Tusker House to become Character Buffet?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
What a shame. :cry: Tusker house was always our breakfast stop at AK. Great food and being a QSL the prices were reasonable. I love character meals but with a party of 5 they can get really pricey.

Any word if the quick service pastry and coffee window will stay open?


Well-Known Member
Well, that's the last time i'm gonna go there. Tusker house was an excellent counter service place, but that is all i ever wanted it to be. It's a real shame.


Well-Known Member

We love to eat at Tusker House and its a nice quick meal...I'm willing to give it a try, but I hate having to pay big bucks for just another buffet.


This is very disappointing. Tusker house is by far one of the best quick service locations property wide. It's menu offerings are far greater than most other locations. It is a shame this wonderfully themed location will be turned into yet another overpriced character buffet.


Active Member
we've always felt a little weird being 2 adults at a character meal.

Us too, although we've done it on occasion. It's a real shame, because the rotisserie chicken at Tusker House is absolutely fabulous. No other Disney location matches it, least of all the buffets (the chicken at the Crystal Palace is awful by comparison).


New Member
I think this idea stinks on ice. We love Tusker House and the uniqueness of the counter service provided there. If anything, they should pattern other counter service areas after Tusker House.

Tusker House is almost a "must-do" at AK. When is does become a character breakfast, I hope it is obscure characters. That will keep it unique in some way.


Well-Known Member
Us too, although we've done it on occasion. It's a real shame, because the rotisserie chicken at Tusker House is absolutely fabulous. No other Disney location matches it, least of all the buffets (the chicken at the Crystal Palace is awful by comparison).

I agree. The character meals tend to be much more underwhelming than similar non-counterparts. Yet another nail in our "visit 4 MK parks - MK Classic, Magic Kingdom Worlds Fair, Magic Kingdom Studios, and Magic Animal Kingdom." Low quality, uber Disneyfied does not equal what I fell in love with as a kid and espcially what I would enjoy as an adult. The times they be a changin'...


Well-Known Member
What a shame. Tusker House has always been a nice, quiet place to get some of the best counter service food on property. I, too, am usually too embarassed to go to a character meal because we are three adults. This is really too bad.


Premium Member
Original Poster
I don’t know if that is still the plans but last I heard it was not going to be permanent and for breakfast only but this is the first I have heard of it since March so plans could have changed.

The thing that makes me think it is a permanent change is the removal of the registers. That really sets the place up to be a non-counter service location.


Active Member
Baloo and King Louie already do sets in Africa.
Ugh, seriously?
/shakes head in disbelief
Rudyard Kipling must be spinning in his grave. Whatever happened to consistency in theming? Whatever happened to authenticity and (gasp!) education? The Jungle Book isn't just some Disney cartoon about a bunch of talking animals in a generic jungle, its a piece of literature, set in India!\

I guess this is just another step in the progression of characters splattered everywhere, in-your-face, whether they're appropriate for the area or not (see: Akershus).


No not yet still there.And I also agree another dumb idea.:mad:

Can hear the advertising now.

And now from the minds who brought you Stitch's Great Escape,...Tusker's Character Buffet. No-Doze and Caffeine Pills sold seperately.


New Member
Tusker House is our absolute favorite counter service in any of the parks. I am so bummed if this is really going to happen. It was a great alternative from burgers and fries.


Active Member
Actually, now that I've had time to think, what really bothers me about this situation is the fact that it's another Character BUFFET. I don't mind having characters around when I eat, and the mayhem and chaos that follows them. I just object to taking a pay-as-you-go, a la carte place and force-feeding you the same buffet fare.

I'm speculating they could be taking a page out of Boma's book, and they might possibly set it apart from the other bland buffets by making it African themed? Or do you all think they might retain some of the Rotisserie chicken and other food they offered there?

I wouldn't mind making a PS for the Tusker house, sitting down, having it be a sit down-character meal.. Would that be so bad? Why is it written in stone that all Character meals must be buffet style?

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