Have you any idea how noisy it's going to be in my apartment...
Where will a Safari Driver eat (After 2:30pm

) in-between those 2 week safaris?
Joking aside, this is a TERRIBLE idea in my opinion. There are just so many reasons not to do this, I have no idea why it would even be considered in the first place.
1.) The food is fantastic... hands-down one of the best counter service places on property. Why would you change this?
2.) The themeing. DAK is known for its incredible themeing, Harambe is of course no exception. I've spent a lot of time exploring this restaurant, and feel it is possibly the best themed area in all of Harambe (anyone who's ever taken the time to admire the area above the registers knows what I'm talking about. I have a feeling some of that themeing and authenticity will be lost if it's turned into a character dining spot.
3.) The crowds. The place is always packed... why would they close a very popular quick-service only to turn it into a buffet? While they might be able to charge more per person, I don't think they'd be making much more actual money because of the turn-over. Currently, people get their food, sit down, eat it, and then they're off. Table service/buffets have a MUCH slower table turn-over rate than counter service places (Especially if it's a character meal.)
4.) Other QSR locations? Someone argued that more character dining experiences are needed... Maybe, but I think the counter service restaurants in DAK (Especially Tuskers because of its ideal location) are equally neccesary. I'm willing to bet more people in general--especially the regulars and locals--(as can be seen simply by reading the responses in this thread) are more likely to visit a nice counter-service instead of a character meal. In my opinion, if we lose this quick service, the lines at the other ones in the park will become outrageous.
You might be able to find some pros, but in my opinion the cons heavily outweigh them. I know plenty of the folks that work there, so I'll see what I can dig up about this rumor on Saturday.
This is one of those rare times that I hate how reliable Steve is, because I'm
really hoping he is wrong about this one!