Truly Haunted Haunted Mansion Photo

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
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OK, I know that there are plenty of you on these boards interested in the Haunted parts of WDW, as am I, so here's the whole story.

I took my 100 ft nightshot accessory to WDW with the specific purpose of taking ride photos of the Haunted Mansion for WDW Virtual Visit. Well, after documenting the ride, I put the camera away for the rest of the day. I went back to our place that evening and began to download the photos to my laptop. After doing so I scrolled through them to make sure I had all I needed, and low and behold, on one of the first shots of the attraction, I saw something that definitely WAS NOT there when I was on the ride itself. This photo was taken in the first hallway of the attraction with the eye-following portraits.

As you'll see in the photo after clicking the link, it appears as though a child is peeking his head out of the doombuggy and looking directly at me. Not only was he not there when I took the pic, there wasn't a child of this age within 20 people in front of me in line, and as you can see, he's only a few doombuggies in front of me. Not only that, what's he doing looking at me? There is NO flash, and NO visible light coming from me. It's all infrared, and invisible to the naked eye.

Before you flame me and claim I Photoshopped this, or that I'm blatantly lying, try to think of a time in my nearly 3 years on these boards that I've ever purposefully misled anyone. Or, just give me a reason why I would need to lie about this. This is authentic. Period.

Having said that, I just think it's an incredibly spooky photo. And I have no idea where that kid came from. Enjoy, ghost hunters!


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
Looks more like a low light lens aberration to me. There are several others in the photo.

While true, I CANNOT seem to think this is one. Look, you see a hairline, ears, a VERY distinguishable face, and what appears to be a shirt of some sort. Zach, want to do some photoshop work on it such as change the contrast, brightness, etc.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Testtrack321 said:
While true, I CANNOT seem to think this is one. Look, you see a hairline, ears, a VERY distinguishable face, and what appears to be a shirt of some sort. Zach, want to do some photoshop work on it such as change the contrast, brightness, etc.
I can make an attempt at it to try to bring out the face more, but it won't be tonight probably.


Well-Known Member
Finally, someone here at the forums got a pic of that ghost I've read about at Nice job and good timing. :sohappy: :sohappy:

Interesting to note: all the actual lights and reflections(??) are all lighter than that head.


Well-Known Member
Got this from someone I sent the photo too about what they think and also any stories that the photo could pertain to....

Joseph --

Jeese, I don't know about this. Given that there are clearly at least
two or three doom buggies directly ahead of the first ride vehicle in
this picture, I tend not to think that this is not actually a ghost
child. But -- rather -- a full-sized adult who the photographer caught
peering back at him. Who -- thanks to the distances involved here --
appears to be a child.

Still, it is kind of a creepy photograph. But -- as for this picture
being proof that some sort of ghost child is haunting the Magic
Kingdom's "Haunted mansion" attraction -- I don't think so, Joe.

Thanks for sending this photograph along, though.

Best Regards,


While I know the respondee isn't well recieved on WDWMagic all the time, it's still interesting to read his opinion.


New Member
Testtrack321 said:
While true, I CANNOT seem to think this is one. Look, you see a hairline, ears, a VERY distinguishable face, and what appears to be a shirt of some sort. Zach, want to do some photoshop work on it such as change the contrast, brightness, etc.
I guess we'll have to know the make and model of the lens as well as the camera. The IR source needs to be mentioned as well as the camera/ lens settings. Were any filters in place? Ambient light mixed with IR can produce such effects. Also, don't forget we have lot's of UV light in the Mansion!

Initial examination supports the "lens attempting to capture too much light" theory.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ha ha, yeah, my smarter side tells me that this isn't a ghost either, but the curious side of me always believes, especially since I was the one taking the pic this time, and no kids boarded ahead of me. That REALLY looks like a kid to me.

I'm on my laptop right now, which is a mac, and all i have on here is iPhoto. I'm gonna play with the brightness and contrast, and zoom in on the face, but I doubt it will help much until I can get into Photoshop with it.......

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok, here are my two tries with iPhoto, and admittedly they don't show much. BUT, as said above, and do discount Woody's theory, there isn't anything else in the photo with the same brightness as the head.

Anyway, the first pic is with the brightness all the way down, and the contrast all the way up, and the second is a close up oin the face.....VERY pixelated.


  • brightness down.jpg
    brightness down.jpg
    88.5 KB · Views: 2,483

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Crap, let me fix the face one...hang on........

Well, iPhoto doesn't enlarge photos, so it'll have to wait unless someone else wants to take a shot at it.


Well-Known Member
Main Street USA said:
I'm on my laptop right now, which is a mac, and all i have on here is iPhoto. I'm gonna play with the brightness and contrast, and zoom in on the face, but I doubt it will help much until I can get into Photoshop with it.......

I love you.... erh, um, you can download a demo copy of photoshop from adobe's website...


New Member
It is entirely possible it could be an adult when you take the distance into account. Possibly a young woman with her hair up. Who knows?

But still, an incredibly creepy photo.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Indy95 said:
It is entirely possible it could be an adult when you take the distance into account. Possibly a young woman with her hair up. Who knows?

But still, an incredibly creepy photo.
True, but I gotta say that an adult is the least likely to lean out and look back like that.


New Member
Main Street USA said:
True, but I gotta say that an adult is the least likely to lean out and look back like that.
I've seen adults do crazier things then that! :) What a cool picture. I don't really believe in ghosts, but it is kinda fun to fantasize a little. never know. :lookaroun It sure does look like a kid to me, and the idea that he is looking right at you, in the dark...that is just freaky.


New Member
It's definitely an eerie photo. Until someone can prove otherwise, I'd say it's an authentic ghost. :wave: Cool pic, Zac!


Well-Known Member
Ghost? Doubt it. If that IS a ghost then you have captured the worlds first EVER detailed picture of one. No offense, I'm not saying that it was fabricated but it looks very fake. I have a ghost in my house and I have learned to live with it. It doesn't try to harm anyone. But they just don't pop up for photo opps. Looks like it could be a reflection off of the doom buggie from a light sourse that just happens to have a shape of a face. It happens. Example: look at the face imprint that was captured on the surface of Mars. :animwink:

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