Two Spirited Quickees...Imagination closing


Well-Known Member
Oh, M:S has a decent looking façade alright. Not unpleasant to the eye.

But it is a complete misfit. Like putting Spaceship Earth in Frontierland.

FW, like the MK and DAK, has got lands too.
FW West is about organic shapes. Seashells and oceanic curves, soil and plants, and crystals. All set in a park with winding paths, curves. FW East is about geometrical shapes. A square disguised as a triangle, a wheel, and a...diamond (/space ship thingy), set in a park of straight lines, sharp edges. M:S's intrusive façade doesn't fit at all and drags down the entire land.

While I do think the facade is well done, and while I do enjoy potions of the ride therein, I think both the facade and the ride itself are misses and mis-fits in the grander scheme. Horizons was about so much more than space exploration. The entire mantra of that original ride was "If you can dream it, you can do it." It pulled in concepts from the other pavilions and showcased that how through communication, imagination, transportation and advances in science and technology, we can expand our horizons, we can live under the sea, explore space, cultivate the desert landscapes. Space was one very small component of the original ride. Replacing Horizons with a ride that focuses solely on a fake space mission distilled that original idea far too much.

Unfortunately, this distillation and movement away from the original ideals of the park seems to be the current norm. When EPCOT was planned, the intent was that the fab5 and other Disney characters would never be a part of the landscape - the park was intended to be unique and there was more than enough room at the MK (and now at DHS and AK) for Mickey and friends. EPCOT served a different purpose. Over the years we have seen more and more the intrusion of the mouse, the princesses and more. We now have a ride based on an animated film (and possibly a second on the way). We have a pavilion with a fantastic concept that sits empty. All the while, we are moving further away from EPCOTs purpose.

I am not saying that I want things to return to the way they used to be - as a business and a theme park, things must move forward - and in EPCOT especially, there should be alot of forward thinking. But would it be too much to ask that the powers that be respect the intentions upon which the park was built.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Uh-oh...I've angered Manchester...:(
You know what happens when you anger Manchester:



Well-Known Member
I personally see the intrusion of Disney's more commercial characters into EPCOT as an insult to the integrity of the park itself and to those who created it. My problem with this and some of the less than ideal decisions in MK, AK, MGM is that those in charge see running the company as 100% business, a means to an ends. This will sound extremely naive, and perhaps it is, but I tend to think of the CEO's, executives, or who ever calls the shots, more as caretakers. Caretakers of a dream and a vision, a vision that should be cultivated and grown with the original intent always in mind. Times change, values change, and expectations change, but, in the end, quality and delivery of a product that trades on imagination, service, thoughtful stewardship, and immersive experiences will always be appreciated. No need to dumb down the product or to "play it safe". Give us bold, give us thoughtful, give us the very best Walt Disney can (would have!) deliver and the result will be astonishing.


Well-Known Member
Oh, M:S has a decent looking façade alright. Not unpleasant to the eye.

But it is a complete misfit. Like putting Spaceship Earth in Frontierland.

Out of curiosity, how does an attraction that features a simulated ride in a shuttle to Mars, not fit into Future World.:eek: Seriously, how much more future can one get?:confused: I am getting old so I might have dozed off. When did we, as a species, already achieve that goal. Seems like I would have heard about it during dinner at the home.:D

Let's look at some others though. Universe of Energy....what part of that isn't in the past or present? How about The Sea's with or without many of the fish there do not currently exist? How about the Land and especially Soarin'...don't we currently have the ability to hang glide? Don't even get me started on Journey (at this point). Even Space Ship Earth only highlights what has happened (the alphabet) instead of what lies ahead. So with that in mind it would seem that the only two attractions in Future World that belong in Future World would be Mission Space and Test Track (but TT, is a stretch..we don't currently have functioning self operating vehicles). Maybe they could change the name of the land to Current World then Mission: Space would be out of place.


The Epcot Manifesto
Out of curiosity, how does an attraction that features a simulated ride in a shuttle to Mars, not fit into Future World.:eek: Seriously, how much more future can one get?:confused: I am getting old so I might have dozed off. When did we, as a species, already achieve that goal. Seems like I would have heard about it during dinner at the home.:D

Let's look at some others though. Universe of Energy....what part of that isn't in the past or present? How about The Sea's with or without many of the fish there do not currently exist? How about the Land and especially Soarin'...don't we currently have the ability to hang glide? Don't even get me started on Journey (at this point). Even Space Ship Earth only highlights what has happened (the alphabet) instead of what lies ahead. So with that in mind it would seem that the only two attractions in Future World that belong in Future World would be Mission Space and Test Track (but TT, is a stretch..we don't currently have functioning self operating vehicles). Maybe they could change the name of the land to Current World then Mission: Space would be out of place.
Great summary of how broken Future World really is. Next to nothing forward thinking and future about it.

Yankee Mouse

Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, how does an attraction that features a simulated ride in a shuttle to Mars, not fit into Future World.:eek: Seriously, how much more future can one get?:confused: I am getting old so I might have dozed off. When did we, as a species, already achieve that goal. Seems like I would have heard about it during dinner at the home.:D

Let's look at some others though. Universe of Energy....what part of that isn't in the past or present? How about The Sea's with or without many of the fish there do not currently exist? How about the Land and especially Soarin'...don't we currently have the ability to hang glide? Don't even get me started on Journey (at this point). Even Space Ship Earth only highlights what has happened (the alphabet) instead of what lies ahead. So with that in mind it would seem that the only two attractions in Future World that belong in Future World would be Mission Space and Test Track (but TT, is a stretch..we don't currently have functioning self operating vehicles). Maybe they could change the name of the land to Current World then Mission: Space would be out of place.

I agree a little with what you are getting at concerning the current state of FW, but a couple could still be, or prior to refurbs at least, were futuristic.
Prior to Nemo sea base alpha was a perfect fit, a base under the sea? Pretty futuristic. The nemo refurb obviously killed that.
The land (at least the ride) was supposed to showcase and highlight new and futuristic farming capability, I don't know how futuristic some of their methods are anymore though.
SSE has the new interactive feature to tell us what our future will be like when we are all poorly animated cartoon figures. Before that refurb it touched on future instantaneous communication around the world. And although the idea of the imagination pavilion isn't futuristic specifically, without imagination we wouldn't have any futuristic ideas at all.


OV 104
Premium Member
I've read a lot of thoughtful posts on here tonight. My feelings....

The novelty of 3D has worn off. In the age of EO and HISTA it was next to impossible to see a high quality 3d movie at your local theater. No longer. We have even reached the saturation point where it is so commonplace that viewers are choosing to forgo the 3D viewings. Just look at the plummeting 3d viewership of movies in theaters.

I agree. I am sick of having to put those stupid glasses on. 3D used to be something unique and different. Now it is played out and tired.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, how does an attraction that features a simulated ride in a shuttle to Mars, not fit into Future World.:eek: Seriously, how much more future can one get?:confused: I am getting old so I might have dozed off. When did we, as a species, already achieve that goal. Seems like I would have heard about it during dinner at the home.:D

Let's look at some others though. Universe of Energy....what part of that isn't in the past or present? How about The Sea's with or without many of the fish there do not currently exist? How about the Land and especially Soarin'...don't we currently have the ability to hang glide? Don't even get me started on Journey (at this point). Even Space Ship Earth only highlights what has happened (the alphabet) instead of what lies ahead. So with that in mind it would seem that the only two attractions in Future World that belong in Future World would be Mission Space and Test Track (but TT, is a stretch..we don't currently have functioning self operating vehicles). Maybe they could change the name of the land to Current World then Mission: Space would be out of place.

M:E fits, just the type of Simulator is the issue. There's a giant percentage of the population that cannot ride a centrifuge. Granted, theyve addressed those concerns but too late. Fantastic concept but a tad too realistic....


Well-Known Member
Great summary of how broken Future World really is. Next to nothing forward thinking and future about it.
If we become completely honest there were only two that were geared toward the future in the early days of EPCOT. One was Horizon and the other, to a lesser degree was Journey into Imagination. Spaceship Earth had a small glimpse into the future but primarily it was what you see now. The look forward in the Land very quickly after opening, became the present. So, really it has always been that way. Communicore did spend some time on it, but they were still more about what is available today as opposed to what might be available in the future. Future World may have been a misnomer to begin with!

Mostly the EPCOT of old was more of a tribute to creativity and attention to detail along with excellent story telling. Something that is very much missing in today's Epcot.


Premium Member
M:S to me represents the type of attraction that historically only Disney could pull off. Immersive, scale, unique ride experience, show... I think its amazing - it just isn't for everyone.. which is a huge expectation of a Disney attraction.

You don't see people calling X2 a failure because not everyone can ride it... but the expectation for Disney is different. But this is also the same type of 'aim more to center' mentality that got us Stich instead of AE.


Well-Known Member
M:S to me represents the type of attraction that historically only Disney could pull off. Immersive, scale, unique ride experience, show... I think its amazing - it just isn't for everyone.. which is a huge expectation of a Disney attraction.

You don't see people calling X2 a failure because not everyone can ride it... but the expectation for Disney is different. But this is also the same type of 'aim more to center' mentality that got us Stich instead of AE.

A problem easily solved by offering multiple experiences within the same pavilion and/or attraction, or else multiple ways to experience the same attraction. M:S makes a minimal effort with the green team, but it's not nearly enough.

You know how some people want to ride Space Mountain with the lights on? I'd like to ride Tower of Terror on an elevator with a slow-speed descent.

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