Two coasts: One very different world


Premium Member

But just because you weren't alive in the 70s (I'm really hoping you were at least born in the 80s ... I got some personal issues with those born post 1990!):D doesn't mean you don't have a place here or the right to be heard.

Technically the first 4 years of my life were in the 70s but I don't remember much. I have a picture of myself from when I was around 2 with a bad 70s disco Afro. My parents swear it was the style. I still call it child abuse.

I didn't make it to WDW until 1985 and then several trips in the late 90s so I did miss most of what you probably consider the glory days of the place.


Well-Known Member
Who exactly is a buffoon?

And who said anything about dying children?

Who? Just look for any of the several that were taking scraped paint and turning it into a guest safety issue and another reason to blame TDO and trying to get the troops riled up. And someone made some goofy story about "little timmy"...

Do you even read the posts of those in your echo chamber? You really need to train them a little better. They just keep on making things harder for you. :)

Yes, it is an epic fail... Especially when guests are being put in a dangerous situation... Miss this part that describes how it could be a safety hazard to a guest??? So, yes, dangerous...
That would seem dangerous
I have seen apologists for TDO back up some silly things before, but calling a situation that could be putting guests in harms way sensationalism and utter crap is a new low, even for apologists... So, let's keep a potentially dangerous situation for a guest operating...
What happens when little Timmy is flying high above Circusland without a care in the world, and an automatic sensor literally SLAMS the brakes on??? Little timmy could fly forward and hit the cab. Or the joystick.
So I know what I'm talking about.
you are a TDO apologist, I get it... They do no wrong in your eyes... Defending this is the newest of lows...
A poorly built spinner that could pose a hazard to guests.... Yes, this is being defended...


Well-Known Member
For what it is worth, back on topic about two coasts one very different world, I just read another post (on another website) from someone I know here in CA who has some connections to "insiders" at DLR. She has heard that the big wigs from DVC are coming west soon, and are telling the west coast DVC guides that they will really like the new 5 year plan.
I've read here that DLR is slated to get some more projects for DL, and wondered if any have heard more details?


Park History nut
Premium Member
For what it is worth, back on topic about two coasts one very different world, I just read another post (on another website) from someone I know here in CA who has some connections to "insiders" at DLR. She has heard that the big wigs from DVC are coming west soon, and are telling the west coast DVC guides that they will really like the new 5 year plan.
I've read here that DLR is slated to get some more projects for DL, and wondered if any have heard more details?
Briefly, since they're touched elsewhere, but there could be big things going into Disneyland over the next 2-3 years, and even bigger plans for the resort as a whole in the longer term.


Well-Known Member
What's amazing is that its being reported that the Attendance surge at DCA surpassed the expectations of the Suits in Burbank.


Well-Known Member
As opposed to smart Alec, add-nothing remarks, right?

So how've you been? I did ask if you've been okay with your 3-4-5 year absence?
That's enough time to start a life style site, then realize the jig may be up shortly. Did you see the IP lawsuit they filed against the ticket resellers? The first of many I hope.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who is overly impressed (or perhaps impressed at all) with what Disney is doing in the MK, should go take a look at pics and video from Anaheim, Hong Kong and Tokyo and see what they have going for them this summer, while y'all get your pick of Dumbo spinners (unless one gets shutdown for an extended time to fix this shoddy work) to ride.

I can't wait to get to Anaheim...going on Saturday!!!

What I find amusing is that the same people defending this problem with Dumbo are the same people who would make a derisive comment if this was happening at a Six Flags park instead, and would shout from the rooftops that Disney would never let this happen, and yet here we are.


Well-Known Member
Who? Just look for any of the several that were taking scraped paint and turning it into a guest safety issue and another reason to blame TDO and trying to get the troops riled up. And someone made some goofy story about "little timmy"...

Do you even read the posts of those in your echo chamber? You really need to train them a little better. They just keep on making things harder for you. :)

A moving ride is constantly grinding against tiled pavement. Perhaps if you studied third-grade science you'd know that constant exposure to forces something isn't designed to interact with can cause problems over time. Scraped paint today can mean stress fractures in the future. Also, people seem to forget or not realize that paint is ALSO used to protect against the elements. It's used to protect wood from rotting due to rain exposure and to prevent rusting on fibreglass and steel. Do you honestly think that overtime this can't affect safety?


Well-Known Member
Hey, someone is 'borrowing' a complaint that I have made!:)

Ah, well, you might not be the only one who came up with that brilliant observation! :)

I am actually surprised that it does not come up more often - and that there were a few replies to my post by people who said they hadn't thought about that aspect before.

Flying Dumbo behind the castle in the courtyard (often with fireworks going off) is an iconic Disney moment. I have only ridden once in the last decade ... at 12:57 on a 1 a.m. close night last year. But part of what makes it special is where it is located. Dumbo isn't exactly one of the most beloved Disney characters (I know a CM who would hit me for saying that, good thing she ain't reading!) ... You take Dumbo from his iconic perch and stick him at the very back of the park, on top of a kiddie coaster with exposed (leave a delay here for all the horrors looks from the fanboi brigade) track and the loud Grand Prix Raceway cars. You stick a large green unthemed show building next to it ... and you add a second spinner and interactive queue. I do wonder if it will keep its popularity or if people will start treating it like the Flying Carpets.

I have already ridden the 'new' spinner and the views really are lousy versus what they were before.

Ok, that does not sound promising at all. I was also wondering whether you are actually able to look over the covered outdoor queue, the roof for that appears to be very high. For the best view Astro Orbiter certainly cannot be beat now by any other spinner at WDW.

I do wonder, too, how Dumbo's popularity will develop.


Beta Return
I can't wait to get to Anaheim...going on Saturday!!!

What I find amusing is that the same people defending this problem with Dumbo are the same people who would make a derisive comment if this was happening at a Six Flags park instead, and would shout from the rooftops that Disney would never let this happen, and yet here we are.

I REALLY can't wait until our (hopefully) May trip out west.

I hope I wasn't included in the group you're calling out in your second paragraph. I'm not defending Disney for the Dumbo issue, because ultimately it is their responsibility to design, oversee and inspect the entire ride development process (up to and including a thorough start-up and testing process). But when people jump to conclusions that it happened as a result of "Poor Design" or "Reduced Budgets" I'll quickly jump in and point out that it could be any number of reasons why it happened.

Those who don't live in the construction world understandably cannot be expected to think about all these possibilities, and are often quick to jump to conclusions simply based on how things work on TV and in the movies (i.e. people think that fire sprinkler systems go off anytime a fire alarm goes off...and that every head in the building goes off together, thanks to cinema).

The Dumbo issue is an error...but it could be any number of companies' or individuals' faults. If it happened at Dix Flags, I'd say the exact same thing.


Well-Known Member
Ah, well, you might not be the only one who came up with that brilliant observation! :)

I am actually surprised that it does not come up more often - and that there were a few replies to my post by people who said they hadn't thought about that aspect before.

Ok, that does not sound promising at all. I was also wondering whether you are actually able to look over the covered outdoor queue, the roof for that appears to be very high. For the best view Astro Orbiter certainly cannot be beat now by any other spinner at WDW.

I do wonder, too, how Dumbo's popularity will develop.
This is such a huge point that went missed by myself and probably most of our community until it came up in this thread. Quite a bit of marketing for WDW recently is that picture of a family on Dumbo with Cinderella castle as the backdrop. We will be losing this aspect of the ride and now it will be just another spinner that is at virtually every amusement park in the world. What now seperates Dumbo from Aladdin, Triceritops spin...?


Well-Known Member



Premium Member
Yes, the slight scraping is not going to cause catastrophic failures, but if it is being E-stopped multiple times per day, plus it looks real bad, I think they probably should shut it down and fix it

But it's NOT e-stopping multiple times a day - this is another abuse of the information out there. There isn't anything out there to even say it EVER e-stopped due to this. That was people saying 'what about the children??' if this caused an e-stop.. not based in any history of it actually e-stopping due to this. This is the rumor mill gone bad.

The cause of the rubbing itself appears to already have been temporarily mitigated - and what we see are the dumbos will their scrapped knees and the plumbing of the dumbo reportedly contaminated.


Think for yourselfer
But it's NOT e-stopping multiple times a day - this is another abuse of the information out there. There isn't anything out there to even say it EVER e-stopped due to this. That was people saying 'what about the children??' if this caused an e-stop.. not based in any history of it actually e-stopping due to this. This is the rumor mill gone bad.

The cause of the rubbing itself appears to already have been temporarily mitigated - and what we see are the dumbos will their scrapped knees and the plumbing of the dumbo reportedly contaminated.

Simply, you think the Dumbo situation is ok? You have no problem with it operating in its current condition?

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
We will be losing this aspect of the ride and now it will be just another spinner that is at virtually every amusement park in the world. What now seperates Dumbo from Aladdin, Triceritops spin...?

Nothing. It's always been just another spinner (at least to people that have their wits intact). In our family we've gone on Dumbo far fewer times than Alladin or Astro. I know it ruined the look and feel of Adventureland but I'd much rather go on the Carpets. I can get on quicker, the ride vehicle is larger so the 5 of us can get on one carpet together, and I actually like the view/feel over AL better than Dumbo's old site. Sure you can have a magical view of the castle with fireworks going off, but what are the odds of timing that? Plus, I'd rather ride BTM while the fireworks are going off (a very cool experience).

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