Trip Report Readers Chick Chat and Guy Gabbing Thread!


Premium Member
We’re in Florida this week…300 miles away from Disney. 😂 Enjoying some beach time at St. George Island.

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Lincoln’s favorite part is the golf cart, so we’ll definitely have to take him to stay at Ft. Wilderness one day!

I’m glad you posted because it reminded me that I saw your doppelgänger at WDW last week! She had a little girl who was about Lincoln’s age (maybe a year older) but her husband looked nothing like Jason. I thought it would be creepy to try to discreetly take a picture, so I didn’t. But I swear I almost struck up a conversation to see if she was your cousin 😉


Well-Known Member
Cam finished 5th grade and is officially moving on to middle school. I'm not sure where the time went because it feels like he was just a baby yesterday. I can't believe how much he's grown and changed in just 9 months.
Here is his first day vs. last day!View attachment 787159
It’s so hard when they move to middle school in 6th grade rather than 7th - it feels like you lose the ‘little’ so much faster!! But middle school has always been my favorite - to teach (and a great stage with my own kids too!) - these upcoming years will be awesome!


Well-Known Member
It’s so hard when they move to middle school in 6th grade rather than 7th - it feels like you lose the ‘little’ so much faster!! But middle school has always been my favorite - to teach (and a great stage with my own kids too!) - these upcoming years will be awesome!
Oh my, it takes a special person to teach that age group. I did so much better with the Littles. I'd prefer kindergarten to about 2nd, MAYBE 3rd grade. But anything over 5th grade is... Yikes. I'll pass, thanks.


Well-Known Member
We’re in Florida this week…300 miles away from Disney. 😂 Enjoying some beach time at St. George Island.

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Lincoln’s favorite part is the golf cart, so we’ll definitely have to take him to stay at Ft. Wilderness one day!
I regret to inform you this will remain his favorite part of every beach trip and at some point you’ll have to buy your own golf cart and trailer it down because all the rental properties/ places want the drivers to be 18 or 20+ and you’ll have a teenager who is mad they can’t drive the golf cart after they are legally licensed to drive a car (and it’s easier on you if they can drive the cart to the beach themselves lol) 😁😖😁
Oh my, it takes a special person to teach that age group. I did so much better with the Littles. I'd prefer kindergarten to about 2nd, MAYBE 3rd grade. But anything over 5th grade is... Yikes. I'll pass, thanks.
I haven’t taught in AGES. I stayed home with my kids for 12 years and when I went back to work, it was in a total different field - but yes - everyone says that; but middle schoolers can be the very best.


Premium Member
I regret to inform you this will remain his favorite part of every beach trip and at some point you’ll have to buy your own golf cart and trailer it down because all the rental properties/ places want the drivers to be 18 or 20+ and you’ll have a teenager who is mad they can’t drive the golf cart after they are legally licensed to drive a car (and it’s easier on you if they can drive the cart to the beach themselves lol) 😁😖😁

I haven’t taught in AGES. I stayed home with my kids for 12 years and when I went back to work, it was in a total different field - but yes - everyone says that; but middle schoolers can be the very best.
I've taught middle school students for 24 years, I don't think I could do the littles anymore even though I went into teacher thinking I wanted to do 1st or 2nd grade. Middle school is a good age, although since Covid they have been a little more trying. I think if I had to switch I would switch to high school to 10th or 11th grade.


Well-Known Member
I regret to inform you this will remain his favorite part of every beach trip and at some point you’ll have to buy your own golf cart and trailer it down because all the rental properties/ places want the drivers to be 18 or 20+ and you’ll have a teenager who is mad they can’t drive the golf cart after they are legally licensed to drive a car (and it’s easier on you if they can drive the cart to the beach themselves lol) 😁😖😁

I haven’t taught in AGES. I stayed home with my kids for 12 years and when I went back to work, it was in a total different field - but yes - everyone says that; but middle schoolers can be the very best.
Oh I haven't taught in over 20 years. They don't have music here in schools the way we do in the US, so I couldn't really use my degree once I moved here. I taught elementary school music, and I loved my littles, but 4th grade started to get a bit dicey, and I HATED the 6th graders. I was a brand new teacher, though, and I wasn't great with classroom management. The littles are so easy to manipulate: "I need a helper...Who is being REALLY quiet and well-behanved?" And I had them pretty well trained to sit quietly, line up nicely at the door, etc. The older ones were just too cool for school and I couldn't get them in line. Maybe if I had stayed there for a few years until my littles were grown up a bit, it would have been better because they would have grown up with my methods. But I just really didn't like teaching the older kids. They were so disrespectful!!


Well-Known Member
I've taught middle school students for 24 years, I don't think I could do the littles anymore even though I went into teacher thinking I wanted to do 1st or 2nd grade. Middle school is a good age, although since Covid they have been a little more trying. I think if I had to switch I would switch to high school to 10th or 11th grade.
My best friend started with the littles, then moved to middle school and now she's teaching high school. High school is her favorite now.


Premium Member
Thanks!! That's what I was worried about.

Actually I'm going to amend my comment about Ambrie. I went to the website and I actually did order from them once, it was in 2020 in the lock down Spring and they had some Jungle Cruise leggings that I got for myself and a mystery pack for my niece. The leggings are okay they were longer than I wanted but the design is cool. I haven't ordered from them since because I wasn't totally happy with the fit and didn't like the return policy enough to take a chance.

I know there is another company I looked at that may have started with an A that scared me off of reviews but had interesting things but it wasn't Ambrie.


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm going to amend my comment about Ambrie. I went to the website and I actually did order from them once, it was in 2020 in the lock down Spring and they had some Jungle Cruise leggings that I got for myself and a mystery pack for my niece. The leggings are okay they were longer than I wanted but the design is cool. I haven't ordered from them since because I wasn't totally happy with the fit and didn't like the return policy enough to take a chance.

I know there is another company I looked at that may have started with an A that scared me off of reviews but had interesting things but it wasn't Ambrie.
Thanks for follow up!!


Well-Known Member
Lincoln turned 3 on the 5th, and we had a “Cars”-themed party for him this past Saturday!


My sister (Auntie A) made his incredible birthday cake


We can’t believe he is already three - it has gone by so fast! He is looking less like a baby and more like a big boy every day.


On another note, that price jump from traveling to WDW with a 3yo vs a 2yo…😮‍💨🤑

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