Two Spirited Quickees...Imagination closing


Well-Known Member
You know thats just it. Disney's attractions once focused on wonders and intrigue, Discovery, and fascination, A place where both child and adult could find new things, new surprises around the corner, new ways to look at ourselves and the world around us.

Now its just oh no accident!! oh no explosion! boom boom your dead! YEAH action!!! Its like they only care about being cool and hip not setting the trends just following. Next we'll have the country bears go "Yo fool dis place is Poppin' bro! I'm gonna play my new hot jam! Wicky wicky!
:joyfull: You'll have the East Side Bears and the West Side Bears starring in the County Pen Bear Jam. And that's when I stop going to that show.


Well-Known Member
:oops: sorry I get really carried away.

It's just that Its hard to see my fav park become more and more six flags each year
Six Flags actually add to there parks and not take away attractions that make the park what it is. And now before anybody gets there fanboy panties in a twist, I'm not comparing Epcot to Six Flags because that would be outlandish.


Well-Known Member
Mission Space is a unique ride. There is nothing else like it in Orlando. The queue is one of my favorites - that wheel thing fascinates me. The outside of the ride is stunning and cool. The ride itself is a powerful experience, especially the first time. It's fun, too.

It makes some people sick. People with issues on spinny rides shouldn't ride it...or should ride the less spinny version (green?).

But I think it is one of Disney's better attractions and like it a lot. :)


Well-Known Member
Six Flags actually add to there parks and not take away attractions that make the park what it is. And now before anybody gets there fanboy panties in a twist, I'm not comparing Epcot to Six Flags because that would be outlandish.

Not recently. In great adventure the chiller's station, bumper cars, Stunt show, and entire old country section of the park sit abandoned only used for fright fest....sound familiar?
The 3d simulator also has been abandoned for a few years now

The Frontier Adventures Wild West section's two main attractions are an African Safari and Bizarro. (like Nemo in future world)

They have a tiger show stage that is just used as a path out of the "zoo" area, which by the way when the zoo closes there is one part of the golden kingdom inaccessable from the main part for no reason.

They lost all their shows and parades with the exception of the really lame ones, and one sealion show, all the show arenas are abandoned. (wild Country, Batman Stunt Show, Glow in The Park which kinda ripped off MS Electrical Parade and spectromagic, The acrobatics shows, fireworks in the rotting lakeside grandstand all gone)

Basically anything that made them feel more like a theme park then say ceder point is now gone. and they plasted everything remaining with repetative insufferable scenery destroying ads.

But In their defense they did have some neat interactive exibits from time to time. One even reminded me of the old disney ones.


Well-Known Member
Mission Space is a unique ride. There is nothing else like it in Orlando. The queue is one of my favorites - that wheel thing fascinates me. The outside of the ride is stunning and cool. The ride itself is a powerful experience, especially the first time. It's fun, too.

It makes some people sick. People with issues on spinny rides shouldn't ride it...or should ride the less spinny version (green?).

But I think it is one of Disney's better attractions and like it a lot. :)

To me Idk if im missing something but Mission space is just a gravatron with a watered down challenger center set up. The Chuck E Cheese/Mcplayplace at the end doesnt help much either.

Rides used to be really stunning that put you in moods you never knew existed I just kinda miss that. Space is beautiful and you barely get to really see it in that ride. Your more concerned with boom boom explody stuff you dont really even get to control. (trust me I tried to crash lol)

If anyone here still remembers the stunning space scenes from horizons, the huge brava centauri mock up As a Kid I felt I may just float away it was so quiet and immense looking even in such a limited space


Well-Known Member
I don't hear anybody complaining SSE is outdated. Or LwtL. Those two towering giants of FW, final vestiges of EPCOT Center.

Classic EPCOT has held up brilliantly. Replace a few show scenes, add a new score, a new narration, and the old pavilions would've worked their wonders just as much as the remaining classics do.

Classic EPCOT is timeless. Jeopardy '96, Eric Idle and nineties car accidents, by contrast, are embarrasingly dated.

Eric Idle is timeless - just like Monty Python.


Well-Known Member
Personally, it wasn't Eric Idle but an incredibly poor script he was handed ... similar to how poor Dame Judi Dench is treated by the fan community - she has the right voice for SSE ... but again a poor script was given to her to read.

Thats what I'm saying. I actually found him more humorous in the honey preshow personally. I thought he was hilarious in mp and all three monty python movies (and the live one). His music is hilarious. but this just wasn't him at all


Well-Known Member
You know thats just it. Disney's attractions once focused on wonders and intrigue, Discovery, and fascination, A place where both child and adult could find new things, new surprises around the corner, new ways to look at ourselves and the world around us.

Now its just oh no accident!! oh no explosion! boom boom your dead! YEAH action!!! Its like they only care about being cool and hip not setting the trends just following. Next we'll have the country bears go "Yo fool dis place is Poppin' bro! I'm gonna play my new hot jam! Wicky wicky!

well...they need to sell tickets...and people visit WDW and often spend thousands on a vacation....all that discovery and fascination you mention... yeah that can be found at my local museum of science for a lot less. sorry if i want real rides and attractions for a few Gs.
with that said theres still a place for education and story telling but the raw learn only types of attractions that once dominated epcot center are a very expensive science museum.


Well-Known Member
well...they need to sell tickets...and people visit WDW and often spend thousands on a vacation....all that discovery and fascination you mention... yeah that can be found at my local museum of science for a lot less. sorry if i want real rides and attractions for a few Gs.
with that said theres still a place for education and story telling but the raw learn only types of attractions that once dominated epcot center are a very expensive science museum.

No one really expects to go to disney for thrill rides. It was never a high intensity park. Theres no Kingda Ka or super dooper flying upsidown suspended 4-d hypercoasters. Its hard for me to fathom people wanting just to bounce around for a few mins while playing video games and be totally satisfied. These arent even real high thrill rides. Test track can be done on a highway (and we all did it since its not that fast) Mission space is just a Gravatron from any local fairground with a challenger center built in, and soarin isnt even a thrill ride.

THAT BEING SAID, there is no reason they can't do both. I mean this in two different ways.
1. A ride itself can be both thrilling and wonderful. As a child Space mountain was this. In my mind New Test Track is this although many people will disagree (sorry guys the old one was kinda boring to me and i wanted to punch the guy narrating it in the face god he was annoying lol) but seriously it can be done.

Like I said a lot before, Mission space Irks me because its not really an expirience. your only training the whole time even in the story line. Its like Ride: the Ride! Its a simulation of a simulation. I don't know about you but theres nothing fun about TRAINING for a mission you never get to do! what a let down! I thought there would be more afterwards lol. I can go into this more but I'll write a review instead.

2. Thrill rides and dark rides can share the park. I liked body wars (I don't care if anyone says its icky I loved it), and It worked with the other rides. Assuming they will put in well themed rides and not just paint a rollercoaster blue and black and say SEE LOOK TRON THE RIDE!!, It can happen. They don't have to replace EVERYTHING. There is really only one or two rides they haven't totally changed. Maelstrom and Livin'. But who knows maybe in the future we'll have Boat! starring Regis Filbin and an abandoned maelstrom turned into a break area for cms.

If they really wanted to satisfy fans they wouldn'ta changed imagination in the first place. and yes they were directly the cause for its drop in popularity by rerouting the line. Guest flow has a LOT to do with how people go to a park, and people with limited time tend to ignore things that aren't displayed prominantly, and when they re-routed imagination they got their excuse to stick it to baxter. The ride was number 2 in popularity for epcot right before they did that. (second to SSE). Afterwards it dropped to I think number seven or so. That should have been one of the ones that stayed. Ironically I'd think Universe of Energy would be the perfect candidate to replace with a thrill ride. Energy, fast thrills and dated when they opened Countdown to ext...Dinosaur. Imagination like Small world, like pirates, like the haunted mansion, could have stood as a staple ride for a long time, something that epcot sadly lacks.

As for catering to crowds, disney used to make something totally new on the whim that people would like it. They werent afraid to take risks. Anything great in this world has risk. Everything mediocre is a safety blanket route, their cutting corners. As I said above, Thrill rides dont have to look cheap short and cut down. They can have wonder too. This stuff just aint it. And according to what I've read and seen in the past four years, Epcots attendance is not improving significantly. In fact at the turn of the millenium it slumped. and it was relatively poor compared to the early 90s for all of the grand openings of these thrill rides.

Maybe I'm a product of my generation, but I actually wanted to learn about things and have fun at the same time. Museums just never made it come alive like epcot did.
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Well-Known Member
My bothans checked in and they say (agreeing with other people's sources) that Captain Eo is not long for this world.

Figment will be going down but I've got conflicting information as to how long and no one seems to know why.

Seems to be a very tight lipped project for sure, so something is eminent and with Magnum now at the helm of Epcot surely its not going to go the way of wonders of life, it would just be downright stupid on their part. But with cast reporting seeing imagineers around and about recently, seems to be a lot of signs pointing to things other than just a shuttered pavilion. But that remark I posted here from over on micechat still has me wondering.

Sam Magic

Well-Known Member
Take these for what they are worth.

Imagination CMs have been told that their pavilion will be 'temporarily' be closing this winter. I have no idea why or for how long, but since they don't do refurbs we can rule that out.

Also, some folks in marketing have already been talking about what they'll do for Christmas 2014 sans the Ozzy and Sharon Lightacular.
Could these be an early cover up for a bigger D23 announcement?


Well-Known Member
No one really expects to go to disney for thrill rides. It was never a high intensity park. Theres no Kingda Ka or super dooper flying upsidown suspended 4-d hypercoasters. Its hard for me to fathom people wanting just to bounce around for a few mins while playing video games and be totally satisfied. These arent even real high thrill rides. Test track can be done on a highway (and we all did it since its not that fast) Mission space is just a Gravatron from any local fairground with a challenger center built in, and soarin isnt even a thrill ride.

THAT BEING SAID, there is no reason they can't do both. I mean this in two different ways.
1. A ride itself can be both thrilling and wonderful. As a child Space mountain was this. In my mind New Test Track is this although many people will disagree (sorry guys the old one was kinda boring to me and i wanted to punch the guy narrating it in the face god he was annoying lol) but seriously it can be done.

Like I said a lot before, Mission space Irks me because its not really an expirience. your only training the whole time even in the story line. Its like Ride: the Ride! Its a simulation of a simulation. I don't know about you but theres nothing fun about TRAINING for a mission you never get to do! what a let down! I thought there would be more afterwards lol. I can go into this more but I'll write a review instead.

2. Thrill rides and dark rides can share the park. I liked body wars (I don't care if anyone says its icky I loved it), and It worked with the other rides. Assuming they will put in well themed rides and not just paint a rollercoaster blue and black and say SEE LOOK TRON THE RIDE!!, It can happen. They don't have to replace EVERYTHING. There is really only one or two rides they haven't totally changed. Maelstrom and Livin'. But who knows maybe in the future we'll have Boat! starring Regis Filbin and an abandoned maelstrom turned into a break area for cms.

If they really wanted to satisfy fans they wouldn'ta changed imagination in the first place. and yes they were directly the cause for its drop in popularity by rerouting the line. Guest flow has a LOT to do with how people go to a park, and people with limited time tend to ignore things that aren't displayed prominantly, and when they re-routed imagination they got their excuse to stick it to baxter. The ride was number 2 in popularity for epcot right before they did that. (second to SSE). Afterwards it dropped to I think number seven or so. That should have been one of the ones that stayed. Ironically I'd think Universe of Energy would be the perfect candidate to replace with a thrill ride. Energy, fast thrills and dated when they opened Countdown to ext...Dinosaur. Imagination like Small world, like pirates, like the haunted mansion, could have stood as a staple ride for a long time, something that epcot sadly lacks.

As for catering to crowds, disney used to make something totally new on the whim that people would like it. They werent afraid to take risks. Anything great in this world has risk. Everything mediocre is a safety blanket route, their cutting corners. As I said above, Thrill rides dont have to look cheap short and cut down. They can have wonder too. This stuff just aint it. And according to what I've read and seen in the past four years, Epcots attendance is not improving significantly. In fact at the turn of the millenium it slumped. and it was relatively poor compared to the early 90s for all of the grand openings of these thrill rides.

Maybe I'm a product of my generation, but I actually wanted to learn about things and have fun at the same time. Museums just never made it come alive like epcot did.

such a long reply to read. with that being said...sigh do i really need to reply to this? do you know how much typing i must do? =) massive amounts of typing. you mention thrill rides and dark rides however i think it just needs more rides...its so heavy on food and such due to world showcase i just want more things to do besides drink beer. and i like the energy adventure but thats only because of my favorite famous lesbian. the ride itself is quite dated....and i will gladly say burn it down....granted i am the same one that feels the same way about the JC because i don't let my childhood experiences cloud my judgement of rides. PS never rode horizons only TT and i love the refurb....i think epcot like a true tomorrow land or should be...the tommorowland that reflects...such. As the MK is more of a classic what if tomorrow land.

but in all honesty all jokes aside future world is crippled without that awesome igloo...loved that place.
i enjoy what they did with the seaS..they really brought it into something we can connect (ride may be crap) but the area itself is much better now and i have yet to try turtle talk and youtube has me excited.

for the record im not advocating thrill this or that...i just want rides....slow,fast i don't care but i want emersive experiences. and i am sad that wonders of life is a giant bubble of convention space...and i am sad that the LWTL minus soaring looks like a 90s mall atrium....and i am sad that those damn memorials take up so much space...i odnt mind the idea but geez they are just so big and large....(what she said) and get in the way of everything.

as a summary i love Epcot but i want it to be better than it was yesterday and i want to say that same phrase tomorrow.

Sam Magic

Well-Known Member
I knew that someday The Osborne Spectacle of Dancing Lights would go dark whether it was for a year or forever, but I'm still extremely sad about it because it is my favorite part of Christmas at the Walt Disney World Resort above all other things pay or free. I have a feeling that they will be dark for a year and not be placed anywhere, but I would most certainly hope they return for DHS' benefit because they are so popular and crucial to the park during the winter. As someone mentioned previously, I'd like to see them return in some fashion maybe as part of Carsland or Monstropolis (if Studios gets any aspects of that). I can just hear Lightning McQueen and Mater hosting or Mike Wazowski telling us that joy and laughter helps power the lights. Either case, they better return or I will be incredibly disappointed.

With Imagination, a friend that works there has mentioned that Imagineers have been walking around with blueprints. He says that track expansion may be likely. Imageworks and the exit area will completely change as we know it, and unfortunately the upstairs area is essentially condemned. Of course, this comes from frontline cast, so who knows what is true, but something to think about if we start hearing more details.
I could definitely see a Monstropolis take over with Mike and Sulley using the laughter tubes to turn them on.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
I just wish that the simulator was a portion of a much larger experience. When Disney does space, I have an expectation that they will show its grandeur and beauty. I want a space pavilion whose goal is to make you fall in love with space. Mission:Space assumes this to its detriment.

If only there were a charismatic celebrity-scientist who was trying to get people excited about science and the universe:

And a plus... he's already worked with James Cameron:

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