TTA News...

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Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
huh? so your saying every disney park fan is gay now??

No more so than every Cosby fan is black.

Gay people are found among the ranks of Disney CM's in significantly higher percentages than in general society. Anyone familiar with Disney employee culture would know this. If you stand anywhere in a Disney park and yell out some kind of anti-gay speech, odds are strong you'll be heard by multiple gay people.

I doubt the original comment was malicious; I just doubt if very much thought was given to it at all. People should think before they speak publicly, because you never know who's listening or reading. If this gets the thread locked, it's worth it IMO.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
I think the most telling difference in style between the two narrations can be found in the send-off message.

New: Please keep your arms away from the doors and remain seated until they slide open automatically. Step onto the moving platform with caution, then exit by stepping away from the car. Thank you.

Old: Attention all humans, robots, and intergalactic being: please keep your arms, legs, and other appendages away from the doors. The doors open automatically. When they do, please collect your belongings and step carefully onto the moving platform. Thank you for choosing Tomorrowland Transit Authority for all your travel needs.

Which send-off is the one that completes a theme and which send-off is merely a generic "remain seated and use caution when exiting" spiel?

And you're telling me the generic send-off is the one that's preferabe? I respectfully disagree.
Going away from the TTA theme to more of a Wedway Peoplemover narration isn't a terrible choice by any stretch of the imagination, but the execution is what is somewhat lacking. The character drop-ins stick out like a sore thumb and are very short segments anyways. Even though this track isn't as good as the previous one, it does a good job of covering the attractions in the land. It just isn't as memorable or as endearing as the previous track. I guess it could have turned out much, much worse.

And yes there is no denying that this is closer in tone to the ORAC-1 and Disneyland Peoplemover tracks. That is perfectly fine and this new audio fits in with the theme. PERSONALLY, I just don't find it to be as memorable or "good" as previous tracks. They can easily make minor adjustments and I think this will be fine. The first few lines of this is what needs the work. The CoP segment is by far the best written part of the narration. It's not even close.

The old Disneyland tracks and ORAC-1 had a presentational style that fit in nicely with the same presentational style found in the Tomorrowlands of the 50's, 60's, and 70's. That's the thing though, those Tomorrowland themes weren't meant to be real places, but rather showcases (EPCOT Center perfected this style with its abstract pavilions on broad subject matter). The Tomorrowland we have today was meant to be a metropolitan hub of an intergalactic community, a "real" place with convention centers, space ports, transit systems, etc. This new narration completely shatters this fourth wall style theme (and not in a good way), reducing everything to just attractions/rides. Now, perhaps they do wish to move back to the presentational style (highly unlikely, and Epcot still does it better), but not only is this narration a ham-fisted way of going about it, but nothing currently in the land actually agrees with this style. As bad as they are, SGE and Laugh Floor do make halfhearted attempts to adhere to the Tomorrowland-as-city theme.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
I watched the youtube video and thought it was ok. I think it does the job you want out of it. I mean, I can see why some purists or some people could be angry, but imo i think it is fine. It is supposed to be a relaxing ride and I think that it keeps that in tact and it just serves as a transportation system and sort of points out the isghts as you pass them sort of thing. I would love it if they could put the Tom Morrow part back in, we are moving on to a new era in Tommorrowland so I can see if it doesn't come back. I am fine with the character voices as they aren't over bearing and are very kid friendly. I'm not going to pass full judgement on this until space mountain opens and I get to ride it first hand.


New Member
I'm not one to complain, but I gotta say I am sad. It sounds really stupid, but there was nothing quite like TTA picking up speed, breeze blowing through your hair on a really hot june day, and hearing the chime and monotone "now approaching..."

And to make it worse, the new spiel seems very... bland. Very very bland.


Active Member
I like it!:)

Me too. :)

*zips up flame suit*:lookaroun

Does the same thing... :lookaroun

It's not bad, not bad at all. It's a kick-back to the old ORAC-1 narration. And it promotes TL's attractions, just like the TTA always.


So, it's got characters? That helps tie everything together. Tomorrowland '94 is dead people, deal with it.

My thoughts exactly.


Active Member
If I had to mix both...I would say (and not fast) "Hello Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, all of us at the Tomorrowland Transit Authority welcome you aboard the PeopleMover..............Your grand, circle-tour of Tomorrowland will give you a close up look of many of Tomorrowland's exciting attractions. (Which is a lie because hardly anything in TL is exciting these days. :drevil:)

Just because you have a personal deep-seeded hatred towards something does not automatically make it a lie. STOP IT!!! :mad:


Well-Known Member
OK, it's not nearly as bad as imagined. Although different, it is more tour style than the old robot voice.

Some of the old jokes could be added back in, but it is a solid effort to update the audio.

I think "ruined" is a strong word. Different, but certainly worth experiencing myself.


Well-Known Member
did you hear any narration changes? becaue this video on youtube clearly has a new soundtrack and new narration

There was definitely narration changes. Announcing Stitch's Great Escape and the Monster's Inc Laugh Floor. If they added a character it was Mike Whateverski - I do remember the "now approaching..." narrations, but personally I don't think the narrations make or break the attraction. It's interesting to ride through Tomorrowland.

What I enjoyed was seeing Space Mountain with the lights on - the entire tunnel was lit. They blacked out the area for the queue, so I imagine that's where the most noticeable changes will be.

As for the dome itself, the sound dampening panels on the roof were in rough shape, and I think part of the problem with the crispness of the projections are that they're going onto a surface that wasn't made to receive a projection. I doubt they'd be making any significant changes to the roof with less than 2 months left in the refurb schedule.


Let me start off by saying this is my opinon.

So, I read all the comments on here before watching the video. I was expecting something horrendous. After watching the video, I realized that this is change for the better. Yes, the old narration had some memorable lines in it("Paging Mr. Morrow", "Now Approaching Space...") and I hate to see those go. However, the new narration voice is great in my opinon. For a regular guest, it will feel exciting and interesting. It certainly has more life than the old narration. The character voice-overs are great. Keeps the kiddies interested. Sure, it sounds like a big commercial for TL but I still feel the same vibe as the first one.

Yes, this may not be more creative than the previous one, but many always call for TL to get into the actual FUTURE. This is a step foward in my opinon. Could mark the start of a new TL?

I know many people hate change, but I think we should listen, watch, ride it, and let it sink in. This is promising in my opinon for the future of TL. No one can argue that the old narration(to the non-fanboy) was severly outdated. Any regular guest can point it out. Obviously, there are some dead moments in the ride (There's silence for about 2 minutes after the SM spiel), and there will be more changes.

I think this is a step into what Walt really wants TL to be like, the future.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
After seeing the YouTube video...

IMHO - Overall, a thumbs-down. Why? It's bland. It's generic. To borrow a phrase - It has no soul. I do like some of the background music and the brief character interjections (except Stitch. I hate Stitch). I kinda liked the mention of people-watching as you pass over the SGE waiting area. Overall, it seems like it's just..... there. Nothing memorable. It's not "futuristic" in any way. It's like it's meant to lull you and numb your brain, so that you don't pick up on the fact that TL is being reduced to a generic bunch of rides instead of a themed land. Space Mountain and CoP are it as far as a "futuristic" approach to the land goes. One last thing - If it's not put back in, I'll greatly miss the TTA 'bingbingbong' sound, among other things, like the "Now Arriving..." announcements. They really made it feel like you were somewhere else.

ORAC-1-style narration? I respectfully disagree. ORAC-1 had about 50 times the character as this bland, generic voice. It's a trend at Disney that rears it's ugly head more often these days - Blah... generic.... safe... As mentioned previously, it's a moving, talking map of Tomorrowland. There are already dumbed down, soulless park maps readily available, we need a dumbed down, soulless talking park map now too?

BTW - Whoever said they mentioned traffic helicopters in the previous spiel: "This is Mr. Johnson in Skyview Hovercraft One....".

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Irony: The go go goodyear theme is playing and the attraction is presented by Alamo

Goodyear tires could be used on cars Alamo rents...

Now I need to go to MK to hear these changes for myself with camera in hand. Expect a new Thrill Seekers with the included changes.
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