Main Street USA
Well-Known Member
link to pics?We just rode TTA twice during MNSSHP. The ride is much smoother. The revolving floor is new. Unbelievably , the upholstery was not changed nor was it fixed. Some new lighting . All the "scenes" were all the same as well as the narration .
Going thru SM was different only because the lights were on.The black walls covered the loading dock.I got to see the top part of the track,but to be honest I don't know what it looked like before.
I also stood up to see that the exit scenes were also the same.
I posted some pics on twitter if anyone cares to see.
Also on Tuesday while on COP there was a heavyset dude with a WDWmagic shirt on, but I did not get to talk to him.
I am whipped, will try to get better info tomorrow!