Premium Member
Not just that but others have said Universal is trying to get away from Team Members being the characters in attractions, which means T2 isn't long for this world either... if they are trying to get away from that, then the haunted house idea from USH is a no go based on that... of course, I have no proof of this that Universal is moving in that direction, only going with what others have said...
But, what i think we can take into account is the fact that this project was fast tracked not only because the project is huge but also because Universal has a large sum of money sitting in the account and would have been hit with a huge tax bill from Uncle Sam... So, in order to take money off the books, this project was fast tracked to increase spending and lower the taxes that would have to be paid... again, take that with salt... No verifiable proof this is the case either... Just something else I read... Makes sense though...
T2-3D makes sense...the're paying, 5 actors salaries and liability for dozens of shows a week