Trip Report July 26 through August 8, 2008

Hello everyone!

Like some have done before, I thought I would start my trip report to WDW before I go and finish it up when I return. I'm starting it now because I know I won't have time later this week.

My family consists of myself, Male 43, my wife 45, and my two daughters ages 8 and 10. This will be me and my wife's 5th trip and my kid's 2nd trip back to WDW. We last visited last summer, this is our first back to back WDW vacation and we probably won't return for a few years after.

Our vacation will start on Saturday, July 26th and we will return home on August 8th. We'll be driving down and back in our 2006 Chrysler Town & Country touring minivan.

On this trip my wife and I will be celebrating our 21st wedding anniversary.

We decided to make an effort to finally visit Universal this time, we've never been, and we will do SeaWorld as well, before we do WDW. It is the fact that we haven't visited Universal before that we are justifying our return to WDW again so soon, not that anyone needs to have a reason, my wife's idea.

On the first day we're going to drive south starting at 5:00 AM from northern Illinois to just south of Chicago through Indiana, Kentucky Tennessee and stop in northern Georgia overnight. Sunday morning we then will continue south and take the bypass around Atlanta to avoid the road construction that is going on downtown and continue south through Georgia into Florida. We plan on being on Universal's property mid to late afternoon Sunday before 6:00PM, hopefully earlier. We have reservations at the Portofino Bay Hotel, we requested a bay view room. We are staying on Universal's property for 4 nights, we want to do both Universal parks and SeaWorld. If we have time we'll do other diversions we don't normally get to do, pool time for the kids, shopping and other such frivolities around Orlando proper. We'll also do some resting up around the hotel before embarking on our WDW adventure, because that is one thing we won't be doing once we get there. We don't have a real plan as far as which parks we'll do when, probably SeaWorld last. We like to plan but we also like a little spontaneity as well.

We will leave Portofino on Thursday morning 7/31/08 and check into the Contemporary resort early, before noon if possible. We requested an MK view, on a higher floor. We have ADRs for Chef Mickey's that morning, the last seating time. We haven't done Chef Mickeys since 1987.
We plan on hitting MK that first day with no real itinerary, I would like to hit the Haunted Mansion imeadiately because I missed it last year due to the refurbishment and haven't rode it since 1990, but my kids have never seen it before and I want them to experience it the same way I did for the first time as a kid in 1973, at night, I'm a sentimental fool, I guess.

The next day August 1st is our Anniversary and as I mentioned we're staying at the Contemporary, which was our honeymoon hotel 21 years before. When we made the reservations last summer the person we talked to said we could request the same room we stayed in then, but that isn't important to us, so we didn't request it. We will do MK on this day as well, we have ADRs for dinner at CRT for our anniversary, not necessarily me and my wife's first choice, our kids wanted to do it. We decided to celebrate our anniversary as a family instead of just as a couple. There will be plenty of opportunities to do the couple thing when the kids are grown and out of the house. We will do MK again on our last day before going home, too depressing not to.

We plan on hitting MK, Epcot, AK and DHS on their late EMH days, my wife has written down the days, we'll have to check to make sure they don't change, I think as the days fall we won't be able to do late EMH at DHS, I don't remember. One thing, we will be doing less TS dining than we did last time. We wasted a lot of time sitting in restaurants last year.

That's the general plan, we have been preparing for this trip since last July. We are now about 95% packed thanks to my wife. The only thing left is my stuff. I had the van cleaned out, washed and waxed and had the oil changed.

Our trip is only 7 days away and the pressure is on. It seems I've been counting the days and it's here all of a sudden! Just yesterday I remember it being 368 days away! My wife has been cleaning the house and I have to mow the lawn one last time, if it ever stops raining, it's raining now as I write this.

I've been preparing things at work, I'm at work now. I've been ordering extra supplies and delegating some of my responsibilites so my absence won't be too keenly felt. Being away from work for two weeks is not something I normally do, it does make it worse coming back. Not only will everything be piled on my desk and my computer filled with unread emails but being in the zombie state that first day back is a killer. I'll try not to think about it and let that foul day worry about itself for now!

I'm really looking forward to this vacation. We did the awkward "first time back in 17 years" last year and got through most of the new stuff that we never experienced. Our touring, I anticipate, will be better this time around. Our kids have matured a bit more and since this trip is not a surprise to them I've been coaching them about the rides they were too scared to try last time and the new ones they'll see at Universal. I think they may want to try some of them, we'll see. If not, I won't push them too hard, but I really think being more ready this time they'll want to do more. They're adamant that they won't do ToT, they won't negotiate on that one for sure, disappointing, but not unexpected, after the "freak out" they had last year when my wife and I did the swap thing in line and they thought they were going to ride, despite our reassurances that they weren't. They also told me most certainly they are not doing Dr. Doom's fearfall either.

I'll continue to add to this post before we go if I have anything else to report, otherwise I'll add what happened when I return.

Thanks for reading in advance!


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Continuing Trip Summary

When I talked about crowds at the parks earlier, the biggest frustration for me was the inconsistancy of the crowd level on some days and not knowing the cause. We didn't have the park hopper option on our tickets, so leaving for a less crowded park we couldn't do. The EMH thing as I said didn't work for us this time as it did before.

My wife and I feel that we may try to go during a slower season. The kids will be in their teens, I'm sure, before we go again, so the overall dynamic of the vacation will be much different. When we did do an off season WDW vacation one time it was a great relaxing time. The parks closed early and there were no fireworks shows, but we never felt any anxiety at all that whole vacation. My wife and I aren't getting any younger so we'll have to change the current way we're attacking the parks or we'll eventually kill ourselves I believe.

On the whole the vacation was successful and worth it I feel. It is only when I linger on the negative things that happened do I question the vacations value. The biggest regret that I have is not giving ourselves options for when things didn't go our way, like hop to another park or go back to the hotel. I like to push through difficult situations to get to the otherside, instead of going around them, a bad stubborn trait of mine. Unfortunately my wife shares this same trait so we didn't counter one another to change our pattern, when things didn't go our way.

We may consider flying down in the future, but that would depend on the circumstances. I know I can drive down and back. What the state of airfares and security will be in the future, who knows.

Thanks for reading my report and your comments. I tried to improve over my first report I made last year. It looks like this report was read and commented more than that one. I'm happy if I've helped anyone prepare for their future trip. Though some things did go wrong, it could have been worse had I not followed some of the advice of those who posted here on this site, so thank you for that.

If I think of more details, I will post them.

One thing I wanted to mention, that I forgot. If you have a special celebration you're celebrating at Chef Mickey's you get to keep the special place mats.


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Wonderful report, Bill! :wave: Shame to hear about your last day at the MK. That is certainly not the last memory I would want for my 2 week vacation. Hope it didn't get you guys down too much. And the umbrella thing made me laugh, because it does the same thing to us. If we bring umbrellas and ponchos, no rain, but if we don't bring them, better get the ark out. :lol: It never fails.

On the whole, sounds like you had a great trip. However, I noticed that you said that if you had to do it again, you'd take things more slowly, and I couldn't agree more. There's always the idea that you have to rush to do as many things as possible, but you'll only exhaust yourself in the end. It doesn't help if its 95 degrees out. The next time you get to the World, slow it down, take in the small things; heck, sit on a bench with a box of popcorn, listen to the music and watch the people go by! I've found those are the moments that, when you look back on them, are the moments that make a trip special.

Again, thanks for the report! It was great to read about your family's experience.
Sage advice well taken!
As time goes by the negatives fade away and I'm left with the good times for memories.
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the report. Your trip sounded wonderful, despite the glitches! I picked up a lot of tips for our next trip (whenever that may be) from the details you included.


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Thanks so much for the report. Your trip sounded wonderful, despite the glitches! I picked up a lot of tips for our next trip (whenever that may be) from the details you included.
I'm going through the 800 pictures I took and I'll try to post a few more here and there.


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Early morning view from our Portofino Bay balcony of the Hard Rock Hotel and the under pass to City Walk and Universal parks.

Another Portofino Balcony view. Beyond the tree line is Universal Sudios on the right, City Walk to the left, behind Hard Rock Hotel and Islands of Adventure behind City Walk to left. We could see Universal's nightly fireworks from our room.
The building beyond the trees on the right I believe is the back of the Simpson's ride.

Portofino Bay, ground level.

Another Portofino ground level shot.

The close up of entrance to the Simpson's ride.

Schwab's Pharmacy at Universal Studios.

The front of Blondie's at IoA.
I wanted to stop in later and see if their "Dagwood" sandwich looked anything like what's represented in the buildings facade. Unfortunately the sandwich shop closed earlier so I was able to try one.

The Hard Rock Cafe (not Hotel) City Walk.

Islands of Adventure behind the Plane Hemisphere Dancer.

My favorite place on all of City Walk.


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A few more pics:

Her wickedness, staring down my youngest daughter during the parade.

I'm not even going to tell you what my wife whispered into my ear of what this reminded her of while I took this picture!

I never noticed this sign over by Splash Mountain, my wife pointed it out to me. I think the crossed out section says "G(h)astley."

Looking out for booty passing by?

I watched this crane pop up the morning of August 6th from my resort balcony. I couldn't figure out what it was for or what it was doing.

I figured I'd slip this one in of my personal display of weaponry.
I wish! Instead, an impressive display at the Crystal Arts shop on Main Street.

Hot dogs and Baseball, a great combo!

Another view of Seven Seas Lagoon from by balcony.

More later.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I'm not even going to tell you what my wife whispered into my ear of what this reminded her of while I took this picture!

:lol::lookaroun :o sweeping the kitchen floor? :veryconfu

Again, great TR & photos, Bill! Thank you for sharing! :sohappy:


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More pics:

The cupcake my wife and I got from Chef Mickey's for our anniversary.
That Mickey face is dark chocolate and edible.

The Fantasia gift shop

Looking down at the Fantasia from the sixth floor.

A little out of focus...the sixth floor elevators, I thought the carpet was pretty wild, I think it threw off the auto-focus on my camera.

A look at the new building going up, from inside the Contemporary.

Looking up.

I took this picture last year from our room at the Poly, I'm posting it to set up the next pic. These two ferries are the General Joe Potter (left) and the Admiral Joe Fowler (right). This probably isn't anything to anybody else but I had thought up until now there were only these two ferries that transported guest from between MK and the TTC. These boats, I observed came out of Bay Lake about an hour before park opening and assumed their starting positions. Next pic...

I saw this boat come out about an hour or so later, the "Richard F. Irvine." They must use it during peak days, I didn't notice it last year early June. Anyway, many of you probably already know, the riverboat in MK before it was the "Liberty Belle" used to be named the "Richard F. Irvine," I have video of it from 1987. I always thought it was a bad thing to name a boat after someone then change the name later...bad Karma, sailor superstition or just plain rude. I didn't know they named another boat for the man, I assume, after they made the change. I felt better about the "Liberty Belle" after seeing that. Like I said, no one else probably cares, just an enlightening morning moment for me on my Contemporary balcony.

More later.


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Thanks for the report! :)
Your welcome thanks for reading!

Yes, thanks a lot!!!

And I said the same thing about those broomsticks YEARS ago... :shrug:
Thanks, it always helps to know that we're not the only ones!
:lol::lookaroun :o sweeping the kitchen floor? :veryconfu

Again, great TR & photos, Bill! Thank you for sharing! :sohappy:
Yes...thats it :lookaroun, how did you know?
Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Such a good report that I have post-vacation blues now, and I didn't even go! I really felt like I was there with you at times. Thanks.


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Such a good report that I have post-vacation blues now, and I didn't even go! I really felt like I was there with you at times. Thanks.
Even though we don't have a WDW vacation planned anytime soon, I asked my wife what hotel she would like to stay at next time. I thought she was going to say Yacht Club. She surprised me and said either Grand Floridian or Wilderness Lodge. As I mentioned earlier the kids wanted GF, so I think that's why she included it. She'll probably push for the WL when it comes time to make plans. The only drawback I see is having to take busses everywhere, or the launch to MK. I told my wife that if we stay there, depending on the time of year, expect me to want to use our own vehicle to get around. I really don't want to rely on the busses anymore. There may be a desire for her to do all the deluxe resorts eventually, she hasn't really said, though she did say in passing "If we really wanted to try something new...". I can understand that, but I may lobby for the YC again, had a great time there. We really liked the GF when we stayed there, so I don't know.:shrug: It will be fun deciding when the time comes.

We made peace with our kids regarding not giving them pool time at WDW. We're taking them to a hotel with a water park over the Labor Day holiday weekend. They're very excited. It's on the shores of the Mississippi river in IA about 2 or 3 hours drive, which I can certainly do standing on my head!


Great trip report. Thanks for all the pics of the Contemporary. I really hope they finish alot of that inside work before we go in Oct. I did call and request a higher floor and hopefully that will happen. How bad were the elevators? That seems to be a common complaint there.
Glad to hear you all had a good time.


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Great trip report. Thanks for all the pics of the Contemporary. I really hope they finish alot of that inside work before we go in Oct. I did call and request a higher floor and hopefully that will happen. How bad were the elevators? That seems to be a common complaint there.
Glad to hear you all had a good time.
Thanks, The elevator situation seemed to be fine. It wasn't like at the Portofino Bay, YC or Poly when everytime you pressed the call button the elevator was right there and you usually had the car to yourself. At the Contemporary there was twice or three times that my family had to wait for a second elevator because the car was full, we rarely rode alone and had to wait an average of 30 to 60 seconds for a car to show up after pressing the call button. When going up or down, about half the time our car stopped on another floor to pick someone up or let someone off. The elevators at the Contemporary are busier than the other resorts, at least the ones I've stayed at, but nothing that I felt out of the norm from any large building in a big city or enough to complain about.
It is the nature of the resort, all the guests in the tower share the same bank of elevators with the CMs. Anyone going to the California Grill took the common elevator to the next floor to catch the express elevator to the restaurant instead of taking the escalator which is slightly farther away. Also anyone coming form the street who wanted to vist the shops on the 4th floor would take the elevators, instead of the escalators for the same reason. Since most of the other WDW resorts are split up in separate buildings with their own elevators the wait for an elevator there is minimal, plus, the buildings aren't as tall as the Contemporary Tower so taking the stairs can be a more viable option there if need be.
Since we were on a lower floor, our wait for an elevator may have been lessened a bit, it is probable that if you stay on a higher floor, the wait for an elevator could be longer, or at least your ride up or down will take longer due to the constant stopping on the other floors. I remember the elevator situation being the same 21 years ago, only then the elevators talked to you.

We had requested a higher floor as well when we made our reservations a year ago, funny that they gave us the lowest floor possible. We didn't push for it though, leaving it to chance.


New Member
Even though we don't have a WDW vacation planned anytime soon, I asked my wife what hotel she would like to stay at next time. I thought she was going to say Yacht Club. She surprised me and said either Grand Floridian or Wilderness Lodge. As I mentioned earlier the kids wanted GF, so I think that's why she included it. She'll probably push for the WL when it comes time to make plans.

I would like to put my vote in for WL - it really is a relaxing resort that will give you that change of pace. I know that you have to rely on buses and launches a little more, but to be honest I really enjoyed the launches and we really didn't have that long of waits in July of 2004 when we stayed there. Of course, we really didn't have bus problems either, but 4 years can change a lot. I think if you are looking for a relaxing pace, that place can not be beat (though the Whipering Canyon Cafe can be a bit of rowdy fun! :D).

BTW, thanks for your trip report, it was great. We have stayed several times at the Contemporary - though always in the wings, never in the tower and enjoyed it as well. It's easy to get spoiled to the monorail. :lol:

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