Giraffe Lounge
*Spoiler Alert*
Just rode ToT today. In addition to all the things that Steve mention I can tell you that there is a projection on the door that opens into the drop shaft.
The projection is actually of all the the people sitting in the elevator! When the elevator came to the hallway scene I noticed an added flash that I never remembered seeing before. It turns out that this flash was a picture that was being taken of the people in the elevator.
After you go through the black curtain area, the doors leading to the drop shaft are closed and projected on them is the image that was earlier taken of everyone in the elevator, but this then fades away so you are staring at a picture of an empty elevator. At this point the door opens and the elevator enters the drop shaft.
My description doesn't really do it justice because it is really a cool effect! At first I thought we were looking at a generic elevator picture with some random guests, but then I realized that I was able to see myself.
Sounds like TOT's moving closer to the design of its California cousin (where we have that photo effect, only done with live video)
I guess I'm in the minority here, but I was never a huge fan of the 5th dimension scene, the ride vehicle movement was great, but once the surprise of that wore off I thought the random objects were a little cheesy (especially the canned on-ride photos in the eye ball).
I like the simplicity of the star field.