See before Mike Nelson, waaayyy back to the earlier 1990's, it featured the guy who made the bots' before Mike came up to the Satellite Of Love, his name was Joel Robinson (AKA Joel Hodgson) and these days were...PURE COMEDIC GOLD. Mike was always funny, but the Joel seasons are a special treat for anyone, and THOSE experiments are the ones that hook ya'.
As for me, I always enjoyed the show as a youngster, but it wasn't until about four years ago my dad just happend to bring back a set feautring an episode ..."Catalina Capers". That episode instantly catapulted a fast-paced journey back in time watching every MST3K episode I could find-espically the ones with Joel. To this day, the humor and pop-and-folk sensiblities of those seasons of MST3K inspire me to be funny, as well as my screen name.
In short, the memories of MST3K = Your first step into a much larger, Richard Basehart, Robert Lippert, Joe-Don-Baker filled world.
If you have some time to spare, I can find you an episode on the YouTubes one of these days to watch...just PM me.
(Note to other MSTIES: If you have good suggestions for Joel-era episodes for newcomers, I'd like to know, I love hearing the different takes on that. :lol
Continue now on-topic dear thread!