News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Do you ever turn the news on? Even in our field, the news this week involves murder charges over a kid who was decapitated by a water slide.

Yep. I watch plenty of news.

It's easy to make yourself jaded with the world. I have my moments. Doesn't mean you have to constantly be miserable (not saying you!! lol). Life is a gift no matter how awful the world can be. Some things like a Tron canopy aren't that serious.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Yep. I watch plenty of news.

It's easy to make yourself jaded with the world. I have my moments. Doesn't mean you have to constantly be miserable (not saying you!! lol). Life is a gift no matter how awful the world can be. Some things like a Tron canopy aren't that serious.
In this context it is. It’s inclusion will be a huge change for Tomorrowland. As if the ride won’t be already.


Well-Known Member
In this context it is. It’s inclusion will be a huge change for Tomorrowland. As if the ride won’t be already.

To each their own. I'll see how it changes when it opens. I've never said I loved the canopy, and I haven't seen it in person. It looks nice at night, I suppose. I don't really like the look of Shanghai's Tomorrowland like some people seem to revere it. There's valid criticism and then there's what I see as whining and cynicism. That's not being a realist (not saying you Martin, you always bring up valid criticisms but I do think sometimes it's not beneficial to know so much ...).

Personally Guardians to Future World feels like more of a huge change than TRON to Tomorrowland but you know more than I do. I'm just not seeing how damaging and jarring this is.

Like some are clouded by pixie dust, some are clouded by jaded cynicisim (which I fully understand, being let down by the parks and the company; I get it. I'm just not someone who always dwells on what I don't like - I used to be; I still complain, we all do, lol, some complaining is quite healthy. I don't find cynicisim productive, it's easy to be negative. Valid criticism is productive. It's not good to be negative about everything all the time; JMO -- and again, not you Martin).
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Well-Known Member
To each their own. I'll see how it changes when it opens. I've never said I loved the canopy, and I haven't seen it in person. It looks nice at night, I suppose. I don't really like the look of Shanghai's Tomorrowland like some people seem to revere it. There's valid criticism and then there's what I see as whining and cynicism. That's not being a realist (not saying you Martin, you always bring up valid criticisms but I do think sometimes it's not beneficial to know so much ...).

Personally Guardians to Future World feels like more of a huge change than TRON to Tomorrowland but you know more than I do. I'm just not seeing how damaging and jarring this is.

Like some are clouded by pixie dust, some are clouded by jaded cynicisim (which I fully understand, being let down by the parks and the company; I get it. I'm just not someone who always dwells on what I don't like - I used to be; I still complain, we all do, lol, some complaining is quite healthy. I don't find cynicisim productive, it's easy to be negative. Valid criticism is productive. It's not good to be negative about everything all the time; JMO -- and again, not you Martin).
The kernel of what I take from your message is that we all should make better choices on what to be angry over. I share your perspective. In general, I am quite excited for the developments coming to the parks. I will have a TON of fun with my family on all of the new rides while getting necessary breaks from the "real world."

Sometimes we are unfair in our aesthetic judgments, too. There have been design flaws in Disney parks since 1955. We just weren't analyzing them because there weren't as many photos available or competitors to compare with.


Well-Known Member
The kernel of what I take from your message is that we all should make better choices on what to be angry over. I share your perspective. In general, I am quite excited for the developments coming to the parks. I will have a TON of fun with my family on all of the new rides while getting necessary breaks from the "real world."

Sometimes we are unfair in our aesthetic judgments, too. There have been design flaws in Disney parks since 1955. We just weren't analyzing them because there weren't as many photos available or competitors to compare with.

Yeah. We should make better choices of what to be angry over, but I get we're all passionate and I don't like being told what to say and do so I guess I shouldn't be telling anyone what to talk about. Wasn't necessarily the intent but I can see someone taking it like that. But yeah, I think we can find ourselves dwelling too much in the negative. It's easy to do. I just say it as someone who used to be really jaded and cynical and it was really really draining ... sometimes things just aren't that serious.

I think a lot of the criticism overall is valid for a lot of things they've done or will do. I don't view everything as simply black or white like some. It just comes off sometimes like some people are determined to be stuck in their opinion when something may not be the most awful thing they did, and it's frustrating because we have a lot of good posters who are a bit better than falling into the 'WDW is awful rhetoric'

I'm looking forward to most of what they're doing. Not saying I agree with where some of them are going and we all know they need even more but I'm overall happy with what we're getting. It's just a bit draining to always be told how awful things are and how you shouldn't be happy about this or that because someone feels a certain way about it. I'm still a realist, I know what's up with how they operate. I'm not stupid, lol.


Well-Known Member
Oh I agree. And I agree life is a gift. After all, I should be dead. Yet here I am.

Live it whilst you can.

Martin, you need to be immortal.

It's so easy to get caught up in the rut of life. Growing older you seem to learn to better appreciate things you take for granted. I'm still young but life goes very fast. Enjoy it while you can. I say this as someone who was wasting a lot of his life without truly realizing it ...

Marc Davis Fan

Well-Known Member
I really don't [like Shanghai’s Tomorrowland]. It looks like a fancy shopping mall to me.
Like an airport/convention center.
I would agree... Shanghai, with the exception of the amoeba canopy is very sterile and doesn't look imaginative or fun-insoiring...Just like modern cityscapes we see everyday.

I withheld my judgement about Shanghai’s Tomorrowland until I visited. But, I’m sad to report, in person it did feel to me quite like what @insert name here, @Professortango1, and @Bocabear are describing - common and uninspired.

I think a major reason is that the architecture is too functionalist. With the exception of Tron’s canopy, most of the architecture looks like it was designed just to narrowly serve its functional purpose, without flourish.

Now, I realize that’s probably just what they were going for, but in that case it runs into the same problem as things like Dino-Rama: good execution of a poor premise. We visit theme parks to experience more/different than what’s in the everyday world, not less/same. So, functionalism in theme park design doesn’t have a strong emotional appeal and also doesn’t create a sense of place.

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