Transformers 7-4-07


Premium Member
REALLY Giant Robots are Coming!
Source:, Superhero Hype!
August 17, 2007

Director Michael Bay's Transformers has already reached $633.9 million worldwide in tickets sales (on a budget of $150 million), but we're thinking fans will want to head back to theaters when his "Giant F**king Robots" will live up to that title even more. has learned that Paramount Pictures will rerelease the summer blockbuster in IMAX theaters on September 21 with more footage than you saw in the conventional theatrical version.

What? We don't know, but we can't wait to hear Optimus Prime's voice in IMAX's digital speaker system, or see the robots battling it out on the giant screen!

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hopefully they've redone parts in 3D!
Yea that would be fantastic. Of course if they do that the only Imax 3d theater is well over an hour away and that would make it hard for me to get to. Going to Imax could push it into the top 20 movies of all time, thats crazy! As much as I like the transformers I never thought it would do THIS well.


Well-Known Member
Yea that would be fantastic. Of course if they do that the only Imax 3d theater is well over an hour away and that would make it hard for me to get to. Going to Imax could push it into the top 20 movies of all time, thats crazy! As much as I like the transformers I never thought it would do THIS well.

Oh because it would be a little inconvenient for you...spoil it for the rest of us :lol: (jk)


Well-Known Member
Michael Bay says "No" to Transformers 2!!!!!!!!
Oh no, please don't go! What will we ever do without the great master of cinema, Michael Bay?

He may have made Transformers The Movie pretty good, but I hate how he act's like he's god's gift to cinema. I think Paramount is MUCH better off having a new director bring his talents to Transformers 2.


Well-Known Member
Oh no, please don't go! What will we ever do without the great master of cinema, Michael Bay?

He may have made Transformers The Movie pretty good, but I hate how he act's like he's god's gift to cinema. I think Paramount is MUCH better off having a new director bring his talents to Transformers 2.

First off...without Bay...Transformers would not have been as much of a hit as it was. Bay brings huge HUGE action to the screen...and that's what Transformers needs.

Granted, Bay is very one dimensional...but this movie needs that one dimension!

Peter Jackson or Ridley Scott...those are the only two people that could pull this off and bring a more serious note to great action.

My logic is...if it ain't broke...don't fix it. (yes, I know I used "ain't").

Transformers brought in much more than expected (only the "Transformers Geeks" had high hopes) why risk it? Bay has a knack and had a vision for what he wanted..and it came out incredible.


Well-Known Member
First off...without Bay...Transformers would not have been as much of a hit as it was. Bay brings huge HUGE action to the screen...and that's what Transformers needs.
Yea, he did a good job on the first one, but there was still SO may times I groaned while watching the movie at all the little "bay" moments and that horrible black framing he does for alot of the action shots. Really for me the only reasons I liked the film were because of ILM's amazing work and Peter Cullen's great voice work. I couldn't care less about any of the humans.

But don't get me wrong, I liked the film. I was (mostly) entertained. I just think that no harm would come by seeing a new director bring their vision of transformers to the screen.

Besides, last night he posted on his blog that he jumped the gun and WILL do Transformers 2.

Alas, there was a glimmer of hope for a few seconds.


Well-Known Member
You need to remember that his vision for the action and the way it was filmed was what made the action sequences (which was most of the film) so spectacular.

He knows where to position the camera when it comes to action scenes.

I think it should be a collaboration...but Bay needs to be on hand for the action. Spielberg's influence wasn't felt in the first one.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First off...without Bay...Transformers would not have been as much of a hit as it was. Bay brings huge HUGE action to the screen...and that's what Transformers needs.

Granted, Bay is very one dimensional...but this movie needs that one dimension!

Peter Jackson or Ridley Scott...those are the only two people that could pull this off and bring a more serious note to great action.

My logic is...if it ain't broke...don't fix it. (yes, I know I used "ain't").

Transformers brought in much more than expected (only the "Transformers Geeks" had high hopes) why risk it? Bay has a knack and had a vision for what he wanted..and it came out incredible.

I agree, Bay did what needed to be done to make a film that was a success to the mass market. I think Bay would have done fine with part 2, as long as like you said, Spielburg has more input on the "story" side of things. No one can say that transformers didnt have some of the best action in any movie.

How about Transformers going HD DVD only.


Well-Known Member
I agree, Bay did what needed to be done to make a film that was a success to the mass market. I think Bay would have done fine with part 2, as long as like you said, Spielburg has more input on the "story" side of things. No one can say that transformers didnt have some of the best action in any movie.

How about Transformers going HD DVD only.

I'm not a fan of that.

1. Not everybody, by the time it comes out, will own an HD DVD player.

2. The format hasn't been "set in stone" as far as the technology's like a video only coming out on Betamax at this stage of that game.

3. People shelling out the money for BluRay players will be P.O.'d

This is what I don't understand...Blu-Ray is the superior of the two...but more expensive. People are speculating that BR will knock out HDDVD but I can't see this happening. Here is my reasoning: BluRay is a Sony product...why are movie studios going to help out another movie studio company by supporting their technology?

I guess the argument to that is PSP...which is also a Sony product.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm not a fan of that.

1. Not everybody, by the time it comes out, will own an HD DVD player.
Yea but it will still be a standard DVD release so everyone else can still get it.

2. The format hasn't been "set in stone" as far as the technology's like a video only coming out on Betamax at this stage of that game.
But they are trying to get people over to HD DVD and need some high profile movies to combat blu-ray exlusives like pirates and spiderman. This was a good one to get because it will rock in HD.

3. People shelling out the money for BluRay players will be P.O.'d
Yea but aren't the people who shelled out all the money for an HD DVD player P.O.'d because so many movies are just blu-ray? Blu-ray has a ton of movies that are just blu-ray.

This is what I don't understand...Blu-Ray is the superior of the two...but more expensive. People are speculating that BR will knock out HDDVD but I can't see this happening. Here is my reasoning: BluRay is a Sony product...why are movie studios going to help out another movie studio company by supporting their technology?
From what I have seen it seems the studios want to go with blu-ray becasue of the DRM that it offers. It isnt a better technology in my eyes because the movies I have seen on both either look the same or better on HD DVD.

I guess the argument to that is PSP...which is also a Sony product.
Yea but the PSP movies have all but died, UMD is on its last leg for anything but videogames it seems. Most major retailers have cut back the movies big time because of slow sales.

I dont think that anything really matters that much right now. The studios follow the money and if HD DVD starts selling all the blu-ray will be on both (even sony). Or if blu-ray continues to win and does eliminate HD dvd then the same thing will happen. I would rather the HD DVD win as I dont like the way sony tries to force new formats on us. The list goes on and on: beta, mini disc, memory stick(in all its forms), umd, atrac... I wont lose any sleep over either because my standard DVDs look pretty dang good on a $70 upconverting DVD player. Hd dvd is expensive and blu ray is a bit more than that so no thanks yet. Sorry if this turns into a blu-ray v.s. HD dvd debate.


Well-Known Member
Yea but it will still be a standard DVD release so everyone else can still get it.

Oh...that's not how I read it...I thought it was ONLY coming out on HD DVD. My confusion :hammer:

But they are trying to get people over to HD DVD and need some high profile movies to combat blu-ray exlusives like pirates and spiderman. This was a good one to get because it will rock in HD.

Pirates and Spidey are only on Blu-Ray? Again...I wasn't aware of that!

Yea but aren't the people who shelled out all the money for an HD DVD player P.O.'d because so many movies are just blu-ray? Blu-ray has a ton of movies that are just blu-ray.

Again, my bad...I didn't realize that any movies had already been "BluRay exclusive" or vice versa...I thought this was to be the first.

From what I have seen it seems the studios want to go with blu-ray becasue of the DRM that it offers. It isnt a better technology in my eyes because the movies I have seen on both either look the same or better on HD DVD.

Yea but the PSP movies have all but died, UMD is on its last leg for anything but videogames it seems. Most major retailers have cut back the movies big time because of slow sales.

I dont think that anything really matters that much right now. The studios follow the money and if HD DVD starts selling all the blu-ray will be on both (even sony). Or if blu-ray continues to win and does eliminate HD dvd then the same thing will happen. I would rather the HD DVD win as I dont like the way sony tries to force new formats on us. The list goes on and on: beta, mini disc, memory stick(in all its forms), umd, atrac... I wont lose any sleep over either because my standard DVDs look pretty dang good on a $70 upconverting DVD player. Hd dvd is expensive and blu ray is a bit more than that so no thanks yet. Sorry if this turns into a blu-ray v.s. HD dvd debate.

I completely agree with your thoughts on Sony. My fiance bought me a Sony camera and I hate the fact that it's a memory stick. So...a tv with a slot is no use to me, my yamaha keyboard with the no good...Oh, guess what...the Wii...SD only... hehe.

My next camera will NOT be a Sony (and, actually, I'm currently in the market :lol: )


Well-Known Member
My next camera will NOT be a Sony (and, actually, I'm currently in the market :lol: )

If you're looking for a good camera, I've been really happy with my Panasonic Lumix FZ8. It's got a lot of good features on it including the image stabilization and Smart ISO. It runs around $350, but if you look, you can find it on sale for about $300 usually.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well it looks like Bay is back on for transformers 2. This was up on his site.

michael bay said:
Last night at dinner I was having dinner with three Blu-Ray owners, they were ed about no Transformers Blu-Ray and I drank the kool aid hook line and sinker. So at 1:30 in the morning I posted - nothing good ever comes out of early am posts mind you - I over reacted. I heard where Paramount is coming from and the future of HD and players that will be close to the $200 mark which is the magic number. I like what I heard.

As a director, I'm all about people seeing films in the best quality possible, and I saw and heard firsthand people upset about a corporate decision.

So today I saw 300 on HD-DVD, it rocks!

So I think I might be back on to do Transformers 2!

Michael Bay

Its kind of funny how he says "seeing films in the best quality possible" yet it doesnt seem he had ever seen anything in HD DVD. He just assumed blu-ray was the greatest format ever. I guess sony is doing their job fooling people about how superior blu-ray is.

I dont mind Bay doing 2 but a lot of people are going to complain about it. As long as they listen to some of what the fans are saying it will be just fine.


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like Bay is back on for transformers 2. This was up on his site.

Its kind of funny how he says "seeing films in the best quality possible" yet it doesnt seem he had ever seen anything in HD DVD. He just assumed blu-ray was the greatest format ever. I guess sony is doing their job fooling people about how superior blu-ray is.

I dont mind Bay doing 2 but a lot of people are going to complain about it. As long as they listen to some of what the fans are saying it will be just fine.

How can people complain? I understand the complaints prior to seeing the first one...but he nailed the first one. Sure some of the designs could've been better and maybe a little less on the close-up action shots...but as a whole, Transformers is everything it needed to be.

It's like...How many times does Bay need to prove himself on the "Action-front" before people will just jump off the Bayhater bandwagon and say, "Actually, this guy does some really nice action movies!"

I'm with everybody else when it comes to Bay and his dialogue and his "storylines" but if you can't give him credit for his ability to shoot action sequences, then you're just not giving credit where credit is due.

People say that Bad Boys II was a horrible movie. Ok, so it wasn't fantastic...but come wasn't the worst movie footage to grace the big screen either. The action was great! Cars being tossed off the back of a car carrier at a Ferrari that looked like Muhammed Ali bobbing and weaving... Who doesn't like that?!?!?!?

I've said it before...I'm NOT a Baylover...and I can find flaws in every one of his movies...but when someone does a good job...I'm going to give them credit no matter WHAT their history has been.

Do I want Pearl Harbor II? NO WAY!

Do I want Transformers II? HECK YEAH!

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
How can people complain? I understand the complaints prior to seeing the first one...but he nailed the first one. Sure some of the designs could've been better and maybe a little less on the close-up action shots...but as a whole, Transformers is everything it needed to be!
I agree but the rumblings have begun. I have already had this talk with a couple people who said they are not happy bay is back on for 2. Like you Im not a huge Bay backer but when he wasnt going to do it visions of the 3rd batman and a new director that I wont say the name (for fear of being stoned :lookaroun ) flashed before me. I know what Im getting from Bay and I was nervous someone else would screw it up.

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