News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
I think some people are just kinda mad that Tron is gonna be a huge hit in the parks. Some people want it to fail so that they can feel.... something i dunno lol. Fact is, Tron is gonna be loved by most people and be a huge crowd pleaser for MK.
I think some people look at it as a giant missed opportunity to cure many of the park's ills but they chose to plop a clone down and spend huge sums on a short ride. Smells like Dwarfcoaster but this wasn't budget cut.
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Well-Known Member
I think spome people look at it as a giant missed opportunity to cure many of the park's ills but they chose to plop a clone down and spend huge sums on a short ride. Smells like Dwarfcoaster but this wasn't budget cut.

And it is the first major thing in the park since New Fantasyland, so it is a long time to wait and not something on par with what the competition has at a more frequent rate.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Right, there couldn't possibly be any legitimate basis for people having misgivings about this attraction.
When people say, "It's short!" No one is arguing it's not short.

When people say, "But it's *too* short!" No one is arguing it should stay as short as it is or be even shorter.

When people say, "It's a clone!" No one is arguing it's not a clone.

When people say, "It's redundant to Space Mountain!" No one is saying that there aren't two sci-fi coasters next to each other.

When people say, "But, ugh, that big box!" No one is saying they like the box.

When a particular person is obsessed with the idea that the ride doesn't carry through visual elements of the TRON movies... well that's a matter of objective reality that can be argued with.

So, what 'legitimate' gripes have people been getting push back on?


Well-Known Member
it would be cool if there was a recognizer right at the start of the indoor portion that you flew under. maybe they could add a laser projected one in the future...?
I've had the same thought when I see that blank space in videos. I also think it would have been cool in the area before un-load to have a window to another event in the arena like Disk-War.

No Name

Well-Known Member
I think some people are just kinda mad that Tron is gonna be a huge hit in the parks. Some people want it to fail so that they can feel.... something i dunno lol. Fact is, Tron is gonna be loved by most people and be a huge crowd pleaser for MK.
Nice way to dismiss the abundance of valid criticism of the ride. I’m not sure most people take the success or failure of a theme park attraction as personally as you seem to.


Well-Known Member
When people say, "It's short!" No one is arguing it's not short.

When people say, "But it's *too* short!" No one is arguing it should stay as short as it is or be even shorter.

When people say, "It's a clone!" No one is arguing it's not a clone.

When people say, "It's redundant to Space Mountain!" No one is saying that there aren't two sci-fi coasters next to each other.

When people say, "But, ugh, that big box!" No one is saying they like the box.

When a particular person is obsessed with the idea that the ride doesn't carry through visual elements of the TRON movies... well that's a matter of objective reality that can be argued with.

So, what 'legitimate' gripes have people been getting push back on?
I prefer 12 second coasters but it’s only in cast previews. There’s still over a month to remove 2000 feet of track. Here is my proposal:

Hawg G

Well-Known Member
I think some people are just kinda mad that Tron is gonna be a huge hit in the parks. Some people want it to fail so that they can feel.... something i dunno lol. Fact is, Tron is gonna be loved by most people and be a huge crowd pleaser for MK.
Bruh, they could build a clone of Big Thunder, with NO thrming, and it would open with hours long waits.

There is no park in the world that needs a MAJOR new GREENFIELD attraction than MK. Splash opened a LONG time ago. And there is nothing on the 5 year horizon. TRON is it for the last 30 years. And it's such a phoned in D ticket.

Marc Davis Fan

Well-Known Member
Bruh, they could build a clone of Big Thunder, with NO thrming, and it would open with hours long waits.

There is no park in the world that needs a MAJOR new GREENFIELD attraction than MK. Splash opened a LONG time ago. And there is nothing on the 5 year horizon. TRON is it for the last 30 years. And it's such a phoned in D ticket.

I have to agree here.

MK is viewed as "Disney" by most of the public, so it should absolutely reflect Disney's best work... for the sake of Disney's long-term public perceptions of Disney. The best work at is largely at the other three parks (with Haunted Mansion and Splash Mountain being the major exceptions... and so much for the latter). To keep "Disney" on par with its competition, an expansion at the level and quality of SWGE is desperately needed at MK. Something like Fantasy Springs, for example.

(This would also increase the park's capacity and thus reduce crowding; and incidentally that wouldn't be an infrastructure problem because they could add a ferry and also use buses on busy days just like they've done in the past, plus increased hours would allow staggered guest flow in/out.)

Rich Brownn

Well-Known Member
Only in execution of the effects. All of TL is built upon what came before.
OK the look of each film is distinct. And TRON:Lightcycle uses the Legacy look, not the original film look. (As a sequel oof course it draws from the same storyline. But no one would confused The Wizard Of Oz and Return To Oz as the same film. Like Tron, the look and feel of the films are distinct)


Well-Known Member
When people say, "It's short!" No one is arguing it's not short.

When people say, "But it's *too* short!" No one is arguing it should stay as short as it is or be even shorter.

When people say, "It's a clone!" No one is arguing it's not a clone.

When people say, "It's redundant to Space Mountain!" No one is saying that there aren't two sci-fi coasters next to each other.

When people say, "But, ugh, that big box!" No one is saying they like the box.

When a particular person is obsessed with the idea that the ride doesn't carry through visual elements of the TRON movies... well that's a matter of objective reality that can be argued with.

So, what 'legitimate' gripes have people been getting push back on?
. . . Literally all of those? Did you not read the post I was quoting?

They tried to characterize any complaints about TRON as unfounded personal vendetta. That's pushing back on every gripe that isn't "I'm just bitter as a personality trait, the ride is secretly perfect but I'll never admit it". Which is, of course, ridiculous.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
Honestly, I’m mainly annoyed that MK is finally getting a major new ride and it doesn’t interest me at all. “Coasters in the dark” are fairly aesthetically limited (or at least Disney’s conception of them is fairly limited). I just experienced GotG, which is long and physically enjoyable and, despite its flaws, unquestionably superior to Tron. Even the Tron aesthetic itself is done with greater variety by Test Track. Tron just offers absolutely nothing, which makes the ballyhoo particularly grating.


Well-Known Member
Bruh, they could build a clone of Big Thunder, with NO thrming, and it would open with hours long waits.

There is no park in the world that needs a MAJOR new GREENFIELD attraction than MK. Splash opened a LONG time ago. And there is nothing on the 5 year horizon. TRON is it for the last 30 years. And it's such a phoned in D ticket.
The 5th gate can be a theme park themed to a behind the scenes theme park. None of the rides would have any theming and the entire physical plant can be exposed. It will give guests a look into the inner workings of their favorite theme park.

There would be VIP experiences where guests can wash dishes or mop floors to fully immerse themselves in the experience.


Well-Known Member
The 5th gate can be a theme park themed to a behind the scenes theme park. None of the rides would have any theming and the entire physical plant can be exposed. It will give guests a look into the inner workings of their favorite theme park.

There would be VIP experiences where guests can wash dishes or mop floors to fully immerse themselves in the experience.

I saw the pitch for The Hall of Negotiations where the Union reps talk to execs cronies and they finally decide to just do whatever Universal is going to do in a few months.

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