Tta is open


Well-Known Member
We were saying this right at the start, so we really shouldnt be disappointed. Both the TTA and SM projects are not major makeovers - they are both about doing some touch up and working on ride system issues.

PS. the lighting job was actually quite a big one. You are talking hundreds, if not thousands of lighting fixtures in there.


And they DO SOMETHING!:lol: All of Tomorrowland changes colors now. That's huge, IMHO.

My expectations weren't dashed, as I fully expected nothing to happen when the attraction went down. I think it was just a waste of the downtime to only install a lighting system (if, in fact, that is the case). Granted, the light system looks to be a 'game changer' for the nighttime look of Tomorrowland, but there were plenty of small changes that could've been made to significantly plus TTA at a low cost.

I can't imagine the little show scenes in the TTA cost that much to design and install. Why not add more to some of the dead space in the attraction? I don't think this expectation is unreasonable, especially given the numerous inside individuals around here who state that Disney loathes closing attractions because of what it does to capacity. So when an attraction does close, whether that closure be necessitated by another attraction or not, why not make the most of it?

I also don't think we should look at a refurbishment as a success because the attraction reopened, didn't get ruined, or doesn't exist at Disneyland. As far as I know, the goal of refurbishments is to maintain and/or enhance existing attractions. Maybe my expectations are too high, but I'm not satisfied by Disney "not screwing up".

That said, I love the lights. I think they're a great addition. Still, they are just lights, and having some solid substantive changes to the TTA would have been great.

As for those ratings on recent refurbishments, here is my take:
Haunted Mansion: A
Pirates: B+
HoP: A

Maybe I just don't recall how long it was down, but I don't consider the IASW refurbishment large enough to grade.

Overall, MK is doing pretty well, I'd say.


I think a D to Pirates is harsh. I think a C or a C- is fair, as to me the changes to the show scenes were good improvements, it's that the Audio system wasn't upgraded.

I loathe, and I mean loathe, the Pirates rehab. I hate that the ride was shackled to Jack Sparrow. Hate it.

I'd guess most knowledgeable folks here would give it an A.

Good for them. It was very good. A B+ is a great grade for a refurb, but I wan't blown away.

I really didn't think B+ was a bad grade, but of course, nothing I say is good enough for you.

Same for Liberty Square as a whole. I'm absolutely convinced SirGoofy that LS is the template for the future of all of WDW.

LS as a whole is terrific. Best land in MK right now, no doubt about that.

IaSW, don't know, can't ride it. Creepy. :lookaroun

I only ride it when I'm forced to, btu I think the past refurb was very good.

What you are seeing in the TL refurbs is a confusing mess of indecision. It has been for the longest time, an undefined concept. A land without a backstory or coherent storyline and you are seeing the results. It will also be the last land at the MK to get fixed. I know you hate me saying this but I am right. SM's work can be seen as a "pre-furb". Let me explain. It desperately needed the work it is receiving. I can't imagine how nasty that place was from 30 years of CO2 spewing guests passing through on a daily basis. Nasty would'nt begin to describe it. So it had to be done. Imagineering likely has not completed, and possibly has not even begun reconceptualizing T-Land's long term goals. So what does Disney do with such a dillema? They do a pre-furb. Invest in the infrastructure of the ride, but do it in a way that the long term re-imagined concepts, set pieces etc can be added later. That is what I mean by a prefurb. It is obvious too that the TTA is a victim of a new vision for T-Land at the MK has not been finalized. Again, as I said, Tomorrowland will be the last part of the MK to get the "new way" treatment.

So there you go. Of course, if I am right it doesn't help advance the D&G's agenda so I fully expect this post to be met with cynacism. But that doesn't make it untrue. In truth, I'm right. :)

I'm not even goin to discuss this, because it's been disproved time after time already.


Let me try to de-spin here. HM is the future make no doubt. Pirates was the "old way" of doing things. HoP, by all accounts it was at least an A. Even our most cynical member praised it loudly although he would say B+ also. I'd guess most knowledgeable folks here would give it an A. Same for Liberty Square as a whole. I'm absolutely convinced SirGoofy that LS is the template for the future of all of WDW.

IaSW, don't know, can't ride it. Creepy. :lookaroun

And that brings us to the land of the great identity crisis. Tomorrowland.

What you are seeing in the TL refurbs is a confusing mess of indecision. It has been for the longest time, an undefined concept. A land without a backstory or coherent storyline and you are seeing the results. It will also be the last land at the MK to get fixed. I know you hate me saying this but I am right. SM's work can be seen as a "pre-furb". Let me explain. It desperately needed the work it is receiving. I can't imagine how nasty that place was from 30 years of CO2 spewing guests passing through on a daily basis. Nasty would'nt begin to describe it. So it had to be done. Imagineering likely has not completed, and possibly has not even begun reconceptualizing T-Land's long term goals. So what does Disney do with such a dillema? They do a pre-furb. Invest in the infrastructure of the ride, but do it in a way that the long term re-imagined concepts, set pieces etc can be added later. That is what I mean by a prefurb. It is obvious too that the TTA is a victim of a new vision for T-Land at the MK has not been finalized. Again, as I said, Tomorrowland will be the last part of the MK to get the "new way" treatment.

So there you go. Of course, if I am right it doesn't help advance the D&G's agenda so I fully expect this post to be met with cynacism. But that doesn't make it untrue. In truth, I'm right. :)

So I think I finally figured it out. JT is a believer in truth not fact. All the pie in the sky beliefs that Disney will do all of the right things and will correct every one of their past mistakes are not based in reality. My grandfather always told me that you can count on it until it is done. (Don't count your chickens until they hatch) I want Disney to have a cohesive theme for all the lands and to have well planned and innovative attractions, but until they are finished I can't count on it.

So there you go. Just because you believe something is true doesn't make it true.


Well-Known Member
I would suspect, that for now we might see white lighting on the TTA. It "Might" be different for the nights of MNSSHP.. but that all depends.

I would also suspect that it will tie into the refurbishment of Space Mountain, but we won't see the results of that for a few more months.


Well-Known Member
So I think I finally figured it out. JT is a believer in truth not fact. All the pie in the sky beliefs that Disney will do all of the right things and will correct every one of their past mistakes are not based in reality. My grandfather always told me that you can count on it until it is done. (Don't count your chickens until they hatch) I want Disney to have a cohesive theme for all the lands and to have well planned and innovative attractions, but until they are finished I can't count on it.

So there you go. Just because you believe something is true doesn't make it true.

Time is on my side. I'll be here if you ever want to apologize.

Lasseter won't let Tomorrowland remain in it's current state. Count on it.:D


Well-Known Member
My expectations weren't dashed, as I fully expected nothing to happen when the attraction went down. I think it was just a waste of the downtime to only install a lighting system (if, in fact, that is the case). Granted, the light system looks to be a 'game changer' for the nighttime look of Tomorrowland, but there were plenty of small changes that could've been made to significantly plus TTA at a low cost.

I can't imagine the little show scenes in the TTA cost that much to design and install. Why not add more to some of the dead space in the attraction? I don't think this expectation is unreasonable, especially given the numerous inside individuals around here who state that Disney loathes closing attractions because of what it does to capacity. So when an attraction does close, whether that closure be necessitated by another attraction or not, why not make the most of it?

I also don't think we should look at a refurbishment as a success because the attraction reopened, didn't get ruined, or doesn't exist at Disneyland. As far as I know, the goal of refurbishments is to maintain and/or enhance existing attractions. Maybe my expectations are too high, but I'm not satisfied by Disney "not screwing up".

That said, I love the lights. I think they're a great addition. Still, they are just lights, and having some solid substantive changes to the TTA would have been great.

My point exactly. I am glad the installed the new lighting system and I hope that they intend to use it to its full potential and don't just let it go by the wayside after a couple months of colors. But this ride was closed for 3 months and there are indeed way too many blank spaces in the attraction (and one too many Futuristic Hair Salon scenes). I really don't think it would have taken much time or money to update/add to/or add a new static (or animated...but i'm not picky) scene or something to look at on some of those blank walls along the track.

I hope atleast they took the time to repair some of the upholstry in the cars that were beggining to rip.

EDIT: I have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed with the SM rehab as well...

Future Guy

Active Member
I'm glad to hear it's back up! For a little while there, I was worried that the reopening might get delayed a good deal longer.

Something I have to ask, though: why does Tomorrowland (or any other land in the MK, really) need to have a backstory or a storyline? I don't hear anyone complaining because there's no "backstory" to explain Adventureland's mish-mash of African, Asian, and Polynesian design elements. Unlike, say, Innoventions Plaza (which looks like the Conflicting Visual Elements Monster threw up all over it) TL is very visually cohesive. As far as its mix of attractions go, TL has ALWAYS been a kind of dumping ground for things that don't quite fit anywhere else in the MK. If You Had Wings/Dreamflight, the CircleVision films, the Speedway, none of those things really fit TL's theme of space travel and futurism, yet we pine nostalgically for them.

The obsession with backstory is very Eisnerian, and in my opinion we're better off without it.


Well-Known Member
My expectations weren't dashed, as I fully expected nothing to happen when the attraction went down. I think it was just a waste of the downtime to only install a lighting system (if, in fact, that is the case). Granted, the light system looks to be a 'game changer' for the nighttime look of Tomorrowland, but there were plenty of small changes that could've been made to significantly plus TTA at a low cost.

I can't imagine the little show scenes in the TTA cost that much to design and install. Why not add more to some of the dead space in the attraction? I don't think this expectation is unreasonable, especially given the numerous inside individuals around here who state that Disney loathes closing attractions because of what it does to capacity. So when an attraction does close, whether that closure be necessitated by another attraction or not, why not make the most of it?

I also don't think we should look at a refurbishment as a success because the attraction reopened, didn't get ruined, or doesn't exist at Disneyland. As far as I know, the goal of refurbishments is to maintain and/or enhance existing attractions. Maybe my expectations are too high, but I'm not satisfied by Disney "not screwing up".

That said, I love the lights. I think they're a great addition. Still, they are just lights, and having some solid substantive changes to the TTA would have been great.

As for those ratings on recent refurbishments, here is my take:
Haunted Mansion: A
Pirates: B+
HoP: A

Maybe I just don't recall how long it was down, but I don't consider the IASW refurbishment large enough to grade.

Overall, MK is doing pretty well, I'd say.

Well said. I'd add that it is very apparent Imagineering has not settled on it's long term goals for T-Land. That is not just a guess. It is quite obvious in many ways. Sooner or later they will be fixing T-Land. They wouldn't be going through all the effort all over the MK and leave Tomorrowland in it's present state. It would never happen that way. Lasseter will see to it.


Well-Known Member
I am so happy it has reopened!! A little let down they didnt do more but I agree with others. The ride was mainly closed for SM.

Also to "jt04", why must you double and sometimes triple post?? There is a "edit" button.
*Awaits your smart remark* :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear it's back up! For a little while there, I was worried that the reopening might get delayed a good deal longer.

Something I have to ask, though: why does Tomorrowland (or any other land in the MK, really) need to have a backstory or a storyline? I don't hear anyone complaining because there's no "backstory" to explain Adventureland's mish-mash of African, Asian, and Polynesian design elements. Unlike, say, Innoventions Plaza (which looks like the Conflicting Visual Elements Monster threw up all over it) TL is very visually cohesive. As far as its mix of attractions go, TL has ALWAYS been a kind of dumping ground for things that don't quite fit anywhere else in the MK. If You Had Wings/Dreamflight, the CircleVision films, the Speedway, none of those things really fit TL's theme of space travel and futurism, yet we pine nostalgically for them.

The obsession with backstory is very Eisnerian, and in my opinion we're better off without it.



Well-Known Member
I am so happy it has reopened!! A little let down they didnt do more but I agree with others. The ride was mainly closed for SM.

Also to "jt04", why must you double and sometimes triple post?? There is a "edit" button.
*Awaits your smart remark* :ROFLOL:

I have never seen a double post. I use edit all the time but it doesn't create double posts. I'd make a smart remark but I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear it's back up! For a little while there, I was worried that the reopening might get delayed a good deal longer.

Something I have to ask, though: why does Tomorrowland (or any other land in the MK, really) need to have a backstory or a storyline? I don't hear anyone complaining because there's no "backstory" to explain Adventureland's mish-mash of African, Asian, and Polynesian design elements. Unlike, say, Innoventions Plaza (which looks like the Conflicting Visual Elements Monster threw up all over it) TL is very visually cohesive. As far as its mix of attractions go, TL has ALWAYS been a kind of dumping ground for things that don't quite fit anywhere else in the MK. If You Had Wings/Dreamflight, the CircleVision films, the Speedway, none of those things really fit TL's theme of space travel and futurism, yet we pine nostalgically for them.

The obsession with backstory is very Eisnerian, and in my opinion we're better off without it.

The Backstory is at the heart of all Disney attractions and themeparks. And it is indeed an idea that goes back well before Eisner. It is one of the main things that sets Disney Parks appart from the rest.


Well-Known Member
Great questions. Also, is the Epcot model cleaned/new lighting? Is the ride track "smoothed out" any? Details, details.

On a side note, you can actually tell the relief people have with the ride reopened. Past experience has conditioned people to fear that when a ride shuts down, sometimes it never reopens. But that was then and this is now. :)


That is all.


Well-Known Member
Can we hear more about the walls? Specifically The Load area portion. Do the temporary Walls extend above the TTA track to block the view UP?

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