Trip Report July 26 through August 8, 2008

Hello everyone!

Like some have done before, I thought I would start my trip report to WDW before I go and finish it up when I return. I'm starting it now because I know I won't have time later this week.

My family consists of myself, Male 43, my wife 45, and my two daughters ages 8 and 10. This will be me and my wife's 5th trip and my kid's 2nd trip back to WDW. We last visited last summer, this is our first back to back WDW vacation and we probably won't return for a few years after.

Our vacation will start on Saturday, July 26th and we will return home on August 8th. We'll be driving down and back in our 2006 Chrysler Town & Country touring minivan.

On this trip my wife and I will be celebrating our 21st wedding anniversary.

We decided to make an effort to finally visit Universal this time, we've never been, and we will do SeaWorld as well, before we do WDW. It is the fact that we haven't visited Universal before that we are justifying our return to WDW again so soon, not that anyone needs to have a reason, my wife's idea.

On the first day we're going to drive south starting at 5:00 AM from northern Illinois to just south of Chicago through Indiana, Kentucky Tennessee and stop in northern Georgia overnight. Sunday morning we then will continue south and take the bypass around Atlanta to avoid the road construction that is going on downtown and continue south through Georgia into Florida. We plan on being on Universal's property mid to late afternoon Sunday before 6:00PM, hopefully earlier. We have reservations at the Portofino Bay Hotel, we requested a bay view room. We are staying on Universal's property for 4 nights, we want to do both Universal parks and SeaWorld. If we have time we'll do other diversions we don't normally get to do, pool time for the kids, shopping and other such frivolities around Orlando proper. We'll also do some resting up around the hotel before embarking on our WDW adventure, because that is one thing we won't be doing once we get there. We don't have a real plan as far as which parks we'll do when, probably SeaWorld last. We like to plan but we also like a little spontaneity as well.

We will leave Portofino on Thursday morning 7/31/08 and check into the Contemporary resort early, before noon if possible. We requested an MK view, on a higher floor. We have ADRs for Chef Mickey's that morning, the last seating time. We haven't done Chef Mickeys since 1987.
We plan on hitting MK that first day with no real itinerary, I would like to hit the Haunted Mansion imeadiately because I missed it last year due to the refurbishment and haven't rode it since 1990, but my kids have never seen it before and I want them to experience it the same way I did for the first time as a kid in 1973, at night, I'm a sentimental fool, I guess.

The next day August 1st is our Anniversary and as I mentioned we're staying at the Contemporary, which was our honeymoon hotel 21 years before. When we made the reservations last summer the person we talked to said we could request the same room we stayed in then, but that isn't important to us, so we didn't request it. We will do MK on this day as well, we have ADRs for dinner at CRT for our anniversary, not necessarily me and my wife's first choice, our kids wanted to do it. We decided to celebrate our anniversary as a family instead of just as a couple. There will be plenty of opportunities to do the couple thing when the kids are grown and out of the house. We will do MK again on our last day before going home, too depressing not to.

We plan on hitting MK, Epcot, AK and DHS on their late EMH days, my wife has written down the days, we'll have to check to make sure they don't change, I think as the days fall we won't be able to do late EMH at DHS, I don't remember. One thing, we will be doing less TS dining than we did last time. We wasted a lot of time sitting in restaurants last year.

That's the general plan, we have been preparing for this trip since last July. We are now about 95% packed thanks to my wife. The only thing left is my stuff. I had the van cleaned out, washed and waxed and had the oil changed.

Our trip is only 7 days away and the pressure is on. It seems I've been counting the days and it's here all of a sudden! Just yesterday I remember it being 368 days away! My wife has been cleaning the house and I have to mow the lawn one last time, if it ever stops raining, it's raining now as I write this.

I've been preparing things at work, I'm at work now. I've been ordering extra supplies and delegating some of my responsibilites so my absence won't be too keenly felt. Being away from work for two weeks is not something I normally do, it does make it worse coming back. Not only will everything be piled on my desk and my computer filled with unread emails but being in the zombie state that first day back is a killer. I'll try not to think about it and let that foul day worry about itself for now!

I'm really looking forward to this vacation. We did the awkward "first time back in 17 years" last year and got through most of the new stuff that we never experienced. Our touring, I anticipate, will be better this time around. Our kids have matured a bit more and since this trip is not a surprise to them I've been coaching them about the rides they were too scared to try last time and the new ones they'll see at Universal. I think they may want to try some of them, we'll see. If not, I won't push them too hard, but I really think being more ready this time they'll want to do more. They're adamant that they won't do ToT, they won't negotiate on that one for sure, disappointing, but not unexpected, after the "freak out" they had last year when my wife and I did the swap thing in line and they thought they were going to ride, despite our reassurances that they weren't. They also told me most certainly they are not doing Dr. Doom's fearfall either.

I'll continue to add to this post before we go if I have anything else to report, otherwise I'll add what happened when I return.

Thanks for reading in advance!


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One thing I forgot to mention about Universal, I didn't like the whole mandatory locker thing they make you do on some of the attractions. Most people don't know what they're doing trying to use them and it caused a lot of down time, both getting to a locker and getting back your stuff after. I was able to figure it out rather quickly for myself but this seemed to have been the exception rather than the rule for most. Even being a universal newbie I found myself conducting several training sessions for guests who couldn't find help, not necessarily for being kind to my fellows, but mostly to get them through so I can get to bat.

Here are some more pics I took:

Here is our bathroom sink setup at the Portofino

The new Simpson's ride pavillion from a distance

Scooby Doo and gang riding along in the Mystery Machine!

Mel's diner at Universal at Sunset

Universal 360 before show start


Well-Known Member
Awesome report so far! Can't wait to read the rest... I had the opportunity to go to Universal in Hollywood when I was out in Los Angeles a few months ago. I really enjoyed it, but still love Disney more...

I thought the whole electronic lockers they had for some of the larger attractions was pretty neat! The only ride we had to use the lockers on was the Mummy ride. They were free and you didnt have to worry about losing any of your stuff on the ride. Good idea in my book!


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Thanks everyone for your feedback, I appreciate it. Without it, it would seem like I was writing this report for myself alone.

I just completed my first day at work after returning from vacation, it wasn't so bad but I've certainly had better days. At least there wasn't a big mess to deal with.

I continue my report tomorrow with more pics.

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Absolutely fabulous reports! I am especially interested in your trip, because I was thinking of doing more or less the same thing on my next Orlando trip. I can't wait for the next report! It's very exciting.


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Tuesday, July 29th we took the boat over to Universal's Islands of Adventure via City Walk.

It was getting fairly hot and the sun was very bright that morning, I was already damp with sweat. My youngest daughter unknowingly dropped her hat, and a lady behind us picked it up and ran up to me to give it to us. I thanked her but there were many times this happend and I thought that she was destined to lose it for good.

After making it through the bag check and ticket area we made our way left to the Spiderman ride. Nothing like a thrill ride to get the blood pumping in the morning. The kids saw Dr. Doom's Fear Fall ride just behind Spiderman and asked if they were going on that as well. I told them that one of them could if they wanted but our youngest wasn't tall enough. The oldest declined quickly and the youngest was glad she couldn't ride. They were just asking to be sure they weren't going on and we weren't going to make them ride it.

As we were riding Spiderman, I remembered reading how it drops you like a million stories or something like that in a virtual freefall. As our car bounced higher and higher up the buildings, chasing the villains. I became worried, I'm not very experienced with these simulator rides and didn't know how intense the freefall was. When it did happen it wasn't so bad, it was fun none the less as was the ride itself. I was surprised that our kids liked it, if the thrill ride is real they want nothing to do with it, the simulators they loved.

We next did the Popeye & Bluto Bilge Rat Barges, a simple water raft ride, I thought. I've been on several of these types of water rides, from kali River rapids to Six Flags version and I never get wet, if I do just my butt or foot gets wet. This ride drenched us, there was not a dry spot on my body, we had to wring ourselves out and it took me several hours to dry out. I was very surpised. You know how on some of these rides you get close to a water fall but you don't get quite close enough to get wet? On this ride you go right through the darn water fall and eveyone gets wet! My wife wanted to do the Rip Saw Falls ride next but told her I wanted to dry out first.

We wandered around on Popeye's boat "Me Ship the Olive" and got lost on the pathway that goes around the boat. I don't know if the walkway was supposed to lead somewhere or not, we wound up going in circles. I noticed some barriers up where they were working on the Harry Potter area, I saw construction machines digging around the big Oak Tree restaurant, which was closed. They weren't touching the tree itself, it looked like they were just digging up the sidewalk around it.

We finally found our way out and made our way to Jurrasic park and got on the river adventure ride, didn't get too wet. Kids didn't like it much. We browsed around the discovery center and the kids played with a lot of the activities they had there. We were going to eat at the couter service there but it was quite crowded and I didn't see any free tables. We left the discovery center and the sky opened up. Rained for about 15 minutes, we took shelter near a snack cart. We then went to the Poseiden show. I heard from one of the workers that a lot of rides were down because of the rain at the time. I didn't care much for the Poseiden show, the show in and of itself is probably ok, but they have you meandering from room to room in the dark trying to navigate through a large crowd of people up and down stairs and narrow aisles. More than a few feet were stepped on, people pushing and shoving. A grandmother even ran over her young grandson's foot with her scooter by accident. It really was a safety concern of mine. If someone had yelled fire, there would have been fatalities for sure.

We ate at the Circus McGurkus Cafe Stoopendous for lunch, not much to say here simple counter service fare, below average quality to my standards. Dirty inside, food on the floor under tables, I had to ask a worker to clean a table so my family could sit down.

We then rode the Suess trolley train ride twice, The kids rode the "carosuessel" and the red fish blue fish ride. We did Cat in the Hat 4 times, only because the kids liked it so much, we did it 4 times because my wife and I could not do it a 5th time, an ok ride, much like the Pooh or Snow White ride. My wife had wanted to eat at the Green Eggs and Ham place but it was closed.

It was getting late in the afternoon and we did Spiderman one more time and we began leaving the park. I wasn't as fond of Islands of Adventure as I was Universal Studios, my family felt the same. We did a little browsing in the shops on our way out. My oldest daughter was complaining about her feet hurting and she was limping. I had her sit on a bench and took her shoe and sock off expecting to find a blister or hot spot. Instead her entire bottom of her foot was pruney, like when your skin is in water too long, it was really bad though. I guess when we rode the Popeye ride that morning her foot got wet and never dried out. We didn't bring a change of shoes or socks with us to the park. We bought her a pair of flip flops from one of the shops, a good pair, to let her foot dry out. She sat on a bench with me for about 45 minute while my wife continued to browse. Her foot got better and she was able to walk again.
We left the park and browsed City Walk. I'm a big Jimmy Buffet fan so I wanted to have dinner at Margaritaville. We checked in to the front desk and put our names down. We were given a beeper and told the wait could be up to an hour. We browsed the gift shop there and my wife and I had a margarita and we sat in the beach chairs out in front of the restaurant for only about 25 minutes when our beeper went off.

The dinner was great and our server was as well. A vey nice place, I wish we had one closer to home.

By the time dinner was over it was getting late so we headed back to the hotel, so we caught the launch back and turned in for the night.

My wife decided she wanted to use our free room service vouchers we received when we checked in for breakfast the next morning. So she called room service to order it. We were going to take the free shuttle from our hotel to SeaWorld the next day.

On this 2nd day I began to notice that most of the time when I heard english being spoken at the hotels or in the parks, including Universal, SeaWorld and WDW about 90% of the time the speaker had an English, Scottish or Australian accent, no Irish though. Didn't notice any Canadians, but I'm sure they were well represented. I also heard a lot of other languages spoken, Italian, Spanish and German. Just something I noticed and wasn't used to seeing or hearing. Coming to Flordia on this vacation I expected to see lower attendance at all the parks based on the high gas prices. I would say that it is true as far as Americans, but there were more Europeans and South Americans, Chinese and Japanese. The parks were packed, more people than last year I noticed. I really felt like I was in another country and not Florida. In the past whenever I was on vacation at WDW I would always notice a visitor from overseas now and then, but never in such majority numbers, it was surprising and interesting.

If I was to guess as to which region of the US was best represented in Florida during my vacation I would say the Boston MA area. Unless there is just a huge amount of Red Sox fans all over. Everywhere I turned I saw a Red Sox T-shirt or hat. Being a Cubs fan I feel a certain kinship to Boston for the long suffering both fans have endured over time, which I believe the Cubs may just change this year following Bostons lead.


Well-Known Member
Really enjoying your trip report although i have to disagree with about Poseidons Fury as we all really enjoyed it last year, especially our 13 year old daughter who rated it as her favourite thing out of the whole trip including disney, seaworld, wet n wild etc!


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I do want to add that although I preferred Universal Studios over Islands of Adventure, IoA was a beautiful place. The area themes were done very well and I was impressed with the artistry.

Some pics:

Complimentary turndown service at the Portofino!

This is the part on the Popeye water ride that did me in, I got totally drenched. I might have just as well got up and jumped out of the raft into the water and I would have been drier.

My wife's personal favorite, the Grinch!

'Tis myself...wasting away in Margaritaville!

A parting shot of Universal before going back to Portofino.

More to come!


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Really enjoying your trip report although i have to disagree with about Poseidons Fury as we all really enjoyed it last year, especially our 13 year old daughter who rated it as her favourite thing out of the whole trip including disney, seaworld, wet n wild etc!
I won't disagree with you, maybe it was just the crowd with the pushing and shoving that set me off. I really couldn't get into the attraction with so much distraction.


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Wednesday morning, July 30th.
Our last full day on Universal's property.

We rose a little earlier, expecting our complimentary room service breakfast. We had to be at the front of Portofino at 9:50 to catch the shuttle to SeaWorld.

The room service arrived and looked marvelous. My wife gave the server our vouchers and he looked a bit confused. My wife explained where we got them he didn't seem to understand. He accepted them and I confirmed with him that his tip was included in the vouchers and he said that indeed it was. When checking out the next day we discovered that we were charged for the room service. So we had to make some calls to clear it up. It was a bit irritating to have to do it, especially when we tried to make it as clear as possible. They didn't make it easy to clear up, they had to check with the hotel front desk to make sure that was where we got the vouchers in the first place. A bit unprofessional, after all we handed the vouchers to the server who brought the breakfasts, what difference did it make how or where we obtained them, they were issued from the front desk to begin with. It was a originally a gesture of apology to us for delaying our check in, now trying to charge us for it and make it difficult to fix ruined it. If the Portofino was to have any black marks, it would be in the area of communication between it's own employees. Specifically front desk to housekeeping and front desk to dining and bell services to the guests.

Anyway...the breakfasts were good with exception to the fried eggs my daughter had, a bit runny.

We got to the bus stop on time but unfortunately the shuttle arrived 30 minutes late. We didn't get to SeaWorld until after 11:00 AM. I wanted to drive us myself since we had the van but my wife didn't want me to, we're on vacation she said, you shouldn't have to drive.

The shuttle picks up from SeaWorld twice once at 5:00 and again at 10:00 PM. We had planned to stay until 10:00. We got our maps and tried to get orientated quickly since we hadn't been to SeaWorld since 1990, we weren't sure what changed.

There was a big area as soon as you get in through the ticket area that was blocked off. Looks like they're build a roller coaster or something. I saw no sign explaining the construction. We looked at all the show times and decided to get those done first. We did the Seamore and Clyde show, it wasn't very good. The Sea Lions decided they didn't want to do the show, they came out once and when it was their cue to come out they wouldn't, so the humans in the show had to ad lib through most of it. Unfortunate, this was one of our favorites from before.

We tried to do the feed/pet the dolphin thing but there was way too many people there. We went underground to watch the dolphins underwater, this is one the favorite things for our kids to do at the dolphin aquarium at brookfield zoo in Chicago. We next did the Whale and Dolphin show. The show was almost cancelled just before starting because of a storm cell that was close by. It had started raining. because of lightning concerns the show was delayed about 25 minutes. It did finally start. I thought it was a good show. We then made our way to the other side of the park to Shamu stadium. After the rain it got really hot. We caught the Shamu show, very well done, my oldest daughter whose a big animal lover cried at the end of the show, it touched her that much. It almost makes me do the same seeing her touched so.

We did the penguin and shark encounter exhibits, we had lunch somewhere that I can't remember now, something simple, counter service.

We made our way to the seal area, I bought some fish to feed the seals since this exhibit wasn't as popular as the dolphin one was. You have to be careful while feeding them, the seabirds like to swoop down and grap the fish just before the seal gets to it. They're very good at it so you have to be just as cunning, they grab it midair just before it reaches the seals mouth. A bird got the first one I threw, but after that I was able to throw a fake and get the bird to go one way and I threw the fish the other. The birds actually gave up and went elsewhere. I tried to get my kids to throw the fish, that's why I bought it to begin with, for them. But they wanted nothing to do with stinky fish and were content to watch me and my little game of keep away from the seabirds.

We saw the animal show, I forget the name, the one where they save animals from shelters and they put them in the show. It was pretty good. Did some browsing in the gift shops and bought my oldest daughter one of those wooden whale tail necklaces that was part of the shamu show that she wanted. It was about 6:00 PM and we ran out of steam. We wanted to go back to the hotel and we missed the first shuttle. We didn't want to wait until 10:00 for the next one so we got a taxi to take us back to City Walk so we could get something for dinner. We didn't have much luck getting into the restaurants at the Portofino. The cab ride cost between $17-$19. It was our kids first cab ride.

We got to City Walk and got a bit disorientated since we weren't used to arriving from the street. Got a little lost in the parking garage, but we eventually found our way. As much as I wanted to do Margaritaville again, I resisted the temptation and let my wife lead us to the Italian restaurant on City Walk she wanted to try, I don't remember the name (Mama Melrose, maybe?). It was a good place, a bit noisy though, there was a big video screen outside playing rock music and it was very loud.

We did wind up back at Margaritaville and had a few drinks from their walk up bar. We then went back to our hotel to prepare for our move to the Contemporary at WDW the next day.


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A few more pics:

My kids in front of the Portofino resorts entrance, waiting for the SeaWorld Shuttle.

The dolphin underwater viewing tank at SeaWorld, a very cool place to be on a very hot afternoon.

Shamu in all his glory!

More later!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I'm a big Jimmy Buffet fan so I wanted to have dinner at Margaritaville.

The dinner was great and our server was as well. A very nice place, I wish we had one closer to home.

Ditto... same here.

There is a 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' in Downers (Grove) [I-355 @ Butterfield]. Meh, not exactly the same thing... but its pretty close (decor & such), and you get the same ambiance as you would at Margaritaville. :lol:

Great TR so far, Bill! Thanks for sharing!


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Ditto... same here.

There is a 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' in Downers (Grove) [I-355 @ Butterfield]. Meh, not exactly the same thing... but its pretty close (decor & such), and you get the same ambiance as you would at Margaritaville. :lol:

Great TR so far, Bill! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the tip. I'll have to look it up.


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Thursday morning, July 31st.
Moving day to the Contemporary Resort.

Got out of bed earlier in order to get moving. We had some 40 items of luggage in the form of Athletic bags, suitcases, totes, ice cooler and just plain bags. I like to be as independent as possible without involving too many people in our affairs so I began bringing down our stuff to the van a little at a time. On the second trip down I found a luggage cart near an elevator in our building so I brought it up and loaded it with about half our stuff. I got the cart down to the van and packed it in. I was on my way bringing the cart back to get the remainder of our stuff when the bell captain stopped me in the middle of the lobby.
With a pleasant demeanor he asked if he could help with my luggage, I brushed him off and said no, I got it, thanks anyway and continued on. He lunged forward and grabbed the luggage cart and said that for safety and liability reasons I could not use their carts. I was a bit taken-a-back, and a little offended. I've been in many different hotels some let you use their carts and some don't. I know at WDW they don't let you use theirs, at least at the deluxes. When I first drove up to the Portofino the valet told me they could bring up our luggage or I could do it myself. At the time I was tired from the long drive and I told them to go ahead and do it. When he told me I could do it myself I assumed I could use their carts, I guess I assumed wrong. I did get in the face of the bell captain and told him my feelings on the matter. He did apologize and said he would talk to the valets to be more clear in their communications. My dander was up a bit when I got back to the room. As a personal trait or maybe liability, I don't like to be corrected or challanged. When I am, I can get aggressive and very stubborn. This is a stupid issue but for at least 20 minutes I stewed and ranted to my wife about what had just happend. I knew that it wasn't an issue of safety, but more an issue of labor and job protection. She talked me down, and I eventually relented and called bell services to pick up the rest of our stuff when we were ready to go.

Overall I liked the Universal portion of this vacation and would certainly do it again. The Portofino is a good hotel and I would stay there again as well, but I may also try the other two, but it is definate we will stay on their property, given the benifits it affords.

After I called bell services I left my wife to handle the kids and direct the bellman, and I went down to the parking garage to bring the van up to the hotel entrance to meet them. The bellman helped load the van and I tipped him. I knew in my head how to get to the Contemporary from the Portofino, but since I had my Father-in-laws GPS I thought I would put in the address to see if it has a better route. For whatever reason the unit would not recognize the Contemporary resorts address, no matter what I did. After messing with it for a few minutes I pulled away and got on I-4.

After just a few short minutes we were on Disney property and my mood lightened a bit. I got through the guard station and looked for a spot to park the van in the self parking lot, I remarked to myself how much the security guard's voice sounded like the actor Roger Moore. I got a spot very near the construction barrier where the new buildings going up.

It was about 10:00 in the morning and I knew our room probably wasn't ready. I didn't want our bags to go in storage, so we just left them in the van. We approached the front desk of the Contemporary and checked in. I reminisced breifly as the front desk CM typed in our information in his computer. It was 21 years ago that month when my wife and I were last here checking into the Contemporary on our honeymoon, a newly married couple just starting out. I thought about all the things that have occurred in our life since we've been together and I was suddenly brought back to earth by my daughters asking if they could go over to the lobby television to watch cartoons. I waved them to go ahead and told them we'll pick them up when we're ready to go.

The check in process went well, our room was not ready as expected but he said he would call us when it was ready. I said to myself silently that I knew he would not call. He wished us a happy anniversary and gave us each an anniversary button:

We pinned them on ourselves. He wouldn't give us our room number until houskeeping cleaned it but he told us it was on the 6th floor on the Magic kingdom side, he gave us our room keys.

We gathered up the kids and explored the hotel. We had a 11:20 Chef Mickeys ADR for breakfast and had about an hour to kill. We went up the two escalators from the lobby to the Grand Canyon Concourse or 4th floor. We didn't take the elevator because the kids like escalators. We browsed around the gift shops and bought a few things. My wife wanted to try and get into the restaurant a little early, so we checked in at 11:00. They took us right away, they got us to pose for a picture and brought us over to our table. There was construction going on between the restaurant and the gift shops. The whole middle section was walled up. It was very noisy. I can't be sure what they were doing behind the wall but it sounded like a jackhammer and the noise reverberated off of the walls and made a terrible echo. It was then I really thought it may have been a mistake to stay at the Contemporary. The hostess must have read my mind, and she said that it wasn't normally this loud they just started making this noise the day before and they didn't anticipate it lasting long. The noise was constant all through our meal. It did stop the next day with only the sound of hammering once and awhile.

The hostess sat us down and put down two place mats, so my wife instinctively told our kids to sit where the mats were placed but the hostess stopped us and told me and my wife to sit where the mats were placed. We were confused until the hostess explained that the mats were for our anniversary. Then we looked down at them and saw what they said:

That was very thoughtful I thought and we thanked the hostess. The fab 5 were moving from table to table, so we had a bit of indecision if we should go and get our food (buffet) or do we wait for the characters to come over. We decided to split up I would stay back with the oldest and my wife would go up with the youngest.
Mickey came by and I snapped a picture with him and my daughter. My wife came back to the table shortly after Mickey left so she was a little distressed that our youngest missed him. I told her not to worry that he'd be back. She ignored me and got up to ask one of the attendents if Mickey could come back to our table. He told her that Mickey was leaving but she could bring our daughter up to him. As she turned to come back to our table to fetch our daughter Mickey came after her hot on her heels indicating with his hands that he would come over to our table instead, which we thought was very nice to do. We got the picture and carried on with breakfast, meeting Minnie, Donald and Pluto. Our kids missed Goofy last year, but didn't this year when he came over, they got his autograph in their books. The food was good, the service from the staff was as well. The place didn't look very crowded but it was the last seating until dinner so that's probably why. I was up at the buffet getting seconds when I heard an announcement over the PA, that Mickey was going to celebrate with some special guests in a few minutes. Then music started playing. I didn't think anything of it, until I got back to our table and my wife yelled that they were celebrating our anniversary. Everybody in the restaurant was waving their napkins in the air and whooping it up, congratulating us, including the fab 5.

After breakfast we had to go down some stairs in the back to use the restroom. At one of the giftshops my wife bought me a Contemporary resort pin, so I sat on a bench near the elevators across from the game room and pinned it to my camera case. I told myself last year I wouldn't fall into this pin business, but I wound up falling for it anyway. I don't trade them, I just buy the ones I like and pin them to my camera case, I've got about a dozen or so now.

We decided we would explore the Polynesian and the Grand Floridian hotels next that should get us to 3:00 then we'll check to see if we could get into our room. We got on the monorail and made the trip over.
We explored the gift shops at the Poly, my wife bought me a Poly pin because I failed to get one last year when we stayed there. Our kids wanted to go downstairs and make leis in the lobby, something they did last year when we checked into to our room at the Poly. It kept them busy for awhile. When we were done there we went over to the Grand Floridian, did the same there as we did at the Poly. My wife was spending a lot more time in the bath shop than I had patience for so I walked out to the rail over looking the lobby below to look. We stayed at the GF last in 1990 about when it first opened and it still looked as grand as ever. There was a guy dressed in a tuxedo playing the grand piano below, a very elegant and relaxing atmosphere. How can anyone not enjoy this, I asked myself?

After awhile I noticed it was 3:00, so I called the front desk of the Contemporary resort on my cell phone and they told me our room was ready and we can move right in. The room number was 4226.

I gathered everyone up and we got on the monorail and flew back to our hotel, got up to our room and went inside. The room was directly over the monorail above Chef Mickeys. As you look at the Contemporary from seven seas lagoon it was the 2nd room from the right side of the hotel on the first level of rooms. There is no 5th floor on that side of the hotel because of the monorail. Looking over the rail I could see the construction going on below:

It was still very noisy, I still wasn't sure what they were doing specifically, I know it was something to do with taking out the Concourse Steakhouse, but that was all , whenever I looked down all I saw was some guys reading blueprints. The room itself looked good, very different from when we checked in 21 years earlier. The computer was the first thing my oldest went for asking if she could go online. When the door to the room was closed I could barely hear any noise coming from the hotel. Only if I was in the bathroom or standing by the door could I hear a bit of the construction and the din from Chef Mickeys and the monorail. What was important was that by the bed area I couldn't hear anything at all. When I was in the toilet area of the bathroom and a monorail would pass by below, I felt the floor shake a bit and I could hear a low rumble.

I left to get the van so we can have our stuff brought up.

I drove the van up the the valet station and a valet came up to my window. I asked him to have our luggage brought up to our room, he unloaded the van and placed our stuff on two carts. He asked for my van keys, I told him I was going to self park. he told he was going to bring the carts inside and that I needed to tell the desk where to take them. I drove the van back to the self park area and found a spot close to the bus stop under the monorail. There the van sat for 7 days.

I told the bell service captain what room I was in and they said they would bring the stuff right up. I remembered that I forgot to tip the valet who helped me unload, so I went back outside and tipped him.

I got back to the room and our stuff arrived a few minutes after, we tipped the bellman after he dumped our stuff off and gave us info on the room itself. We unpacked and got ready to spend the rest of the day and evening at the Magic Kingdom.

More later.


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Original Poster
More pics:

The view looking left from our balcony at the Contemporary

The view looking right

The view looking straight ahead

The new building going up, pic taken from the 6th floor outside stairwell.

The view standing directly outside our room doorway looking over the rail, the monorail don't get much closer than that. The smell from Chef Mickeys everyday was great, good thing it's always booked up or we would have ate there everyday!


Loving your trip report. We are staying at the Contemporary in Oct. and celebrating our 5th anniv. so I hope we get some of that attention too. :D Looks like you guys had a great time.


Active Member
Original Poster
Loving your trip report. We are staying at the Contemporary in Oct. and celebrating our 5th anniv. so I hope we get some of that attention too. :D Looks like you guys had a great time.
Thanks, I'm sure you will...if CMs weren't giving us stuff they were at least wishing us a happy anniversary. Some even would yell across a street. When I was leaving the MK one day, they have a lot of CMs stationed in the front by the train station all waving good-bye to everyone as they leave. One gal who was perched up on the train platform must have seen my button and yelled down happy anniversary! There's no way she could read the button from up there she must know the buttons by their color. I, myself don't like to call attention to myself or my family, my wife threatend to divorce me if I didn't wear it.:)
It is nice getting recognition, but it is just a little embarassing, at least for me.

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