has been pushing his way around here like he's the local bully - his comments are rude and he abuses the rep system - I would say nothing of someone who enjoy's both parks, I know many people who do - but someone who fights all the time and acts as if disney lacks so much on Universal is just wrong... both may be nice, but it's pointless to come on a DISNEY board and fight all the time about Universal being better -

Read all his posts before you comment on someone defending themselves... :)



New Member
If someone makes an uneducated comment, they need to read the other posts - the offending ones - in order to make an acurate judgement -

And holy cow, this sure got out of hand, I'm not sure where I offended you Legacy - but frankly that was a little uncalled for - I wasn't telling her "what to do" simply explaining that she might need to review the entire situation before making judegment on one post -

I am not one of those people who sits around telling everyone that they should like Disney over Universal... again READ THE POSTS... geez... but someone (not to mention any names but coughnemorockscough) is running around telling all of us that Universal is the only way to go - and that is just rude and wrong - so if someone is going to attatck one of my posts as if that is what I've been saying then they obviously need to read a little more than one post. I like Brooke, I respect her posts - I (up until now) have always respected your posts - Please do others the same and stop the bashing... do not comment until you know the situation - that's all - if after you've read it ALL you still feel I'm out of line then by all means, hate away!


Well-Known Member
jesserin said:
If someone makes an uneducated comment, they need to read the other posts - the offending ones - in order to make an acurate judgement -

And holy cow, this sure got out of hand, I'm not sure where I offended you Legacy - but frankly that was a little uncalled for - I wasn't telling her "what to do" simply explaining that she might need to review the entire situation before making judegment on one post -

I am not one of those people who sits around telling everyone that they should like Disney over Universal... again READ THE POSTS... geez... but someone (not to mention any names but coughnemorockscough) is running around telling all of us that Universal is the only way to go - and that is just rude and wrong - so if someone is going to attatck one of my posts as if that is what I've been saying then they obviously need to read a little more than one post. I like Brooke, I respect her posts - I (up until now) have always respected your posts - Please do others the same and stop the bashing... do not comment until you know the situation - that's all - if after you've read it ALL you still feel I'm out of line then by all means, hate away!
Where did NemoRocks say that Universal is the only way to go? Most of the posts in this thread have been that Disney is the only way to go. NemoRocks stood up for Universal and now all of a sudden he is the bad guy? I know the situation. I've read the thread, and I have tried to make the Disney vs Universal situation less hostile. However, I felt that they way you responded to Brook was a little out of line as well. We know NemoRocks, and he has proven himself to myself, Brooke and many others on these boards as a very knowledgable theme-park goer. We have been through these arguments countless times, and everytime when someone defends Universal they are nailed for it.

I don't condon his abuse of the rep system. I don't know what he was thinking with that (he should have known better). But when you tell someone:
jesserin said:
First of all your sig advertises for USO - wrong board there...
...You step over a line. Brooke was trying to redefine that line, and you turn around and tell her to mind her own business. That's why you were quoted, and why that sentence in particular was quoted. It had nothing to do with the rep. It had nothing to do with the discussion at hand. All it did was dismess everything he had said because he's a fan of Universal.

Like you will probably do with me.


('cause after all. If you are going lose respect for me, it might as well be for the topic at hand, right?)


New Member
First of all - notice that when I quote you - I use your entire quote - I don't pick through some words and point out the rest - Brooke did exactly that - if she would have posted the entire quote it would look something like this:

"Nemo Rocks~ There are two reasons why I said that - First of all your sig advertises for USO - wrong board there... secondly - I disagree or agree with people all the time - yet b/c you couldn't handle people disagreeing with you - you had to go and bad rep several people here - that shows bad character... thus, Universal Deserves You. I stand by it - just because you have a lot of posts doesn't mean that they are quality or that they relate whatsoever to the origin of this site... I've read many of your posts and here lately they all revolve back to "universal, this and universal, that" ... come one - WDWmagic.... as the admin said right above me - Disagreeing wiht people have nothing to do with their reputation... so you misused the system to gain an advantage... that again shows your character... That's why I posted what I did... b/c I'm not the only one who sees it." post by me.

Now - my entire point was this: Had you quoted - or heck, even read - the entire post you would have to look back at his previous posts, filled with lies and crap - things like:

"I know I'd take Jaws over M:S any day"

"Universal has their own water park (Wet 'n Wild), so if they were discussing water attractions at water parks and theme parks I'm sure they would have included them."

(well if this is the case then Universal owns half of the United States Water Parks)

"but not all Universal's events are hard ticket... "

Grinchmas, the Macy's Holiday Parade, and Mardi Gras are all included with park admission.

(Okay, let's pretend like these are all of Universals Events...)

"Ok, so it was me. But what's the big deal? The whole reputation point system is used when you agree and disagree with a post, and at that point I disagreed."


Now, I'm not about to bash someone for liking Universal - you're lying to yourself if you say that I have done that - There have been 10+ people who have stated that they prefer Unversal - and not one of them have I said a word to... I will however put in my .02 when someone is lying through their teeth, or just being a jerk... the only person I responded badly to on this thread was the ONE person who went around bad repping everyone that disagreed with him...

Therefore - if you disagree with his behavior - then you obviously understand why some of us would take such offense and react by calling him on his crap -

If you agree with him then you condone his attitude towards a system which you have already said he should have known better than...

So here, I will agree with you - Long Live UNI - Long Live Disney, and Short Live those who abuse the system.


Well-Known Member
Why can't Universal just create good rides and parks, advertise them, then get people to go to the parks, not just trash their competitors and say how they are better using a fixed chart. It didn't work for Apple vs. Microsoft, didn't work with Napster vs. Apple, and it won't work now. I think they should just stick to their Take Back Your Vacation ads and dump the "lets mention how we are better than Disney" ads and websites for once.


Well-Known Member
Testtrack321 said:
Why can't Universal just create good rides and parks, advertise them, then get people to go to the parks, not just trash their competitors and say how they are better using a fixed chart. It didn't work for Apple vs. Microsoft, didn't work with Napster vs. Apple, and it won't work now. I think they should just stick to their Take Back Your Vacation ads and dump the "lets mention how we are better than Disney" ads and websites for once.
But all it is is an in-text link. It's not like it was an entire page on the site. They stopped the "Pixie Dust" campaign, and the Disney fans STILL aren't content. Now, they provide an informative (though slanted) link that doesn't make Disney look terrible (they omitted some stuff, but so did Uni), and it they are panned for it yet again.

Geeze, you people are getting so worked up over this. This ain't the Pixie Dust campaign... it's a single link.


Premium Member
The main idea is still to attract the average guest to go to Universal. Most people would think that Disney has the better rides (but they wouldn't know the majority of them), so they give the list and "inflate" the value of the popularity/excitement. Although looking at the roller coaster category and seeing "The Flying Unicorn" (a copy of the Barnstormer), as an excuse is somewhat funny.


Active Member
"I'm actuallu shocked there's this much discussion between WDW and US. Personally, I don't even feel as though the 2 should be mentioned in the same sentence.

Universal is an amusement park. Every state has an amusement park with fun rides. I went to Universal, granted it was before IOA, but I wasn't impressed in the least bit."

I'd just like to say- Universal is FAR from an average amusement park. They continue to impress me with cutting edge attractions like Spiderman and Mummy and IOA has some very well done theming (especially in the POE and the LC)

"Ha, Universal is that desperate"

Also, i wouldnt say they are that desperate. Universal has a large fanbase- no, its not as large as Disney's but then again, whos is? IOA and USF are among the most visted theme parks in the US and are JUST behind AK. Obviously, both Universal and Disney are going to try and take some of each others buisness but what would you expect when you have two rivals? In fact, its a good thing because as each resort tries to outdue the other, we get better and better attractions out of both (or... those of us who ARE willing and enjoy going to BOTH resorts).

Fact is- i believe the comparison chart was not trying to put down Disney, but rather to explain to people that Universal is, indeed, an entire resort. I'll bet alot of people still think its a one-day theme park and this chart shows who much Universal actually has to offer (with its hotels, Citywalk, USF, and IOA). It also shows that it has alot on par with Disney in terms of guest services and things like transportation, etc.

Both resorts are great places if you take the time to enjoy them and don't go in holding a grudge towards it.

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