Toy Story Mania queue is a mess


Well-Known Member
I took a couple of classes like Gen-X films and some other American Culture classes that all said that kids that grew up in the 80's (for the most part people don't flame me I understand some of you are good parents) or Gen-X will be by far the worst parents to there kids in the last 100 years.
Not flaming you but I graduated HS in 1984. I can see the difference how I was raised and how my kid's are being raised. I am not as strict as my parents were. But they do know right from wrong.


*Walks into the thread.

*Finishes his Coke.

*Sets it on top of the trashcan.


Great story.

I was at merge, and I see this guy going through the line with a coke and some kind of food. He gets all the way to the last turn before me, and places both on a prop, and looks around to see if I saw him.

Needless to say I give him the "I know what you're trying to do, don't even think about it look" and he runs back, grabs the stuff, and throws it out.


Active Member
Great story.

I was at merge, and I see this guy going through the line with a coke and some kind of food. He gets all the way to the last turn before me, and places both on a prop, and looks around to see if I saw him.

Needless to say I give him the "I know what you're trying to do, don't even think about it look" and he runs back, grabs the stuff, and throws it out.
I see that happen all the time. I've also seen a skipper on the boat tell someone to throw their trash away. Needless to say, the guest was a subject of many jokes during the cruise.


Well-Known Member
Not to excuse people not behaving themselves properly, but ever notice that its the rides that have indoor queues that have issues? Most of the ones with the outdoor/covered queues don't seem to get destroyed. It's when the guests get shoehorned into rooms with walls that they have issues. (But it does help to cut down a bit on people "joining their party") Queues with space tend to do ok. MILF, Muppets, etc have space for people to wait which may help.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
The BLSRS queue needs some work too. There are a couple spots where there are huge chunks out of the walls. You'd think Disney would try to fix the queue lines after closing every once in a while instead of waiting for a refurb.


Well-Known Member
How many queues in previous decades had as much theming as they do today? Big Thunder and Pirates are the only two that really pop out in my mind as far as objects within a guest's destructive reach.

For the most part, queues in the past were simplistic variations simplistic ropes, stanchions, bars, chains, and other materials to keep lines orderly. IMO it wasn't until the late eighties that theme parks began to incorporate intricate visuals to decrease perceived wait time.


Well-Known Member
The same parents who let there kids trash queues are likely the same ones who let their brats rip out/apart toy parts and packaging in the Disney Store and climb all over the display figures.

Doing anything to stop them would involve...parenting I guess. And that is SO 1959! Everyone knows now that TV and corporations are what kids are meant to be raised by!


New Member
The same parents who let there kids trash queues are likely the same ones who let their brats rip out/apart toy parts and packaging in the Disney Store and climb all over the display figures.

Doing anything to stop them would involve...parenting I guess. And that is SO 1959! Everyone knows now that TV and corporations are what kids are meant to be raised by!

I deal with this every time I work!

The worst though last week a kid literaly pulled down his pants and releaved himself both ways in the dressing room at TDS. His mother smiled bought him a toy and said sorry :fork:


Well-Known Member
I took a couple of classes like Gen-X films and some other American Culture classes that all said that kids that grew up in the 80's (for the most part people don't flame me I understand some of you are good parents) or Gen-X will be by far the worst parents to there kids in the last 100 years.
This is total crap. Every generation thinks the next generation will bring about the ruin of mankind. These classes were undoubtedly written and taught by a bunch of Baby Boomers displeased that Generation X did not turn out to be the happy, hippy, liberals that they were. The kids, as always, will be better in some ways, worse in others, and pretty much the same in most cases.

TSMM, if it truly is a mess, is a mess because some people are idiots. There always have been and always will be idiots. Personally, I thought the queue looked fine when we were there in August.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I took a couple of classes like Gen-X films and some other American Culture classes that all said that kids that grew up in the 80's (for the most part people don't flame me I understand some of you are good parents) or Gen-X will be by far the worst parents to there kids in the last 100 years.

Well, if you don't want to get flamed don't make absolutist comments like that. There's far too many reason why some parents are worse than others, and the decades of the 80's and 90's is probably #337 on that list..... :hammer:


New Member
Well, if you don't want to get flamed don't make absolutist comments like that. There's far too many reason why some parents are worse than others, and the decades of the 80's and 90's is probably #337 on that list..... :hammer:

You could be right I was born in 86 so I consider my self a 90's kid but there was nothing absolutist about what said. Ifyou actually took the time to read what I posted I saidseveral times it's not everybody.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
You could be right I was born in 86 so I consider my self a 90's kid but there was nothing absolutist about what said. Ifyou actually took the time to read what I posted I saidseveral times it's not everybody.

"will be by far the worst parents to there kids in the last 100 years"

Doesn't exactly leave a lot of wiggle room, does it?

And a movie class? An American Culture class? Really? Are these guys really qualified to discuss sociological, economic, psychological or developmental reasons why some parents are better than others? Let's stick to the topic at hand, not the ramblings of some movie professor....


New Member
"will be by far the worst parents to there kids in the last 100 years"

Doesn't exactly leave a lot of wiggle room, does it?

And a movie class? An American Culture class? Really? Are these guys really qualified to discuss sociological, economic, psychological or developmental reasons why some parents are better than others? Let's stick to the topic at hand, not the ramblings of some movie professor....

Hmm last time I checked divorce was part of culture I said it was IMO but you don't have to agree with me. It was my opinion if you don't like it I don't really care.

People are animals no matter what country it is WDI should have put the props out of reach .


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Hmm last time I checked divorce was part of culture I said it was IMO but you don't have to agree with me. It was my opinion if you don't like it I don't really care.

People are animals no matter what country it is WDI should have put the props out of reach .

Why not just try saying the props should have been out of reach instead of justifying it with some supposed expertise from alleged movie and culture professors? You want to give an opinion, fine. Just don't wrap it in some academic empircal superiority....


Well-Known Member
This is total crap. Every generation thinks the next generation will bring about the ruin of mankind. These classes were undoubtedly written and taught by a bunch of Baby Boomers displeased that Generation X did not turn out to be the happy, hippy, liberals that they were. The kids, as always, will be better in some ways, worse in others, and pretty much the same in most cases.

TSMM, if it truly is a mess, is a mess because some people are idiots. There always have been and always will be idiots. Personally, I thought the queue looked fine when we were there in August.
Quoted for truth.


Well-Known Member
I am a child of the 80's I don't think this would surprise. I have noticed less and less respect from kids every few years. I have seen many parents with young kids giving into them too easily. I also hate that parents have there 8 year olds with cell phones and that they text.

I used to be in the same cell phone camp.

I am also a "child of the 80's" (born in 1970)

My 8 y/o does not have one - yet. She will next year. My 10 y/o does have one.

It makes life in general a LOT easier when she can call to tell me softball practice is running late or that art class at the rec center was canceled.

Right now she and her sister are in the same school, but next year she moves up to middle school, so I will be getting her sister a phone as well.

She does not sit there and texr friends or talk to them. The phone is a tool, and she uses it as such. Sure there is there occassional text to friends to arrange a meeting or ask about a class assignement, but nothing along the lines of "I m bored, wat r u doing?" Phones are also off and away the entire school day.

I am the same way with my kids with their Nintendo DS. They play them at home, or on car trips, but not in the grocery store, at restaruants waiting for dinner, in line at WDW, or any scenario like that. It's a big world with lots of people, try interacting with them.

Although I will admit, their new thing is playing 20 questions whenever we get in the car. Makes me want to beat my head on the dash sometimes :)

I am the same way with my kids with their Nintendo DS. They play them at home, or on car trips, but not in the grocery store, at restaruants waiting for dinner, in line at WDW, or any scenario like that. It's a big world with lots of people, try interacting with them.

-steps into the burning flames of the thread to make an off topic coment-

I've never brought my video games into the parks- I've never had the desire to when I was that age. I have always prefered to enjoy the queue space and to enjoy the time spent in there....instead of playing a game that I could play ANYTIME at home. I don't use my phone much, unless I'm checking to see where other people in my group are. I really enjoy watching the atmosphere....

...and not to forget, people watching. hahaha.

And to the poster about the kid releaving himself in the dressing room; I witnesseed that happen when I worked in a Supermarket. At a self checkout kiosk, the kid pulls down his pants and "lets it flow". :shrug: His dad didn't even notice!

.........."that's all I have to say about that"
^^(Let's see if anyone can guess where that quote came from)^^

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