Truly Haunted Haunted Mansion Photo

Dean Stevens

Account Suspended
MKCustodial said:
And also, Dean, you seem so certain of everything that it seems like you just saw the picture instead of reading Zac's whole story first.

if you want I can go outside, take a picture of a tree... write a long story about how this treat is haunted and never was even there to begin with... and then suddenly popped up one day full size with gargoyles all over it...

look, i admit this picture is creepy, it looks creepy... i have PLENTY of pictures that look creepy cuz they're just like... taken at the exact right time... and i agree with one guys point, it is a fun topic, so i am sorry for sounding so rude, it is a fun topic...

but, i mean... thats why this was started, for fun... this picture couldn't be more obvious for what it is, it couldnt be.

Why do you think movies are created... for fun... they're STORIES... someone had an idea or saw something... and made it a STORY...

hence, this isn't true, but it is fun, so sorry for sounding so much like a jerk


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
:wave: You get points back for the apology :D

True, even though he's done that quite often today (i.e. acting like a jerk and apologizing right afterwards).
In any event, since you're new here, lemme clarify: Zac is an old and respected member of this community. Since you don't know him, you may assume he came up with this "hoax". Those of us who do know him, though, have no problems in believing his story. We know he's not the kind of guy who would go out, take a picture of a tree and then post it here with a creepy story. :wave:

Dean Stevens

Account Suspended
MKCustodial said:
True, even though he's done that quite often today (i.e. acting like a jerk and apologizing right afterwards).
In any event, since you're new here, lemme clarify: Zac is an old and respected member of this community. Since you don't know him, you may assume he came up with this "hoax". Those of us who do know him, though, have no problems in believing his story. We know he's not the kind of guy who would go out, take a picture of a tree and then post it here with a creepy story. :wave:

quite often or twice???

lets get our facts together here before we act like a jerk ourselves... k pal?

And I am a new member, but I've been a huge disney fan since I can remember and have known about this site for over two years... no not like a lurker because wasn't on here constantly, but coming in and out from time to time...

Look I don't care how respected he is, and I by no means am trying to disrespect him, but its a story... S T O R Y. Whatever the story is, its made up... again I am not trying to disrespect him, but thats what he did... but why did he do it? To lie? no. To make everyone truly believe there's a ghost? no. FOR FUN...

Do you have ANY idea how many ghost stories and urban legends there are today? I mean seriously... hundreds upon hundreds of thousands... and they aren't real!!! they are there for your entertainment and mine. Ghost stories are fun, but again... the key word in this entire thing is STORY.

As I already posted, stories are made for FUN... hence basically every movie ever written... its a story for entertainment purposes.

The fact that you seem unable to let go the fact that this is indeed a real picture of a ghost is extremely more frightening than the picture itself. Honestly... Denzel Washington looks more like Richard Nixon than this picture does of a "ghost"

I am not disrespecting someone making up a story, but you don't need to constantly attack me with"no no... but the guy is respected" and "there's a story behind the picture"

oh ok... I respect Steven Speilberg... was his movie "War of the Worlds" a true story because he is a well-respected man?

Dean Stevens

Account Suspended
Ok... there are so many things wrong with the original post and the story... and thats not even a story, its an explanation of him seeing something.

First of all... who gets in line for any ride and just observes who is standing around him... "where are the little kids??? ok... there's a little kid 24 people ahead of me... check" no one does this...

secondly, ITS WALT DISNEY WORLD... WHEN HAVE YOU EVER SEEN 20 PEOPLE WITHOUT A KID MIXED IN SOMEWHERE?!?!?! seriously... i don't think you can get in line for anything and have 20 straight adults... thats impossible in WDW, yes impossible.

Thirdly... just look at the picture, as someone else said, its not like the head is floating... it clearly and blatantly is overlooking the side of a doombuggy...

Fourthly... he says "why is he looking at me" well, if he doesnt know the kid... there's a doombuggy between them, you cannot tell if his eyes are DIRECTLY on him, they could VERY easily be on the doombuggy behind them... also, they could be directly at him because maybe he turned to see his family behind him and saw a guy taking his picture... when people i dont know take my picture I take it as a concern and I look at them to figure out the situation...

So again, no disrespect for this guy at all, but his story has more holes than a golf course...


Well-Known Member
Easy there cowboy...

Number 1) You may have done twice in this thread, but you've also done it at another thread about the same subject.

Number 2) My problem is not that you're giving your opinion. This is a discussion site, after all. My problem is that you're basically telling people they're wrong, and that's not cool.

Number 3) You're not trying to disrespect him, but you are putting words in his mouth even though you don't know him. You're doing that when you say why he started this thread.

Number 4) Show me where I have stated that I do believe that's a ghost and that I'm "not capable of letting go".

Chill, ok? No enemies here. :wave:

Dean Stevens

Account Suspended
MKCustodial said:
Easy there cowboy...

Number 1) You may have done twice in this thread, but you've also done it at another thread about the same subject.

Number 2) My problem is not that you're giving your opinion. This is a discussion site, after all. My problem is that you're basically telling people they're wrong, and that's not cool.

Number 3) You're not trying to disrespect him, but you are putting words in his mouth even though you don't know him. You're doing that when you say why he started this thread.

Number 4) Show me where I have stated that I do believe that's a ghost and that I'm "not capable of letting go".

Chill, ok? No enemies here. :wave:

this is exactly what shows you are incapable of letting go... what was the purpose to even respond again??

And no... i was rude ONCE in this thread and ONCE in another thread but your really starting to tick me off pal you need to watch your tone with people. I put no words in his mouth. I said he put it on here as entertainment... do i know this for sure.... no... but this type of statement is made on a daily basis where people are showing their point

if you cant have a basic discussion with people how do you interact with others on a day to day basis??? I am expressing my point and all you have done is constantly come back at me with "no your wrong, no your wrong, no your wrong, no your wrong"


and as for the other guy... IM NOT CALLING HIM A LIAR!!!!!!!! I SAID HE MADE IT UP FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES AND THAT HIS STORY HAS HOLES... again, its the same concept as movies... everyone who ever made a movie or wrote a book not based on real life... by me saying its a story am i calling them a liar??? my god... get off my back about something so useless

As I've posted in another thread and I've seen posted... I am not suprised JKovach got treated the way he did now... he got sooooooo much worse than what he deserved and someone else posted about feeling uncomfortable posting on here since then... Duke something, and I havent heard from him since, and I don't blame him... you can't make a basic observation on something... and if you slip up one time and then go back and apologize for it... you have people attacking you like you committed a felony... you need to relax, honestly.

I apologized, I guess myself, and JKovach are the only people who ever make mistakes... no one else does obviously so go ahead and boot me too, is that how the site works? Just go ahead and boot me... its a joke...

if you have no room for forgiveness you have no room for anything and thats just pitiful...

I'm done posting on this site... there are hundreds of people on here very nice and helpful... but too many people that take everyone way too seriously and make it wayyyyyyyyy too personal and offensive...


Well-Known Member
Dean Stevens said:
this is exactly what shows you are incapable of letting go... what was the purpose to even respond again??

Same reason you're responding to my posts, this is a discussion. :lol:

As for the rest, I'd rather not comment. You're getting agitated, and that's not good. We all got your point, no need to shout. Just don't tell us what to think, ok? :wave:


Well-Known Member
:lol: I'm not a dude. :lookaroun (thinks a more girley title and picture may be needed) but, I guess I"m wondering what the difference between making it up and lying are. *shrug* If he'd just made it up, he'd have let us all in on the "story" by now. :)


Premium Member
Dean Stevens said:
I'm done posting on this site... there are hundreds of people on here very nice and helpful... but too many people that take everyone way too seriously and make it wayyyyyyyyy too personal and offensive...

You are a previously banned member, I am therefore glad you have decided not to post here anymore.

Dean Stevens = JKovach


New Member
wdwmagic said:
You are a previously banned member, I am therefore glad you have decided not to post here anymore.

Dean Stevens = JKovach
I feel sorry for the next legitimate new member - everyone is going to think it's the latest incarnation of JKovach! :lol:

Sorry you've been having to deal with so many pains at the moment. Hope you realise the rest of us appreciate it. :wave:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
PurpleDragon said:
Well my whole point is this scene could eaisly be reproduced if someone were to take the time to set it up. This is because the kid is sticking his head out of the side of a doombuggie ahead of you. Now I could see if the kid was floating out to the side or up above the doombuggie, then I would have no problem with people screaming "GHOST!!":p But given the setup and the circumstances, in my mind this picture can easily be explained away.

Sorry to be so blunt, but I'm a huge skeptic when it comes to this kind of stuff. Like someone else said, I'm one of those, "won't believe it till I see it myself" type of people. :brick: I meant nothing rude by my post, just stating that it can be easily explained away by skeptics. Sorry if it seemed a bit harsh. :wave:
Ah, no biggie at all! I didn't mean to sound harsh either. No hard feelings. :)

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, what controversy! lol

Well, I really didn't make it up, and as was said above, those who know me from around here know I wouldn't pull your leg, and if I had, I wouldn've told you all by now. So, thanks to those of you who stood up for me. When it comes to a guy like this idiot, though, I doubt it's necessary to even acknowledge his post and involve yourself in a discussion that is, clearly, only half intelligent. lol

Anywho, it's turned out to be a cool and interesting thread nonetheless!


New Member
If the photo isn't a fake then it's just a little kid sticking his or her head out. The light just happend to be in the right spot and that is that. Don't go saying I know nothing about paint shop or photos when I take photos every day.

By the way I'm not a "Him" I'm a "HER" !!

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