Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Summer Nightastic drop profile details - SPOILERS


Well-Known Member
^Ah, thanks everybody for clearing it up.

I kind of don't think I'll like how it's obscuring what makes ours unique just to get in an effect that every other Tower has...and it being permanent definitely wigs me out. If it's just for the summer, then alright...But they should just work the camera image projection into the giant eye...weird.


Well-Known Member
The "star curtains" are not permanent. If you think about it, the idea is quite brilliant in the sense that a refurb can take place while the attraction is left open to guests. You don't see that in most other attractions, where refurb = closed. And although lackluster, the "star tunnel" effect is consistent with the theming of the rest of the ride. Given the alternative - a closed attraction - this is a wonderful idea.

As for the projection onto the doors, I'm curious as to how the projection avoids distortion (if at all) given that the doors are shaped like a "V" instead of a flat wall...? :confused:

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
The "star curtains" are not permanent. If you think about it, the idea is quite brilliant in the sense that a refurb can take place while the attraction is left open to guests. You don't see that in most other attractions, where refurb = closed. And although lackluster, the "star tunnel" effect is consistent with the theming of the rest of the ride. Given the alternative - a closed attraction - this is a wonderful idea.

As for the projection onto the doors, I'm curious as to how the projection avoids distortion (if at all) given that the doors are shaped like a "V" instead of a flat wall...? :confused:

Do we have any confirmation that this is happening, because it would be great if it were true.

And I'm split on the projection. It is neat, but I too would like to see it incorporated elsewhere on the ride like in the eyeball...


Well-Known Member
I also feel that much of this will become permanent eventually, other than the star curtains (hopefully). I thought this was kind of a strange tie-in to Nightastic from the start, but it would make sense if they were already planning to implement changes to ToT in the future anyway. It gives them a chance to test some effects out and basically market it twice as "something new".

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Do we have any confirmation that this is happening, because it would be great if it were true.

And I'm split on the projection. It is neat, but I too would like to see it incorporated elsewhere on the ride like in the eyeball...

I rode it today... The star curtains looked temporary, just something to look at until the updated 5th dimension scene is complete. :animwink:

Some other effects I noticed...

In the boiler room, there was a point where all of the lights went out because of a crash of thunder in the background. I'm pretty sure this was a new effect.

In the first show scene, wind blew on you as if there was a window left open. Also, there is a flash before the scene starts. I expect this is for the projection in the 5th dimension scene just before the drops begin.

Just before the drops begin, there is a sound effect of a cable snapping.

Except for the covered up 5th dimension scene, I really liked the changes that were made. It breathes new life into Tower and gives it an even more eerie feel to it.

I actually thought the creepy music just before the drops instead of the narration added to the experience. That line is pretty good, but the music makes you feel uneasy just before the dropping begins.

Now let's hope WDI can get the thing finished soon so we can see the full extent of this reimagining...


Well-Known Member
Wasn't the fifth dimension just an endless starfield before the random props behind glass were added? I remember the effect of moving out into nothingness on the way to the drop shaft to be MUCH more unsettling than the more recent junk in the attic version. Perhaps these new starfield curtains are a move back to an older effect?


Park History nut
Premium Member
Wasn't the fifth dimension just an endless starfield before the random props behind glass were added? I remember the effect of moving out into nothingness on the way to the drop shaft to be MUCH more unsettling than the more recent junk in the attic version. Perhaps these new starfield curtains are a move back to an older effect?
The 5th D props have always been there.

Originally (very originally - 1994) there was an added effect. All the props (clock, mannaquins, doors) were and still are behind glass - in sealed rooms. These rooms had smoke machines in them to produce a haze, an infinity effect. You couldn`t see the props until they were lit, unlike now when they have a dull blue light all the time unless lit. This effect, coupled with the stars on the walls and window frame beams and starfield doors would have given an impression of a bigger, more star-orientated room.

The effect was deactivated shortly after opening due to moisture from the smoke effect used forming on the glass panes.


Well-Known Member
Oh good, just go ahead and cover that whole Fifth Dimension scene and get rid of the ride's signature line of dialogue...That's...Nightastic.

<(>_<; )/

Being that this is my favorite of all of the rides offered at WDW, I have to agree with you on this one. What the ****?

I was really excited to see what they were going to do to enhance the ride, but it sounds like they have gutted a lot of what made it's theme work. I am really not too happy with these initial reports. I am hopeful that they are still tweeking this out and that by August, this will be Nightastic, otherwise, I am going to be stopping by Guest Services to voice my displeasure. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Well I'll have to wait until the first week of August to experience this but already I'm scratching my head as to why someone thought covering the 5D room up with a star curtain was a good idea. The 5D is room is my FAVORITE part of that ride. I have ridden TOT many a times and still to this day can't figure out all what's in the 5D room let alone describe what it looks like and the feeling you get from that one room scene. Really, really!?! That's what I have to ask. I think there could of been easier and cheaper ways to plus this attraction.

I was hoping WDI would of learned a few tricks from the opening of TOT in Paris. Projected images on the tower, thick rolling smoke with bright white lights pouring out of the Hotel or even the shafts, an infection twilight zone remix....

I'm happy to hear that new music has been added, but I feel the projected images of you in the shaft, then it fading into the twilight zone is a bit like bring some of the cheaper FX from DCA's version to DHS (Wave mirror). Everyone knows that besides Tokyo, DHS's version is the best!!!

Why cheapen it?

That is exactly what I was hoping for on the outside! The video that I have seen of that is so wicked awesome.

Yes it sounds totally cheesy. Why oh why do they think that I want to see a picture of myself and the others on the ride, that would rip you right out of the Twilight Zone and put you in the land of reality. I see nothing cool about it. It just sounds like they went cheap and lame.


Sorry - it's just a little ironic to hear how much people miss the 5th dimension since it's now covered, and then to hear people talk about the "new" flash in the first scene.

Those that miss the 5th dimension so much probably remember that in the 90's your picture was taken when the elevator doors first opened in the first scene. Then as you entered the 5th dimension you could see that image of your elevator in the large eye as it opened.

I'm not sure when it was changed but for the past several years there has only been a generic elevator image that appears in the large eye.


Well-Known Member
I read elsewhere that the star curtains were permanent for the current effect. Not sure if that was speculation or fact. Also, maybe they had to darken the fifth dimension room to allow for the projection effect to work? Just asking.


Active Member
Everyone knows that besides Tokyo, DHS's version is the best!!!

Why cheapen it?

In my humble opinion, once you take away the exterior design and the inspired pre-show room effect, Tokyo's Tower is borderline awful. Not remotely engaging or thrilling. DHS is still the winner, though it remains to be seen if it's by a narrower margin!


RunDisney Addict
Didn't they used to take a picture of your elevator and then put it on the giant eyeball? I seem to remember this effect.


Well-Known Member
Yeah long long ago they did. It's been a static stock image now for years.

^If they could just project the image on that, yeah...that'd be fine...I just kind of liked the Star Doors the way they were. I mean, they're really really cool to just be an overly elaborate screen if you ask me.

The lights going off in the Boiler room and at the top of the dropshaft sound great though.


Well-Known Member
The 5th D props have always been there.

Originally (very originally - 1994) there was an added effect. All the props (clock, mannaquins, doors) were and still are behind glass - in sealed rooms. These rooms had smoke machines in them to produce a haze, an infinity effect. You couldn`t see the props until they were lit, unlike now when they have a dull blue light all the time unless lit. This effect, coupled with the stars on the walls and window frame beams and starfield doors would have given an impression of a bigger, more star-orientated room.

The effect was deactivated shortly after opening due to moisture from the smoke effect used forming on the glass panes.

Thanks for the memory boost Martin! :)

Do you recall when the additional lighting was added? I think what I'm remembering is that the entire scene was much darker years ago, but I can't recall when everything brightened up.


Well-Known Member
An effect I remembered at DCA's ToT that I liked, was when you walk into the library they have it sounding like it's raining outside, with small flashes of thunder before the actual show starts. I wish they could add this to mgms tower as it was a pretty neat effect imo.

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