Truly Haunted Haunted Mansion Photo

Main Street USA

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McArcDes said:
What ever it is it is a very interesting picture. As for ghosts, demons, or just someone poking their head out of a Doombuggy I dont know. My gut tells me that it is just someone sticking their head out but I wont discount anyone else's guesses. I remember once when I was in kindergarden I woke up to find a little boy about my own age (5 at the time) standing next to my bed. I tried to speak to him ( I asked him when my mom brought him home from kindergarden) and he vanished right infront of me. I dont think this was a dream because I never remember my dream and I remember this like it was yesterday. So who knows...I will be there the week after Christmas and will keep my eyes peeled. Where exactly was this picture taken? Was it the hall before right before or right after the busts that eyes follow you?
This picture was taken immediately before entering the hallway with the paintings with the eyes that follow you. (just after loading)


New Member
best pic of it yet

Ok in this situation you have to ask, Is the Cup Half Full or is the Cup Half Empty????

Here is the best explanation for the picture yet, just look at the photo now:


Main Street USA

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Gregory said:
The buggy he/she's in is sideways, and the person is looking to the right, rather than at the back of the doombuggy in front of him/her..)
Hey gregory, what's up, buddy!

You're the second person to say that the doombuggy is sideways, but it most certainly isn't. Look at the direction of the lights hanging from the ceiling. They're lined up in the center down the hallway, and the doombuggies are facing the same direction, which is FAR from sideways. In fact, they're facing directly forward.


New Member
Main Street USA said:
Hey gregory, what's up, buddy!

You're the second person to say that the doombuggy is sideways, but it most certainly isn't. Look at the direction of the lights hanging from the ceiling. They're lined up in the center down the hallway, and the doombuggies are facing the same direction, which is FAR from sideways. In fact, they're facing directly forward.

Hey Zac.. I havn't seen you in a while.. I kinda left the media contests when you did, and I havn't seen you around much since :)

Anyways... about the picture... Yes, the buggies do line up with the lights.. But, look at the angle you took the picture at... You're not lined up with the lights.. This was taken (it seems.. I could be wrong) right before you turned the corner, as seen in the blueprint below...You're parents buggy was turning when you took the picture...

Now, I'm not trying to ruin you're credibility or anything.. And, that was a great picture- it creeped me out.. (which is why I'm still up posting this now.. lol.. I couldn't sleep)... But, in an effort to convince myself its a human so I could get some rest, this is what I could come up with...


Edit I was looking at the picture again, and i see your point... The buggies do kinda line up.. But, I'd need a HM expert to confirm this for me- is it possible that the buggy turns around too much at first, then back around straight or something? I'm still "blaming" this on the angle... (Its a once in a lifetime shot, BTW)... I mean, the doombuggy the 'ghost' is in seems too think to be completely facing forward... I'd have to ride the ride again (which won't happen anytime soon, as I won't be back to WDW for a few montsh), but I still think that the way the doombuggies turn has something to do with it...


Well-Known Member
must say...truly a creepy picture Zac.

there is only one part of that ride that always gets to me and its the part when the buggies turn and you look down the empty hallway with the floating candleabra.

*shudder* very creepy indeed...


New Member
diddy_mouse said:
there is only one part of that ride that always gets to me and its the part when the buggies turn and you look down the empty hallway with the floating candleabra.
It's funny that you mention that because as a little girl, that was the part I HATED at the HM. I rode that ride so many times I knew when to close my eyes so I wouldnt have to look at it. :eek: :eek:

now that i think about it... it still kinda creeps me out... :lookaroun


New Member
djronnieb said:
Ok in this situation you have to ask, Is the Cup Half Full or is the Cup Half Empty????

It depends on whether you're drinking or pouring. :) Ya see, it's a matter of perspective. :lookaroun of the best ever. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I'll say it again... It's not a ghost.

First. Why would you have noticed that person looking at you if you weren't looking for it. Obviously its dark enough that it barely shows up in the picture set up to capture low-light. That probably explains why you didn't notice it when you actually took the picture.

Second. As for looking right at you. You can't tell, its too low-res, so its more likely this person is looking into the doom buggy behind.

Third. It is possible to maneuver into that position in a boom buggy.

Fourth. To the people that think this person is wearing a suit and tie.. you probably think its because of the second white area below the face. I say its their left hand being using to grip the side of the doom buggy in order to get into that position

Fifth. There is no way any of us can arm chair guess as to the age of the person in the photo. Too low resolution. And even if you did, you're syaying you took a mental note of all 20 people in front of you when you got off the ride even though you didn't notice the person in the picture until you got back to your place?

It's not a ghost. Creepy picture? Yes. Ghost? No.

Main Street USA

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TimeTrip said:
I'll say it again... It's not a ghost.

First. Why would you have noticed that person looking at you if you weren't looking for it. Obviously its dark enough that it barely shows up in the picture set up to capture low-light. That probably explains why you didn't notice it when you actually took the picture.

Second. As for looking right at you. You can't tell, its too low-res, so its more likely this person is looking into the doom buggy behind.

Third. It is possible to maneuver into that position in a boom buggy.

Fourth. To the people that think this person is wearing a suit and tie.. you probably think its because of the second white area below the face. I say its their left hand being using to grip the side of the doom buggy in order to get into that position

Fifth. There is no way any of us can arm chair guess as to the age of the person in the photo. Too low resolution. And even if you did, you're syaying you took a mental note of all 20 people in front of you when you got off the ride even though you didn't notice the person in the picture until you got back to your place?

It's not a ghost. Creepy picture? Yes. Ghost? No.
But why try to force your opinion on others like this? You state all of your views as fact, yet they're all opinions and nothing more.

Do I think this is a ghost? Probably not. Could it be? Sure, why not?

If you could remember ANY dark place you've ever been (and I explained this in a previous post) your eyes adjust to see a LOT in a dark place. A human's eye can see in a nearly pitch black room if he/she is in there long enough. The eye can see WAY more in that hallway than a consumer model camera ever could, and that includes Sony's nightshot feature.

To say that I wouldn't notice a person looking back is false. You don't know me, but if you did, you'd know that I was trying to take "navigation-like" on ride pics, and with that, comes careful consideration for people in the pics. I've done it on nearly every attraction, and thats one of the top things I look to avoid in all of the on ride shots. Saying that I wouldn't see him pop his head around initially is possible, but then saying I would have missed it in checking the still immediately after I took it is wrong.

I was staring in that direction the whole time. Period. And I never saw that kid looking back.

And in reference to your "5th" reason why you're right, and apparently smarter than everyone else (even the person who was there and TOOK the photo), I noticed the lack of children BEFORE boarding, not after exiting, and yes, you could say I made a "mental note" of it. Enough, in fact, that I remembered it when I first saw the person in this photo later the same night.

Thanks for your opinions. You're a super smart guy.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if I come across as crass.. i just don't believe in ghosts at all. And I didn't say that you remembered that there were no children, I'm saying that you managed to remember (after you got back) that there was noone amongst the people in front of you that looked like the person in the picture whose age noone can really place.

You're right, most of my points are opinion, and I should have stated it as such, but I just find it hard to believe that anyone could even consider this to be a ghost. I willing to accept it in a playful "disney-ish haunted mansion" eerie sort of way, but I get the impression that there are people that actually think could be a *real* ghost. I mean.. there are people that think that those orbs that happen in low light pictures are spirits. I'm guessing you probably don't.

Oh well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

I apologize, most of my points were in fact opinions. Although it has to be a fact that noone can confidently say that it was a child, or that it was an adult definitively. THis isn't an episode of CSI after all :)

Main Street USA

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I did, actually. Haven't heard back thusfar. I'd imagine they'd could use it for something, though. It's certainly entertaining, if nothing else.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
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No hard fellings at all.

I've always been seriously skeptical of ghost stories, as well. The orb thing is actually a pretty big pet peeve of mine. Here, let me show you 1000 pics of "orbs" that my mom took when she used a flash outside at 9:00pm. lol


Well-Known Member
Main Street USA said:
No hard fellings at all.

I've always been seriously skeptical of ghost stories, as well. The orb thing is actually a pretty big pet peeve of mine. Here, let me show you 1000 pics of "orbs" that my mom took when she used a flash outside at 9:00pm. lol

haha.... the orbs! the orbs! look out! Glad to see you feel that way about orbs :)


New Member
Main Street USA said:
I've The orb thing is actually a pretty big pet peeve of mine. Here, let me show you 1000 pics of "orbs" that my mom took when she used a flash outside at 9:00pm. lol

Be careful Zac those "orbs" may be your ancestors. :lol:

:wave: ACE

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