Fantastic! You never fail to entertain.
Considering you've yet to address a single point in any but my initial post, but continue to bang the tired "science isn't interesting" drum you've been beating since the announcement was made, your continuation of the same doesn't surprise me.
Declaring victory on a topic you've repeatedly shown to be completely out of your depth is awfully entertaining, though. I'm now vaguely bemused that I've ever bothered to read your posts in the past; just another nattering boor with an agenda.
You haven't made one point, except to try to use large words that I do not believe you actually understand. Yes, scientists supposedly assisted Cameron in making it "realistic", which seems to mean something different to you than it does to me. You can make something entirely scientifically accurate yet it can be (and often is) boring as heck, LOL. From the start, you have been making counter-claims to points I did not make, and are simply bringing up the same irrelevant thing over and over.
And here, you are resorting to simple name-calling. Not terribly mature.
I guess we will share our bemusement at each other, as I find the rabid nature of fans of this film rivaling a religious fervor I'd almost find fascinating, if not so obviously induced by "OOH SHINY!" distractions. You will have to forgive me, though, because I couldn't comment on your past posts, as I simply do not recall or recognize reading anything of significance (or even your name) before.
To the actual topic, again, Disney could hit a home run with this. They could also hit a home run with a "Home On The Range" ride, should they try. The problem is, they do not.
The issue of "compelling world" was - comparing it originally to Potter, as in the title of this thread. I don't think even the most hard-core fan thinks that somehow this will even begin to approach the level of "OMG I HAVE TO GO THERE!" that Potter did with the general public. Potter has 8 films, 7 books, and a lifespan that is now entering it's third calendar decade (the original book was published in the 90's, the last film in the 10's).
Perhaps Disney will surprise us. Personally, I see the "big attraction" being a pseudo-Soarin' clone, perhaps that has a screen below you as well. Should they go all out and re-create this "world" as a true 3-dimensional NON-VIDEO SCREEN attraction, I'll be as pleased as anyone. But I have a feeling this is what we will end up with - an updated Soarin' type ride, a couple of kiddie things, a meet and greet, and perhaps a restaurant. Should they exceed that, I'll be the first one to applaud it, in spite of my feelings of the property it is based on.