TTA Audio Alterations


Well-Known Member
I'm happy to hear about the added music and bit of spiel. I can't imagine the ride without it.
As much as we like to gripe about stuff here, sometimes some good morsel comes our way and we should acknowledge it.


Well-Known Member
This is a fan site and people have an affection for things they grew up with. Why are you even on this site if you don't understand this? Maybe you should work for imagineering since they obviously have the same view of the TTA as you do.

I was thinking the same thing. Then I noticed the Premium Member tag. Didn't add up.

This is big news to us.


New Member
TTA is actually an extremely popular attraction, even among regular day guests.

It never has a wait because it has one of the highest hourly ride capacities on Disney property.

When the park is busy enough, we have to turn the speedramp off because it gets backed up with people... I've seen the line stretch back to Cool Ship.

The new narration was a terrible misstep in theming, and I was excited to hear the Tom Morrow and Star Tunnel alterations... Gives me hope.

My thoughts exactly. Maybe they will also add the "now approaching" bits.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone saw this on Mouseplanet in the construction listings..
Magic Kingdom Tomorrowland Transportation Authority – Peoplemover graphics package
Makes you wonder what this one is about.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone saw this on Mouseplanet in the construction listings..
Magic Kingdom Tomorrowland Transportation Authority – Peoplemover graphics package
Makes you wonder what this one is about.

Hmmmm...that's strange. I've never seen it referred to as the peoplemover on the online construction documents before. Are they really going to call it the peoplemover again?:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
paging mr morrow, mr tom morrow.....

AHHHHHH! im so excited that that part is back! i loved it and was so upset when they took it out:sohappy:

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
Meh, people on this site will find anything to complain about, even something so pointless as audio on a B-Ticket attraction that most people only use to get off their feet for a few minutes. :rolleyes:

It's just all the frustration from all the small things going wrong that people are so excited about this small change for the better. Maybe tomorrow I'll see a thread of the Yeti in A mode.


Active Member
I remember back in 2008 when my daughter was 6 months old and sleeping in her coach, she and I were waiting for DH and DSs while they rode TTA. We sat under a tree/planter nearby and I kept hearing over and over, "Now approaching, Mickey's Star Traders". Hearing those words is/was such a great memory to me.


Active Member
What about that oddly placed hair salon thing? Am I the only one who noticed the lights no longer worked in the hair / head machine?! :animwink:

Glad to hear the old COP joke is back, did they remove the "four families" thing?


Active Member
My thoughts exactly. Maybe they will also add the "now approaching" bits.

Don't get your hopes up.

As to you Aladdin2007, you are so totally wrong as usual and you know it!

If only Steve could find a way to put a stop to all the stupid, idiotic, unfair and unjustified TDO-bashing! It's making me so sick that I want to toss my crackers!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing. Then I noticed the Premium Member tag. Didn't add up.

This is big news to us.

It doesn't add up? Seriously? So the fact that I'm a premium member means I have to agree with everything everyone says on this site and get upset every time Disney changes something? :brick:

I've always made a point of riding TTA, but I never really cared much about the spiel, I usually got on it to get off my feet for a bit and people watch (oh and the AC on the inside parts was nice too). I could see if they changed the look of TTA or removed sections of the track so it didn't go thru SM anymore, that would be a logical reason to be angry. But to get upset about changes to the random announcements made throughout the ride is a but silly in my opinion, hence why I made my comment.


Well-Known Member
What about that oddly placed hair salon thing? Am I the only one who noticed the lights no longer worked in the hair / head machine?! :animwink:

Glad to hear the old COP joke is back, did they remove the "four families" thing?

I was so happy to see the hair salon was still there after the refurb, I was afraid they would remove it. It's "futuristic looking" and "old looking" at the same time! It is really one of those little things at WDW that I really enjoy. I am only commenting here because yours is the first post I have seen mentioning it in a long time.


Well-Known Member
I've always made a point of riding TTA, but I never really cared much about the spiel, I usually got on it to get off my feet for a bit and people watch (oh and the AC on the inside parts was nice too). I could see if they changed the look of TTA or removed sections of the track so it didn't go thru SM anymore, that would be a logical reason to be angry. But to get upset about changes to the random announcements made throughout the ride is a but silly in my opinion, hence why I made my comment.

I agree!

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
It doesn't add up? Seriously? So the fact that I'm a premium member means I have to agree with everything everyone says on this site and get upset every time Disney changes something? :brick:

I've always made a point of riding TTA, but I never really cared much about the spiel, I usually got on it to get off my feet for a bit and people watch (oh and the AC on the inside parts was nice too). I could see if they changed the look of TTA or removed sections of the track so it didn't go thru SM anymore, that would be a logical reason to be angry. But to get upset about changes to the random announcements made throughout the ride is a but silly in my opinion, hence why I made my comment.


Am I a fan of the new spiel?


Does it effect my enjoyment of the attraction?

Not so much, no


Well-Known Member
Went on the TTA twice last night and noticed the new Tom Morrow ref. Its in the tunnel of space mountain and it's now also a throw back to Mission to the Moon. Didn't hear any music though in the space tunnel.

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